Chapter 351

Song Wei arrived at the reception at night. It was in a botanical manor, where the flowers and vines were full of European gardening style. The reception was in full swing. The staff at the door saw that Song Wei was dressed in an extraordinary way and let them go.

This is a wine tasting event where the threshold is not too high, and almost everyone can enter.

It was precisely because of this that Song Wei decided to come to Dongshan and take this opportunity to get in touch with the real estate boss in Dongshan.

After Song Wei joined the meeting, a waiter immediately brought red wine, and Song Wei couldn't refuse, not to mention that it was not appropriate for her to be empty-handed when everyone else was holding a wine glass, so she took a glass and held it in her hand, which seemed more gregarious.

She found a quiet place to sit down, quietly watching the people coming and going in the manor.

Before she came, she read the information given by Wang Yu. The other party was Fu Jingyuan. The Fu family was a veritable leading enterprise in Dongshan, comparable to the status of the Lu family in Jiangbei. Fu Jingyuan was young and promising but had a bad temper.

He once said a word in front of the media:

As long as I can survive outside, I will never come back to inherit the family property.

It is well known that this big boss does not like to do business. I heard that the heir of the Fu family was not him at first, but his elder brother. Unfortunately, a car accident took away his elder brother, and he was kicked out to do business. Fu's successor.

Song Wei called up Fu Jingyuan's photo from his mobile phone, and compared and searched among the crowd.

With too much attention, she didn't notice that there was a person sitting beside her. The person glanced at her mobile phone and said in a low voice, "Miss, what are you looking at?"

Song Wei's heart trembled in fright, she put away her phone in an instant, and turned her head to look at the person who came.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you will be confused when you look at it.

The man was sitting in the wicker chair with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine in his hand. His facial features were handsome and three-dimensional, his expression was half a smile, and the deep eyes under his handsome eyebrows seemed to be able to speak, with a hint of deep interest.

Song Wei didn't care about admiring his appearance, but felt very familiar.

Hastily glanced at the phone, then at the man, oh, the person on the phone is sitting in front of her wantonly at the moment.

"Hello... Mr. Fu." Song Wei quickly adjusted his mood.

Fu Jingyuan looked Song Weiyi up and down, and slightly hooked his lips: "You recognize me? Miss looks very unfamiliar, isn't she from Dongshan?"

Song Wei lowered his eyes and smiled, "I'm Song Wei from Jiangbei Jiasong Group. I sent you an email a few days ago."

"Oh..." Fu Jingyuan suddenly realized.

Song Wei smiled again, thinking that the character in front of her was not easy to mess with, and she had to be cautious again and again.

"So you are Song Wei..." Fu Jingyuan looked Song Wei up and down meaningfully, frowned, and said, "I remember that Jia Song went to Bolu? Bolu is a real estate company that sweeps you all over Jiangnan and Jiangbei. Why do you still pay attention?" Come to Dongshan to find me to cooperate?"

Song Wei's expression was stagnant, and he was still a little upset when he heard the sentence of going to Bolu.

Either it is said that she wants to develop Jiasong as soon as possible, and when people mention it in the future, Jiasong and Bolu are rightly matched, or they are evenly matched, and they are walking side by side.

It's not about who is the appendage of who, who depends on whom to live, and who is attached to whom.

"Mr. Fu, can I refuse to answer this question?"

"No." Fu Jingyuan sipped his red wine with a dignified posture. After a pause, he changed his attention again and squinted his eyes to look at Song Wei. "If you punish yourself with a drink, I won't ask."

Punish yourself with a cup?
(End of this chapter)

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