Lu Shao is remarrying again

Chapter 914 3 Views Follow 5 Officials

Chapter 914 The Three Views Follow the Five Senses

This news was like a bomb, blasting the lake surface that was only rippling into big splashes, causing waves one after another.

The opponent was Lu Chengchen, and those CP fans seemed to explode.

The entertainment media is more like a hungry wolf discovering the meat, rushing to the hospital one after another, and even the security guards of the hospital can't stop it.

A Jiangbei Bolu Group is just the tip of the iceberg in the world or even in the whole country.

But in the era of Internet and big data, there are only a few companies that can make a name for themselves in real estate. Counting up, Lu Qiyuan is also one of the overlords of the era. With the addition of the eldest grandson of the Lu family, Lu Chengchen is well known to everyone.

The media are busy with face-to-face interviews.

Netizens are secretly poking at Lu Chengchen, including Song Wei, and a few members of the Lu family, all of whom have been stripped clean. They didn't even escape the annexation of Jiasong by Bolu many years ago. That incident has already spread in the Jiangbei circle.

The media had also reported before that Lu Chengchen spent the Spring Festival with the mysterious woman hotel. Now it seems that there is a definite answer to who the mysterious woman is.

Now, the Lu Chengchen understood by Yangyang netizens is a scumbag and a villain.

Even the title of model couple they got when they ate hot pot before was rumored to be hype.

But things can't be seen one-sidedly, some people say that the shopping mall is so cruel, not to mention that Lu Chengchen has no relationship with Song Wei, and people always love Du Ruolin who gave up her life to save him.

A man has his mission, and Lu Chengchen lives it very clearly.

Later, Song Wei reunited with Lu Chengchen regardless of previous suspicions, which really added a lot of points to him, making people think that this man must have merit. It is not as shocking as what was exposed today.

Although this man is scumbag, he looks good.

As the saying goes, as long as the villain looks good, the three views follow the five senses!
Many people actually supported Lu Chengchen's approach, and they were even more looking forward to it. Now that the incident is exposed and Du Ruolin returns, what will Song Wei do, and what will Lu Chengchen choose.

Around ten o'clock, more than a dozen media went upstairs, and the cameras captured him and Du Ruolin.

Same frame for the first time.

Du Ruolin's face was still a little pale, but even so, she still couldn't hide her beauty. Beside him was Lu Chengchen, with deep and well-defined facial features, and the picture was not awkward at all.

"Mr. Lu, there are rumors that Ms. Du committed suicide for you, is it true?"

"Mr. Lu, can you explain your relationship with Ms. Du now? I heard that you and your ex-wife, Ms. Song, are living together. Does she know about your relationship?"

"Ms. Du, who is the third party between you and Ms. Song?"

The media always hit the nail on the head, poking at the vitals of the parties involved.

Lu Chengchen's face was very serious, and he stared coldly at the reporter who was asking questions about the third-party topic. The reporter shrank his head, and someone took him away from the scene in the next second.

Du Ruolin's complexion was not very good.

"Everyone be quiet." She comforted softly, still with a gentle smile: "Your questions, we can answer your questions naturally, and as for Song Wei, does he know about me and Lu..."

"I'm here."

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded amidst the sound of shutters. The volume was not high, but it was clear and powerful enough to resound throughout the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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