me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 689 Law Enforcement

Chapter 689 Law Enforcement
Xiao Ma and I went to the construction site of Xingui.

Sure enough, several government vehicles were parked at the site, and the project had been stopped, so many workers gathered there.

I walked over and asked, "What's going on?"

Yang Weiguo was also at the scene, and when he saw me coming, he said, "Mr. Yu, they said that there is a problem with the quality of our project, and they want us to stop working."

I looked up, and the people from the government department over there also looked at me.I don't know why, but the people in the government seem to have a special temperament. You can recognize them at a glance, just like you can find their office buildings accurately when you go to a strange city.

I walked over with a smile, "Several leaders, I am the person in charge here, and my name is Yu Hao. If there is any problem, let's discuss it in the sales department. There is too much dust here."

The leading person wearing glasses, probably their leader, didn't smile at all, and said, "You're welcome, Mr. Yu, we have received a complaint from your owner that your apartment has serious problems in terms of construction quality."

I secretly felt amused, this group of people is not built to use bureaucratic excuses, our apartment has not been handed over for the first phase, where did the owners come to complain about us?

I didn't expose it at the moment, but just smiled, "That's really wronged us. Leader, the quality of our Changhai projects has always been one of the best in the industry. This is well-known in the market, and all our materials are strictly reviewed and checked. " I picked up a piece of scrap thrown on the construction site and said, "Look at the fineness of our materials, I don't think there are many in the market that can match ours."

"I'm sorry," he said seriously, "we don't do things based on word of mouth. Our responsibility is to supervise and manage the project construction quality and safety in the district. Everything is carried out according to the requirements of project quality. If you fail to meet the standards, No matter how good the reputation is, it doesn’t matter.”

He looked like he was doing business, and he probably came here with Zhao Ziqiang's mission. I knew it would be useless to apologize any longer.

"Then I would like to ask this leader, what is wrong with our project?" I asked.

"There are too many problems," he sneered, "Come and see, is there any cracks in the foundation?"

I almost vomited blood, "Small cracks in the foundation are normal, and we will repair and water them later. Can this be considered a problem?"

"You sound good, so why not fix it?" He asked rhetorically.

"There is also a construction period. We have to wait for all these small cracks to appear and repair them collectively. We won't be able to repair them one by one, right?" Xiao Ma said unconvinced.

The leader looked at Xiao Ma, "Who is in charge here? Don't talk to me. Don't have irrelevant people here to make trouble for me."

I stopped the angry pony and said to the leader, "I have the final say, but what she said is indeed the case. For this kind of problem, we will go according to the construction schedule, and we will repair it after three months. This kind of problem is irrelevant, I don’t think it is a problem of engineering quality at all.”

"You say it doesn't count?" He said, "We are responsible for the housing safety of every home owner. If something happens after this, can you take this responsibility? You are not only There's a problem with the foundation and a lot of other problems, so work has to stop right now."

I guess his so-called other problems are naturally a virtue of following the foundation, picking bones in the egg.

"Stop work because of something like that?" I said. "Isn't that unreasonable?"

"Why doesn't it make sense?" He asked angrily, "We have this power."

"If this is not a problem, we can suspend work, then go and see, the whole Binhai real estate will have to suspend work!" Xiao Ma said angrily.

"Then I don't care about it." The leader said, "We only receive complaints about your project, and we have to manage and rectify what we see! We have to be responsible for the housing safety of ordinary people."

What this grandson said was passionate and impassioned, which made my fists itch. Of course, I can't do anything, and I can't fight with them. At this time, I have to keep calm and find another way to solve it.

"Leader, let's do this. Since you said there is a problem, then we will act according to your opinion. We will immediately solve the problem you raised. Let's just forget about the shutdown." I said.

"Of course there is no problem in solving the problem, but now I feel that there is obviously a problem with your attitude, so the suspension of work for rectification, the first thing to solve is your attitude problem!" The leader said.

"Isn't that unreasonable?" I said, "You can exercise your powers, but there is no such thing? Because we have a problem with our attitude, stop working and rectify. Besides, I don't think there is any problem with our attitude."

"What's the matter?" He looked at me, "Don't you believe me? Do you think I don't have the power? Do you believe me if I let you stop until next year?"

"Of course I believe it." I said, "If you are really thinking about the housing safety of the common people, it will be really touching, but if you spread it out for other purposes, the impact may not be very good, right? ?”

The leader became anxious, "What other purpose, tell me, what other purpose?"

"You know it yourself," I said. "What's the matter? Are you going to beat people indiscriminately while enforcing the law?"

"Hit you?" He sneered, then turned around and said to his subordinates, "Leave someone here to watch, if the problem is not resolved, no one will start working for me!"

As he said that, he took the others into the car and walked away.

"Mr. Yu, what should we do now?" Xiao Ma asked me.

"Go back and talk about it." I said.

Yang Weiguo said, "Mr. Yu, what should I do here? We can't just stop working all the time. We just stopped working for a while, and finally started working. We didn't work for a few days, and now we stop? Should there be appropriate compensation to I?"

"You can talk to Boss Meng about this," I said.

As soon as I got back to the company, Meng Tingyun came to me in a hurry, "What's going on? I heard that work has been suspended?"

"They did it on purpose." Xiao Ma said indignantly, "I think it must have been obtained by our competing products. This is not law enforcement, but it's bullshit for the safety of ordinary people. It's really cool!"

"People from the government?" Meng Tingyun asked, "Isn't our government relationship well managed, and something like this will happen?"

"I don't think so, let's videotape him and post it on the Internet!" Xiao Ma said.

"This trick doesn't work for us." I said, "Our real estate is also a profiteer in the eyes of ordinary people, and we can't win much sympathy."

(End of this chapter)

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