Chapter 1397

The car slowly stopped at the gate of the nursing home in the suburbs.

It was very remote, and there were not many vehicles seen along the way. In the vast white snow, this nursing home looked very strange and cold.

The rusty iron door sounded with an ear-piercing 'squeak'.

Du Ruoyi and Qin Mosheng walked in through the small iron gate.

The one who led them was an old man in his 60s who walked with a limp.

Seeing this, Du Ruoyi couldn't help frowning, "Why did you bring my sister to such a place? Don't you know that her time is running out!"

She stopped and couldn't help asking coldly.

Facing Du Ruoyi's sudden questioning, Qin Mosheng ignored Du Ruoyi's question and just glanced at him and continued walking forward.

The man's words, which were as cold as winter, hit her hard.

"Du Ruoyi, you don't even want to see your sister, why are you asking me here now?"

His words are very straightforward.

Because of Qin Mosheng's words, Du Ruoyi stayed where she was and didn't move. It was obviously a light snowflake, but now it fell on her body, but it felt as if it weighed a thousand catties.

Qin Mosheng noticed that Du Ruoyi didn't keep up.

He turned around and looked at Du Ruoyi coldly and continued, "I'm only pretending to be sad now, don't you think it's a bit fake?"

This word seemed to irritate Du Ruoyi, she turned around stiffly to look at Qin Mosheng, and pulled out a self-deprecating smile: "Mr. Qin, we are just right."

The world is as black as crows.

Don't despise anyone.

Du Ruoyi's smile and these words made Qin Mosheng feel very intrusive and annoying.

She faced the snow with her head sullen and walked slowly towards Qin Mosheng, then slowly passed him, and walked towards the uncle who stopped at the gate of the nursing building.

At this moment, she didn't have the courage to look at Qin Mosheng again.

Because her only courage has been exhausted in that sentence just now.

The two came to the nursing building.

A pungent smell of disinfectant instantly captured the nasal cavity of the two of them, and Du Ruoyi frowned subconsciously.

This smell is too pungent and strong.

It seemed that the entire nursing home was soaked in disinfectant water, without any other smell at all.

Walking into the lobby of the nursing building, the front desk is an old wooden counter, guarded only by a yawning nurse on duty. The place that should be warm is actually a bit colder than the outside.

"What are you two doing?" the nurse asked lazily.

"I'm here to see the patients in Room 1977." Qin Mosheng casually announced the room number.

The nurse who was a bit indifferent at first regained her spirits in an instant, and immediately raised her drooping eyelids, and she saw that he was a handsome guy!
More importantly, the dean had told them before that the patient in room 1977 was the VVVIP of the hospital.

The nurse restrained the lazy attitude just now, stretched out her hand to pull her hair around her ears, and said in a slightly soft tone: "Please register your names here."

"No need." Qin Mosheng said coldly.


Just when she was about to say something to convince Qin Mosheng to leave his name, hurried footsteps interrupted her.

"Mr. Qin, you are here." The dean walked towards them with a little obsequiousness.

Qin Mosheng nodded and said to the dean who came to him, "Take me there."

"Okay, please, Mr. Qin here." The dean enthusiastically led the way for the two of them, and stared at the nurse who just asked for his name.

Seeing this, the nurse's face paled slightly, and immediately sat back obediently to the position just now.

(End of this chapter)

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