Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 117 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 10

Chapter 117 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 10
Chen Weihong was thinking about the little girl at the front desk when she heard the system announce another task.

"—Ding, system task: Gain Qi Le's favorability at the front desk, and make her favorability with the players reach [-]."

If the favorability level reaches sixty, it can be said that I like it very much.

There was a gleam of joy on Chen Weihong's face, it wasn't because he was sentimental, it was a task assigned by the system, and he just wanted to complete the task.

When he walked downstairs to the company, he saw Qi Le, she was joking with her colleagues, she didn't know what they were talking about, her fair face was a little red.

Qi Le has a fair oval face, eyes that look like pools of clear water under his brows, and delicate pink lips that are about to linger, looking pure and charming.

"Hey, Lele, there's a handsome guy over there who's been staring at you." The colleague poked Qi Le with his elbow, with a smile in his voice.

"What kind of handsome guy is that?" Qi Le obviously didn't believe it.

But she still turned her head and saw Chen Weihong who was walking towards her, and she happened to meet his charming eyes, she was stunned for a few seconds before she realized, she immediately looked away, her face became even more rosy .

"Lele, tell me the truth, do you know each other?" The colleague looked at Qi Le blushing, as if the air was filled with the smell of adultery.

And she knew that Qi Le didn't have a boyfriend now, and she thought it was a pity that such a beautiful woman would not have a boyfriend.

But now it looks like it's coming soon.

Judging by the expressions of the two of them, it's clearly the concubine's love.

But what she didn't know was that Chen Weihong treated other women like this.

She has a good relationship with Qi Le, so she will naturally help Qi Le pay attention to these problems.

It's so cute, Chen Weihong looked at the obviously shy Qi Le, and the frustration he felt at Gu Muqiu's place was immediately calmed down by this little girl.

He thinks it is not good for women to be too strong.

But he didn't think about who he was supporting now.

"Are you finished?" Qi Le looked shyly at Chen Weihong looking at himself tenderly.

"Can we have a chat?" Chen Weihong smiled lightly, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to drown people to death.

Qi Le was a little flattered, and a ray of sweetness filled her heart, maybe he would like her, she thought she was not bad looking.

Also, he is really handsome and gentle, he is simply his ideal type.

"Quick, promise quickly." The colleague poked Qi Le secretly, this is a good opportunity to cultivate a relationship, and he must not give up.

Naturally, Chen Weihong also noticed her little gesture, and gave her a friendly smile.

Wow wow wow, this must be a good man, this is too gentle.

I must let Qi Le seize the opportunity, there are not many such good men in this world, if you miss one, you will lose one, and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

"Yes." She smiled shyly.

Before they left, Qi Le's colleague gave her an encouraging look, and Qi Le's face turned even redder.

"I'm such a godly assist, I must let Qi Le treat me to dinner some other day." Qi Le's colleague whispered.

But this Qi Le is really not interesting, it's not too early to know such a good man.

He also caused himself to worry about her blindly, and his partner has not yet been found.

Please eat, please eat! ! !
Here Qi Le brought Chen Weihong to the lounge.

"What do you want from me?" Qi Le lowered his head slightly, biting his lower lip with his white teeth.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Chen Weihong pretended to be angry, as if he was very dissatisfied with what she just said.

"No, that's not what I meant." Qi Le quickly explained, his eyes were red because he was a little nervous.

"I'm teasing you, let's see how nervous you are." Chen Weihong froze slightly, he didn't expect Qi Le's reaction to be so big.

Afterwards, he was a little more satisfied, and the anger he had received from that Bingshan female president immediately dissipated.

It's so much fun to tease this little bunny in front of you.

 There is nothing to say, so I wish you all a happy holiday!

(End of this chapter)

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