me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 719 Raw Rice Cooked Rice

Chapter 719 Raw Rice Cooked Rice

It's broken, and what I'm worried about is still going to happen!
It seems that when talking about the core issues, Liu Ruyue still refused to cooperate.

My mother was taken aback and looked at her, "Why?"

I hurriedly winked at Liu Ruyue secretly, hoping that she would never make my mother angry. If my mother gets angry again, it may not be so easy to get her to agree to our matter.

Liu Ruyue said, "Auntie, this... After all, marriage is a big deal, we haven't thought it through too clearly. Let's talk about it after we think about it."

I just breathed a sigh of relief.

My mother smiled and said, "What is this? Let me tell you, Ruyue, there are some things that you can't wait for everything to be ready. After you have prepared everything and thought everything through clearly If you do it again, it will delay things. Sometimes, it’s good to be a little confused. You don’t need money or anything else. Let’s buy a house and get married at the end of the year. You can concentrate on having a baby."

Liu Ruyue almost fell down, and said, "But..."

I hurriedly said, "Mom, the main thing is that we are so busy now, I'm afraid we don't have time to prepare for these things."

"What's the matter?" my mother said, "You don't have to worry about it at all. Your dad and I will prepare it for you. It depends on whether you are doing it at our house or in Binhai. It can be done anywhere. You are busy with your work, and your father and I will prepare it for you."

"The main reason is this, Auntie," Liu Ruyue said, "Actually, we haven't considered whether to get married this year. I think we should wait until we think it over."

"What is there to consider?" My mother said, "Tell me, if there is anything you need to consider, I will analyze it for you."

"This..." Liu Ruyue was in trouble.

"Child," my mother said earnestly, "Mom made this decision not for anyone, but for your sake, Ruyue."

Liu Ruyue was flattered but didn't know why.

"Think about it, Ruyue, you are not young anymore." My mother said, "You are delaying getting married now, and after two years of marriage, you will be an older mother, and it will be dangerous to have children, mother This is really for your sake, otherwise I wouldn't be in such a hurry."

Liu Ruyue was a little shy, but still wanted to refute, and said, "Auntie, I understand your painstaking efforts, but there are some things that I really haven't figured out yet, wait until I figure it out."

"It doesn't matter, you think about it carefully." My mother said, "Anyway, there is still some time before the end of the year. Your dad and I will buy you a house first, and then prepare for the wedding. When you think it through, we will probably be ready." , no delay, right?"

Liu Ruyue was completely disoriented by my mother's bewitching punch.

"Okay, so it's decided." My mother said, "Tomorrow, let's go to see the house together and choose the house first."

"I...I have something to do tomorrow, Auntie," Liu Ruyue evaded, "I won't go, shall I?"

"What's the matter on the weekend?" My mother said, "Besides, you don't want to go anywhere. The most important opinion here is you. Buying a house is not a trivial matter. If we decide, you don't like it anymore, then you can return it." No."


Liu Ruyue still wanted to say something, and I was worried that if she said it again, my mother would be really angry, and quickly kicked her from the bottom.

Liu Ruyue changed her tune, "Then I'll go."

"That's right!" My mother smiled, and picked up a chopstick dish for Liu Ruyue, "Ruyue, eat more, I think you have lost weight recently."


After dinner, Liu Ruyue and my mother were washing in the kitchen. They were talking about something, I was worried that Liu Ruyue would lose her temper and tell the story between me and her, so I went in and called my mother out.

"What are you doing, my daughter-in-law and I are talking," my mother said.

"You, go out first, it's enough for Kisaragi and I to work here." I said.

"Come on," my mother said, "if you are so filial, I've never seen you help mother wash the dishes at home."

"People grow up." I said, "You can't keep judging me by the old standard."

I said without any explanation and pushed her out.

Only Liu Ruyue and I were left in the kitchen.

"Tell me, what should I do now?" Liu Ruyue asked me.

"What should I do?" I pretended to be confused.

"How do we get married?" she said, "Are you really planning to get married in such a muddle-headed way?"

While washing the dishes, I said, "Didn't you listen to what my mother said, some things, it's good to be confused, there's no need to understand everything."

She stopped what she was doing, and said, "That's nothing to worry about. I can't be confused about that kind of thing."

I know, it still falls on this matter in the end, she can't let go of this matter, can't pass this hurdle, I sighed a long sigh.

"You cooperate with my mother first," I said, "can we talk about this after she leaves?"

"Auntie, is this going to leave?" Liu Ruyue said, "I will start looking at the house tomorrow. After seeing the house, I guess I have to prepare for the wedding, right?"

"You cooperate first, and I'll figure out a way, okay?" I said, "Don't make her unhappy, if she gets upset, and later disagrees, then we have nowhere to buy regret medicine."

"I haven't agreed yet." Liu Ruyue muttered.

" look good on this necklace." I smiled.

I can't afford to offend both sides now, so I can only fool both sides.

"It's not for me." Liu Ruyue said.

"Of course I bought it for you." I said, "Let me tell you, this is called a lucky stone. Don't underestimate these two small stones. One of them comes from the center of the earth, while the other comes from outer space. ,they……"

"Yu Hao, why don't I go tomorrow?" she said.

"I'm telling you about the lucky stone," I said.

"If I said I had something urgent in the morning and didn't go, would Auntie be upset?" Liu Ruyue said.

"Look for yourself." I walked out disappointed.

I thought that she would be as moved by the story behind this lucky stone as I was, but unexpectedly she didn't listen at all.

When I was sleeping at night, my mother suddenly asked me, "Son, what's going on?"

I was taken aback, thinking she had noticed something, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"Why are you and Kisaragi still sleeping in separate rooms?" my mother asked.

"This..." I said, "Isn't this normal? We're not married yet, so it's normal to sleep in separate rooms."

"I said, why are you so stupid!" My mother looked like she hated iron and steel, "Who cares about this now! Don't you all enjoy married treatment when you are unmarried? Besides, I think Ruyue still has some concerns. This woman just thinks too much, you should hurry up and cook her raw rice, and she won't think about anything."


(End of this chapter)

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