Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 105 Resentment Elimination Department 1

Chapter 105 Resentment Elimination Department 1
"Dirty." Gu Muqiu looked at Xiao Bai with disgust in her eyes, and she kicked Xiao Bai away mercilessly.

Xiao Bai was kicked by her so hard that he turned around on the ground.

"Host, they are only caring about you, why do you treat them like this." Xiao Bai's voice was full of accusations, and he patted his sore butt aggrieved.

It was so painful that it was about to burst into tears, how could there be such a hateful host as its own host in the world.

The lady next door is better, she has a beautiful voice and a sweet temper, she is simply the goddess in its heart.

God, please listen to its call and change a host for it!

It got up and looked at Gu Muqiu, saying, "You are ruthless, you are indifferent, and you are making trouble for no reason." ' look.

Gu Muqiu raised her eyebrows, should she cooperate with the idiot Tong's performance: "How heartless I am, how indifferent I am, how unreasonable I am to make trouble." '?
It can't be a solo show, no.

But the picture is too beautiful for Gu Muqiu to imagine, so she is still going to talk about something serious.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been more than a month." Speaking of this matter, Xiaobai was a little serious, and even the pain in his butt was diluted a lot.

It found that its host seemed to have a damaged soul, which was why it had been sleeping for so long.

This is a very dangerous thing, is it because of the law of space?

At this moment, Gu Muqiu's eyes are also darkened, can't that ability be used often?
She herself felt the damage to her soul, the exhaustion from the depths of her soul.

"Host, there is something I haven't had time to tell you. You have the highest points for this mission." Although the host did not live to the end of the trial world, her points were the highest among all the questers.

"Because the host didn't survive to the end, it is tied for first place with another quester."

It can be said that this is a relatively rare thing. In the past trial world, the taskers who survived to the end generally had the highest points.

And this time, the code name of the tasker who tied for the first place with his own host is simply unforgettable--222.

"The main system said that since both of them are number one, the reward will be cancelled." Xiaobai knew how the main system, who is so stingy, would be willing to give away something good.

But what it didn't expect was that his face would be so thick, and the reward would be cancelled.

Anyway, it is increasingly looking down on the system of the main system.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

Rewards are dispensable to her, and she has not gained nothing in this world.

She took out the knife she got from the trial world and played with it in her hand.

It was rare to find such a handy tool, how could she let it go.

The skeleton inlaid on the handle of the knife seemed to have a consciousness of its own, giving off a cold air.

And it seems that because of the blood in the trial world, the resentment on the knife has increased a lot, and it looks more sinister.

". This--Host, how did you get this thing out?" And it doesn't know yet, it can't be brought out casually.

"Can I say it came out by itself?" Gu Muqiu smiled elegantly and warmly, as if explaining a fact.

Xiaobai: "." Is it really like this? ? ?It's amazing!

Hmph, trust me.

Why doesn't it follow others, but just follow you.

"Need me to send it back?" Gu Muqiu looked at Xiaobai's obvious disbelief and asked seriously.

"No need." Xiaobai seemed to feel the powerlessness coming from the depths of the program.

Do you think that the trial world is where you go in when you want to go in, and come out when you want to come out?
Forget it, forget it, anyway, the guy in the main system didn't find out, so what can it say.

And since the stingy guy in the main system didn't prepare a reward, then take this as a reward for the host.

Xiaobai was crazily comforting himself at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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