Pillow Book of Talmud Wisdom

Chapter 15 Achievement and Wisdom Always Go Together—Jews on Shrewdness

Chapter 15 Achievement and Wisdom Always Go Together—Jews on Shrewdness (2)
knowledge decides destiny
Once upon a time, the Jews were constantly expelled and hunted down, and their wealth was plundered arbitrarily, but what could not be taken away was their knowledge to obtain wealth.It is precisely because they have such an invincible magic weapon that they make a comeback again and again.Knowledge has become the most precious thing in Jewish life.

In any part of the world, with the knowledge they can take with them, Jews can join various industries with high knowledge requirements and high mobility, especially finance, business, education, technology, lawyers, entertainment, media, etc. industry.Nearly half of Wall Street elites have Jewish ancestry, and 30% of lawyers are Jewish; more than half of technology personnel are Jewish, especially in the IT industry. Jews are also very good. Jews are in charge of the New York Times, Washington Times, "Newsweek", "Wall Street Journal", and the three major US television networks ABC, CBS, and NBC, Time Warner, MGM, Fox, and Parker were also pioneered by Jews.Jews account for nearly 400% of the top [-] richest people in the United States.The enumeration of these figures may seem boring, but we have to lament the mysterious intellectual power of the Jewish nation.Knowledge can radiate such great power in this ancient nation. It is knowledge that has saved and revived this ancient and young nation.

Jews attach equal importance to formal school education and self-education.As we all know, school is a place to acquire basic knowledge, and a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills can only be grown on the basis of practice or professional learning.In addition, due to individual circumstances and conditions, they were found to have received formal education differently.Therefore, Jews are very concerned about their own skills to acquire knowledge independently, and guide their work practice from it.

In the eyes of the Jews, knowledge and money are directly proportional. Only rich experience and extensive business knowledge can avoid detours and make mistakes in the business field. This is the fundamental guarantee for making money and the basic quality of a businessman.A person who can only observe things from one angle is not only unfit to be a businessman, but also cannot be regarded as a complete person.And the Jews are willing to make deals with knowledgeable people when they do business.

Those who are not interested in books, or those who are "too busy to read", will eventually be eliminated by the rapids of the times.

When the car king Ford was young, he worked as a clerk in a machinery store, and his weekly salary was only 2.05 US dollars, but he spent 2.03 yuan a week to buy mechanical books.When he got married, he had nothing of value but a huge pile of assorted mechanical magazines and books.It was these books that made Ford step forward to the mechanical world he had longed for, and created a great career.After becoming famous, Ford once said: "For young people, learning the knowledge and skills necessary to make money in the future is far more important than saving money."

It has been proven that the most educated people are often self-taught or self-educated.What makes people educated is not only a degree, education includes not only knowledge, but more importantly-the use of knowledge to obtain methods and persistent problems.Insufficient education is not good for personal growth.Darwin who published "The Theory of Evolution" said: "The most valuable thing in my knowledge is all learned by myself."

What is valuable to us is not the fact that we went to school, but the attitude towards learning.

An ignorant person, even if he is alive, is just a walking dead!When Ren Mo, a scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was 14 years old, he did not have a regular teacher. He carried a bookcase on his back, and he was not afraid of long distances and dangers, so he searched for teachers everywhere.He often said: "If a person does not study, how can he achieve anything?" Sometimes, he lived in a small hut in the woods, cut branches to make pens during the day, and drew tree sap as ink to write; Under the light of the stars and the moon, he read books; when encountering a moonless night, he lit marijuana, wormwood, etc. to illuminate.If you have any experience in reading, write it on your clothes so as not to forget it.The students admired his diligence and were willing to exchange clean clothes for his old clothes full of words.

A person who is eager to learn is still alive even though he is dead.Learning, you can aspire; learning, you can become a talent.

People who don't study are poor, and people who don't seek to advance are even more terrifying. Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't move forward, you can only retreat.

Learning is a compulsory course for everyone. It is the fastest and best way to narrow the gap between yourself and outstanding molecules, and it is also the most effective way to realize your ideals.

We are in the era of knowledge economy, and more and more examples of knowledge changing destiny and knowledge creating wealth are presented in front of us.What everyone has to do is to quickly change themselves, join the ranks of learning, constantly enrich their knowledge system, improve their knowledge structure, and make themselves a knowledge-based employee.

People who have a job have limited time in a day except for working time, so they need to squeeze out time for learning, and accumulate bit by bit.

Reading is a good choice.Choose some professional books and management books in a targeted manner, read them after work, absorb the latest and most cutting-edge knowledge, improve your knowledge structure and knowledge system, supplement knowledge nourishment, and better serve your own work and your career design.

