Chapter 625 Leave
"Kisara, don't do that." I said, "You have to trust me, I'm not that kind of person."

"I don't know what kind of person you are anymore." Liu Ruyue said, "I'm completely confused now, I don't know what you are thinking, you keep saying you love me, but all this time, you The ambiguous things that are hard to let go one after another, I just trust you again, there should be a limit, right?"

"But I really have nothing to do with them," I said.

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it now." She said and was about to leave.

"Kissara." I held her back, "When something happens, why can't we calm down and solve it properly?"

"How do you think this kind of thing can be calmed down and solved?" Liu Ruyue said, "And do you think it is necessary to solve it? I would rather you tell me the truth, in fact, I can understand that for any man, Those are rare good opportunities to completely change your life and destiny, right?"

"Let me tell you this." I said, "Jiyue, you are right, facing a girl like Meng Tingyun and the family background behind her, I think most men will be moved, and I also Admittedly, some time ago, when we were having conflicts, I... did have a little shaken, but it was just a simple thought and that's all. With the reconciliation between us, I will stop that thought Didn't even think about it!"

"It's because they haven't fully agreed to you yet?" Liu Ruyue sneered. "So you don't want to let me go for the time being, in case both ends are delayed, is that right?"

"Why don't you think about it from the perspective of our relationship?" I said, "In the past two years, I have devoted so much emotion and effort to you, so that we can be together. Even almost paid the price of life, are these all hypocrisy? Is it all me acting?"

Liu Ruyue was stunned, sighed, and said, "I admit, some of this may be true. You have indeed paid a lot for us, and maybe you once loved me very much, but this does not represent the relationship between you and her. It's nothing, maybe you're not trying to figure out her family background, maybe you're just playing with her, but I'm sorry, I can't turn a blind eye to it, I really can't tolerate this kind of thing."

I wanted to cry, "What do I have to do to make you believe me? You can find her if you don't believe me, just ask her."

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood." Liu Ruyue said, "I'm going first."

"You..." I grabbed her, "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it!" she said, shaking me off.

I grabbed her again, "Kisara, look at me."

She raised her head and looked at me, with tears in her eyes, and hatred.

"Don't you really trust this person in front of you?" I said with a serious expression, "He used to be willing to do anything for you, why are you not even willing to sit down with him to clarify any misunderstandings now?"

"I spent two years getting close to you, getting to know you, and trying to get closer to you, but now I realize that I don't know you at all, not at all," she said.

"I admit, Kisaragi, during this time, it may be due to being too busy, or it may be due to other reasons. I did neglect to care and take care of you, but I did not do anything to be sorry for you, not a single thing!" I said.

"How do you make me trust you?" she said.

"I'll figure it out, I've got a way to fix this, trust me," I said.

"Let's talk." She didn't intend to listen to my explanation at all.

"Jiyue, we have been going through ups and downs, all kinds of things, and we finally reconciled a few days ago, don't do this, we can't stand any more troubles!" I said. "Toss any more, we might really break up!"

She was stunned when she turned her head, and I was also stunned. We have never talked about these two words before. She ran away from home in anger before, but she had never talked about these two words. Now that she said it suddenly, it still shocked us.

We didn't speak for a long time.

"Yu Hao," Liu Ruyue sighed, wiped away her tears, and said, "I think we should all calm down, think about it, and talk about it when we're done. I'm in a mess right now."

With that said, she picked up the box and left.

I looked at her back and stood there alone.

Oh shit!What is this called!I threw myself on the sofa, cursing myself.

Now that I think about it, I really don't blame her, if I want to blame, I blame myself, who made me have a "conviction" before, although those are just coincidences, and I have nothing to do with those women, but I put myself in Liu Ruyue's place Think about it, I am destroying her trust in me again and again, no, I must explain it clearly to her this time.

But the question is, how do I explain it?
Ask Meng Tingyun to explain to me?Forget it, it's fine if she doesn't get involved, but if she gets involved, the explanation will definitely be even more unclear.

Thinking of this, I felt dizzy, and worried that Liu Ruyue would go out in such a hurry, where would she stay at night?Nothing will happen, will it?I called her, but it was already turned off.

Then I called it several times, but it still didn't turn on. It seems that she was really angry this time.

At night, I thought I would fall asleep peacefully, but unexpectedly I still had insomnia.What's going on in this period of time recently, it feels like everything has come together, it's simply frustrating.


The next morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I hurriedly jumped out of bed and went to Liu Ruyue's room to see if she had come back, but the room was empty, obviously, she hadn't come back, which made me feel extremely disappointed.

I didn't bother to wash up, and called her again, only to find that the phone was still shutting down.

even more lost...

At this time the phone rang, I was very happy, I quickly picked it up, but was disappointed to find that it was not Liu Ruyue calling, but Meng Tingyun calling.

When I saw Meng Tingyun's name displayed on the phone, I couldn't get angry. In the final analysis, it was her fault.

"What's wrong?" I picked it up and asked angrily.

"It sounds like you are angry," Meng Tingyun said, "Did it disturb your sleep?"

"No, let's talk about it." I said.

"Guess what," Meng Tingyun said, "Third uncle suddenly notified me early this morning that a board meeting would be held."

"Isn't that normal?" I said. "Just open it."

"The point is that I feel that the atmosphere is a bit off." Meng Tingyun said, "I came to the company just now and met several shareholders. When I greeted them, their expressions seemed a little weird."

I was stunned, it was broken, this Meng Laosan looked like he was about to make a big move.

(End of this chapter)

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