Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 123 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 16

Chapter 123 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 16
"Host, we are going to save your cousin now." Although it is a capital offense to disturb the host's sleep, it can't do anything about it. It can't let a system save people.

It's just a mediocre little system that can't do that.

"Do you know that you are very noisy." Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, and there was no impatience at all.

"If the host is willing, I can also change the voice." Xiaobai reminded Gu Muqiu with the purpose of humanizing and harmonizing.

"——Ding, the system issued a task: rescue the original owner Ye Qiu's cousin Xin Jin from Chen Weihong's hands, please complete it as soon as possible."

Gu Muqiu: "..." It seems that this idiot's program must be changed, and it will not work.

"Give me a seat." Gu Muqiu was expressionless, she no longer wanted to communicate with this mentally handicapped general, it was too nerve-wracking.

"—Ding, the mission map has been opened, please check the host carefully." Xiao Bai's voice at this time was cold and heartless.

"Please speak well."

"Okay, I knew that the host still likes me who is lively, cheerful and cute." Look, the host still likes this kind of it, and it turns out that the host is also duplicity!

Gu Muqiu: "..." She doesn't want to say anything now.

For the first time in so many years, Gu Muqiu felt the paleness of language.

She still sticks to her principles.

Don't communicate with fools unless necessary.

And Chen Weihong in the bar had slowly become impatient under Xin Jin's various ignorance, he found that Xin Jin had never looked at him directly.

Having failed two consecutive missions with Ye Qiu made him a little impatient, so he doesn't have much patience now.

It's fine if Gu Muqiu can't complete the task, after all, she is the heroine, but isn't it a bit too much to ignore even a small supporting role?
"System, is there any medicine that can be used on her?" It's best to make her obedient.

Since she looks down on him so much, then he just wants to get her. As a woman, as long as her body becomes his own, if he puts more effort into it, he won't be able to get her heart.

He has already asked the system, these things cannot be used with Ye Qiu, otherwise he would not be so powerless.

Because Ye Qiu is the heroine anyway, these methods will inevitably attract the attention of Heavenly Dao, and ordinary people don't have to be so particular about it.

"Yes, but you must overdraw 5 soul points." Chen Weihong's system definitely knew what Chen Weihong wanted to do, but at the same time it secretly despised Chen Weihong.

This Chen Weihong's ability is really not ordinary weak, such a simple task still needs his own help, it is really unlucky to bind him by himself.

"What is soul value?" Chen Weihong frowned. Hearing this name, he felt that it should be a very important thing, and it must not be overdrawn casually.

"This indicator is not very important. It can be made up in the future." Of course, this must be fooling him.

Overdrafts are hard to fill.

Unless the soul can be filled by finding the source of the world, once the soul value is used up, it will be equivalent to the soul flying away, and there will never be a return.

But how could the source of the world be found casually? It is something that Tiandao has been staring at all the time. If it is so easy, why would it absorb the luck of the protagonist everywhere and directly absorb the source of the world, wouldn't it?
What's more, even if it is found, once the source of the world is stolen by others, the whole world will collapse, and the Lord God does not allow such a thing to happen.

"Can I owe it first and then exchange it for other things?" Chen Weihong knew that the soul value could not be as easy as the system said, so he was a little cautious.

"No." The system directly refused.

What you want to get must be exchanged with something, this is the law of the world.

I want to get it, but I don't want to pay any price.

How could there be such a good thing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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