Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 101 The Redemption of the Mermaid 24

Chapter 101 The Redemption of the Mermaid 24
After finishing all the preparations, Gu Muqiu began to lie down and rest, but it was impossible for her to relax completely, she just lay down for a while, physical strength is especially important for her now.

The wound on her wrist has no tendency to heal at all, and now the bones can be vaguely seen, and it is still spreading to the surroundings, which looks very terrifying.

Right now, she doesn't know how many missionaries are lurking outside, but there won't be too few. She needs a careful layout without any loopholes, otherwise there will be no chance of escape.

It seemed that all the taskers were waiting for the night to fall on this day, as if they could hide the killing without any guilt. In the last few hours, they began to race against time.

In the dark night, Gu Muqiu suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes flashed cold, and then slowly became warm and full of softness.

"They're here." Xiao Bai heard Gu Muqiu's gentle voice.

Gu Muqiu quickly adapted to the darkness and then slowly moved outside, because there was no light in the palace because of her.

"Are you sure 001 is inside." The man's voice was tinged with suspicion.

"It must be inside, I have been observing for a long time." He did observe outside for a long time, and many missionaries went in during the period, but they never came out.

It must be 001 without a doubt.

And the main system didn't give a hint, and only the 001 system can cover the monitoring of the main system.

He thought he couldn't deal with 001 alone, so he found a helper.

However, he is not familiar with this person, he just met outside and decided to join forces temporarily.

"It's agreed that the points will be divided equally." Another man's voice sounded again.

"Can the points be divided equally?" Gu Muqiu raised his eyebrows.

"As long as both parties are willing, it is theoretically possible." Xiao Bai's cheerful voice sounded.

The organization is very humane in these aspects. In theory, it is possible to form a team in the trial world, which can also test the teamwork spirit of the taskers.

But Xiaobai thinks that her host doesn't need to team up with others at all, and even if she tells her, she won't be willing.

After all, does his own host seem like someone who obeys the arrangement?

Just don't hurt others.

Moreover, teamwork also has many disadvantages. His own host is 001, so if someone finds out, he will undoubtedly fall into the trap of himself.

The two were still discussing the issue of scoring points, not realizing the danger at all.

"Let's look for it separately." It's too big here, and I don't know when we will find it.

After speaking, the man randomly chose a side to go in.

"Be careful." The other person walked to the other side naturally.

Gu Muqiu followed one of them closely.

The man seemed to be aware of the abnormal fluctuations in the water flow behind him, he quickly turned around to distance himself from the back, his body was in a defensive posture, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

Because he is set as a mermaid, his reaction speed is very fast.

But what he didn't know was that after pulling away, he happened to fall within the attack range calculated by Gu Muqiu.

"Good evening." Gu Muqiu patted his shoulder and said silently.

There was a moment of panic in the man's eyes, but it was only a moment, because he had no chance to react. Gu Muqiu quickly swiped the knife with his hand, and the man's expression slowly froze on his face. No sound was made.

Gu Muqiu left this place quickly, because the smell of blood would attract other taskers very quickly.

She also killed another tasker in the same way. After doing this, she obviously felt a sense of powerlessness in her body, and her head was dizzy for a while.

But not yet.

These days, she has figured out all the routes of this palace. She quickly reached the garden in front of the little mermaid palace, and then she didn't plan to do anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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