Books are the ladder of human progress.Reading is learning from people who are many times smarter than yourself, and it is a kind of "gold digging" labor.The process of reading is a process of dialogue with experts. The book condenses the essence of knowledge of experts, scholars, and outstanding individuals.Through reading, we can easily obtain the experience of experts and scholars, and then guide ourselves.

Attending a seminar is also a good idea to try.Because the best way to learn is to communicate with others. Through communication, you can directly form a collision of views, exchange experiences, exchange ideas, and then gain inspiration and motivation.Exchanging experience is different from exchanging specific items. After two people exchange items, the items no longer belong to them.But after the experience exchange, everyone has the experience of two people.

Therefore, we should go out more, participate in discussions and seminars on related topics, share experiences with others, exchange ideas, broaden our horizons, and broaden our thinking.

In order to better perfect our own ideals and better achieve our goals, we need to make continuous efforts, constantly improve and surpass ourselves, and successfully realize our ideals.

learning changes lives
The Jews attach great importance to knowledge, and they regard books as knowledge.There are many good words about books in the Talmud: "When a person travels, if he finds a book that the people in his hometown have never seen, he will definitely buy it and bring it back to his hometown to share with the people in his hometown."

"When life is difficult, you have to sell things to get by. You should sell gold, houses and land first. At the last moment, you still can't sell any books."

"Even if you are an enemy, when he borrows a book from you, you must lend it to him, otherwise you will become the enemy of knowledge."

"Never use a bookmark that will harm the book."

"Think of books as your friends, and bookshelves as your garden! You should rejoice in the beauty of books, pick their fruits and flowers."

For the Jews, books are knowledge, so they regard books as their lives.

In 1736 AD, the Jewish Quarter of Latvia enacted a law stipulating that when someone came to borrow a book, anyone who did not lend him the book would be fined.In addition, there is a tradition passed down from generation to generation in Jewish families, that is, the bookcase should be placed at the end of the bed, because if it is placed at the end of the bed, it will be disrespectful to books, which is absolutely forbidden.

It is precisely because of this emphasis on books that the Jews have become a very learned nation.

Many people think that learning is only a matter of adolescence, and only school is the place for learning. They are already adults and have already entered the society, so there is no need to study anymore, except for obtaining a diploma.

An expert from the University of Cambridge pointed out: "This kind of view seems reasonable at first glance, but it is actually wrong. It is natural to learn in school, so don't you need to learn again when you go out of school? Those things learned in school, Is that enough?

"Actually, what we learn in school is very limited. A lot of knowledge and skills needed in work and life are not in textbooks, nor are they taught to us by teachers. These things are completely dependent on our learning in practice. while groping.

"It can be said that if we do not continue to learn, we will not be able to obtain the knowledge needed for life and work, and will not be able to adapt ourselves to the rapidly changing era. Not only will we not be able to do our jobs well, but we will be in danger of being eliminated by the times."

After some people leave school and join the society, they often no longer pay attention to study. It seems that there are enough things in their heads, and if they study again, their heads will burst.But I don't know that what I have learned in school is only some basic knowledge, and the quantity is very limited, which is far from the actual needs.

Especially in today's rapid development of science and technology, we can only enrich and deepen ourselves by learning, learning, and re-learning with greater enthusiasm and eagerness, so that we can continuously improve our overall quality in order to better devote ourselves to the world. at work and in business.


Therefore, learning has become a necessary choice anytime, anywhere.

"Use learning to create profits." This has been recognized as a current and future "winning" strategy by the management and business circles.

The ruler is short and the inch is long. Even a saint has shortcomings, but once a wise person knows what his strengths are, he will make good use of them to cover up his weaknesses.

Knowledge is the most reliable wealth

There is a story among the Jews:
There is a ship sailing on the sea, and there are many rich and wealthy people and a poor rabbi on board.During the conversation, the millionaires couldn't help showing off their huge wealth and arguing with each other.At this time, the impoverished rabbi expressed his opinion: "Should we talk about wealth? I am still the richest, but I can't prove it yet." It seems that there is indeed God's arrangement in the dark. During the voyage, A group of pirates attacked the ship mercilessly, and the rich people's proud wealth was looted, and all of them became penniless paupers.After the pirates left, the ship had to anchor in a port due to lack of funds to continue sailing.All the passengers on board disembarked and could only rely on their own ability to make a living.The rabbi was valued by people for his knowledge, and he was invited by the local residents to be a teacher. In their eyes, only noble and lucky people can engage in this profession.But those rich men who traveled with the rabbis were precarious and struggling to survive.Later, the rich people told the rabbi sincerely: "You are still right. A person who has wealth will lose everything overnight, but a person with knowledge will always be rich. If you have knowledge, you have everything."

The conclusion drawn by the Jews from this story is: "Knowledge is the most reliable wealth, the only asset that can be carried with you and enjoyed inexhaustibly throughout your life."This concept is not a temporary view, but has long been rooted in the minds of the Jewish nation.

(End of this chapter)

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