Lu Shao is remarrying again

Chapter 370 Song Wei Doesn't Believe That Such a Man Has No Ambitions

Chapter 370 Song Wei Doesn't Believe That Such a Man Has No Ambitions

Seeing that Lu Chengchen was about to leave with Song Wei, the fourth uncle also sighed and got up: "It's been a long time since I talked to the boss personally, everyone, I'm sorry."

Those present couldn't see that he wanted to leave, they all responded with a smile on their faces, and they were already scolding their mothers in their hearts.

Isn't it just because of his status in Bolu, because he is a capable partner beside Lu Chengchen, he looks down on these people who have a meal with him, really think that he is right with his master?Lu Chengchen still doesn't know if he can continue to be at the helm.

There was another sound of a car engine outside.

Through the living room door, one could see Shen Chuan getting out of the car with a woman, the look of contempt in everyone's eyes became stronger, and some even snorted.

In the back garden, a hundred flowers bloom.

The beauty of the garden in early autumn cannot be described in words. Every variety of flowers is striving to bloom, competing for beauty in this small garden.

Lu Qi was running on the lawn with a few children, and this time her dog came again.

With Lu Shiqing around, Song Wei hardly spoke. Lu Chengchen saw that she was not used to it, leaned over and whispered in her ear: "You go to Lu Qi, I'll talk to Fourth Uncle for a while."

Song Wei nodded, "Okay."

It happened that she was also very uncomfortable, Lu Shiqing was an elder after all, and when Lu Shiqing looked at her, she always felt like watching a good show, which made her very uncomfortable.

In her opinion, Lu Shiqing was also an unpredictable man, and such a man's abilities had always been extraordinary.

Indeed, Lu Shiqing did have the ability.

But he has the ability but he doesn't want to use it, and he has no ambitions. Lu Qiyuan's favorite successor was him at the beginning, but he refused immediately. He didn't even want to join Bolu, which almost drove Lu Qiyuan to death.

Later, it was Lu Qiyuan's strong request that he reluctantly entered Bolu and became an insignificant little manager.

Song Wei didn't believe that such a man had no ambitions.

It is estimated that the bigger reason lies with the fourth aunt.

The fourth aunt's temperament is very calm at first glance, she laughs when she is happy, and hates when she is unhappy, and she is angry with the air. If Lu Shiqing really takes over the entire Bolu and becomes the helm of the entire Lu family, then her body As a wife, life must not be as comfortable as it is now.

As the saying goes, one thing surrenders another, and Lu Shiqing was also surrendered by Ji Yuqiong.

The long skirt that Song Wei wore today inevitably dragged the floor when she stepped on the lawn, and the hem of the skirt was slightly lifted.

The children were playing around, but Lu Qi's chubby body ran very briskly. She didn't step forward to disturb her, but walked to the gardening chair and sat down, watching the children running happily on the lawn with the corners of her lips curled up.

Lu Qi's dog ran the happiest.

Although the Labrador breed has the same bulky body as Lu Qi, it runs like a wind.

For some reason, the dog saw Song Wei suddenly, and ran towards Song Wei excitedly with a bark, its big ears pressed against the back of its head against the wind, and its halazi flew wildly in the wind.

Song Wei was startled, it was too late when he wanted to run away, and he subconsciously covered his stomach.

But I didn't want the dog to come to a sudden stop first——

With a plop, he fell over and rolled all the way to Song Wei's feet. He quickly got up, raised his head and yelled at Song Wei again, and the grass blades on his head fell with his movements.

Song Wei looked at it with a muddy nose, and couldn't help laughing with a poof.

"Peter still remembers you." A cold voice sounded from not far away.

Song Wei looked up, and saw Lu Qi walking unhurriedly, with an obvious alienation on her chubby face.

(End of this chapter)

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