Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 12 Let Evil Bear Good Fruits—Jews on Good and Evil

Chapter 12 Let Evil Bear Good Fruits—Jews on Good and Evil (1)
The Jews are a nation that promotes goodness, but also a nation that has a very rational and calm attitude towards evil. The latter quality is particularly commendable.

As the "Talmud" says: what people care most about is to turn evil into justice, and turn ignorance into knowledge.

have forgiveness
The Jews are a nation that promotes goodness, but also a nation that has a very rational and calm attitude towards evil. The latter quality is particularly commendable.In the eyes of the Jews, evil itself is omnipresent, in the Garden of Eden, and elsewhere. "Talmud" said that when God sent a flood to drown the unjust people, he told the righteous man Noah in advance, let him build a big boat, and the whole family took refuge on the boat, and all the animals were divided into one male and one female. Come together, bring a pair of each.At that time, Shan Wenxun also rushed to find Noah and asked to board a boat for refuge.However, it was rejected by Noah.Noah said: "I can only let the male and female couples get on the boat." So the good had to run back to the woods, looking for someone who could be a couple with him, and finally found the evil, and they boarded the boat together in pairs. the ark.Henceforth, where there is good, there must be evil.That is to say, the Jews basically see evil as something that exists normally and is part of the world, just as Noah took not only clean animals but also unclean animals with him on his ark.

In dealing with people, measurement directly affects whether the relationship between people can develop harmoniously.Contradictions often occur between people, some are due to different levels of understanding, and some are caused by momentary misunderstandings.If we can forgive others with the measure of tolerance, we can win time.Contradictions can be eased. On the contrary, if the scale is not large, then even small matters will be haggled and quarreled with each other, which will hurt feelings and affect friendship.In this world, we each go our own way in life, there are many disturbances, collisions are inevitable, and the most kind-hearted people will inevitably hurt others' hearts.

In the [-]th century, French scientists Proust and Bessole were a pair of opponents.They have been arguing about the law of constant ratio for [-] years, and they all insist on their own views and refuse to give in to each other.The final result is that Proust won the victory and became the inventor of the scientific law of definite ratio.

However, Proust did not get carried away by this, and carried himself away.He sincerely said to Bessole, his opponent who had been arguing fiercely with him for nine years: "If you didn't blame me again and again, it would be very difficult for me to study the laws further." At the same time, Proust especially told everyone It is announced that half of the credit for the discovery of the law of definite ratio belongs to Bessole, and they jointly made the law known to the world.

In Proust's view, Bessole's censure and fierce criticism are a rare incentive for his research, and it is Bessole who is helping him to improve himself.This is the same as the principle in nature that "deer run faster only because of wolves".

Proust's tolerance is broad and wise. He allows others to oppose, doesn't care about others' attitudes, fully sees the strengths of others, is good at absorbing nutrition from others, and affirms and recognizes the help of others.It is precisely because he is good at tolerance and absorbing the opinions of others that he makes himself successful.

This kind of tolerance is really touching. Thinking of the phenomenon of slandering each other, suppressing and crowding out, competing for fame and fortune, etc., which are common in the scientific world, it makes honest people feel chilled. The so-called civilized people are only so civilized.

The friendship between the famous astronomers Tycho and Kopler is a beautiful song of tolerance.

Kopler was a German astronomer in the [-]th century. When he was young and not yet famous, he wrote a pamphlet about celestial bodies, which won the appreciation of the famous astronomer Tycho at that time.At that time, Tycho was doing astronomical research in Prague. Tycho sincerely invited Kepler, who had never met before, to cooperate with him in research.

Excited, Kopler rushed to Prague with his wife and daughter.Unexpectedly, on the way, the poor Kopler fell ill.When Tycho learned about it, he hurriedly sent money for emergency, which helped Copler to tide over the difficulties.Later, because of his wife, Copler and Tycho had a misunderstanding, and because he was not received by the king immediately, Copler speculated that it was Tycho's mischief, so he wrote a letter to Tycho and abused Tycho. , leave without saying goodbye.In fact, Tycho is also a very bad tempered person, but being insulted by this, Tycho seemed surprisingly calm.He liked this young man so much that he decided that his development in astronomical research would have a bright future.He immediately asked his secretary to write to Copler to explain the reason, and sincerely invited him to return to Prague on behalf of the king.

Copler was infected by Tycho's broad mind and cooperated with Tycho again. Soon after the two of them cooperated, Tycho became seriously ill.Before he died, Tycho handed over all his materials and manuscripts to Kopler.This full trust touched Copler.Based on these materials, Kopler later sorted out the famous "Lutherford's Biography of Astronomy" to comfort Tycho's spirit in heaven.

The ocean-like tolerance made Tycho leave a brilliant story of humanity in the history of science.This kind of tolerance is like the clear sky after the rain, fresh and vast, spotless.

When we hate an enemy, our hearts are filled with rage, which is tantamount to giving them the power to overcome, and that power interferes with our sleep, our appetite, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.Our enemies would be delighted if they knew how they troubled us and made us feel vengeful.The hatred in our hearts can't hurt them at all, but it makes our lives like hell.

Some people say that forgiveness is a sign of weakness, which is wrong.Retribution cannot heal the scars in the heart, it can only bind the injured and the injured on the endless chariot of resentment.Former Indian Prime Minister Gandhi Gandhi said it well: If we all regard the justice of eye-for-an-eye as the standard of life, then people all over the world will probably become blind.

After the Second World War, the scientist Lehoud Leebuch also said this maxim: "We must eventually reconcile with our enemies, lest we both die in the vicious circle of hatred."

Within the same alliance, forgiveness is an effective way to eliminate internal conflicts; for like-minded groups, only by continuously forgiving can they achieve mutual success in their careers.

have a tolerant heart

In the "Talmud", there is a story of Joseph accepting his brother, which is regarded by the Jews as a model of how to behave in the world.

Joseph was the son of Jacob. He was ostracized by his elder brother and sold to Egypt as a slave when he was a child. Later, Joseph became a high official in Egypt.

There was a famine one year, and Joseph's brothers fled all the way to Egypt.When Joseph found his brothers, he stepped forward and said, "I'm Joseph, how is father?"

However, the brothers couldn't believe it was true, and couldn't answer for a while, and they were all dumbfounded.

Joseph said to his brothers again: "Please come closer."

As the brothers approached, Joseph said, "I am your brother Joseph, and you sold me into Egypt."

The brothers still couldn't believe it.But when they understood that everything was true, seeing the younger brother in front of them being so glorious and majestic, they were too scared to speak.

Then the brothers heard Joseph say, "Now, don't blame yourselves for selling me here; God sent me here to save my life."

So God and not you sent me here. "

Joseph's words are actually a way of dealing with people leniently and turning enemies into friends.This is the Jewish way of life.

The reason why the Jews have left their footprints in every corner of the world and created commercial achievements that have impressed the world, although from time to time because of their own "sudden wealth" or acting as "blood-sucking" usurers Trampled and killed by aliens, but they can survive as a weak nation with their own beliefs and outstanding achievements, which is a miracle in itself.In a sense, the Jewish morality of respecting others—mutual respect and mutual tolerance—is the art that supports them to survive under the pressure of fierce competition and the cracks of power.

(End of this chapter)

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