Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 131 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 24

Chapter 131 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 24
He knew that his daughter had always been arrogant and arrogant, and ordinary men would not catch his eyes.

Since there must be something special about being spotted by her, he decided to try again. If his daughter was really confused, he would not be polite.

But after dealing with Chen Weihong for a while, he wondered if the technical department had made a mistake, and this person didn't look like such a powerful person.

Facing Xu Pengchi, Chen Weihong didn't feel too embarrassed. He was neither humble nor overbearing, which made Xu Pengchi a little satisfied.

"Young man, I want to know what method you used to attract my daughter?" Xu Pengchi looked at Chen Weihong with a slightly oppressive look.

Being in the top position for a long time, this momentum is still there.

"If you have to say it, you have a sincere heart." Xu Pengchi looked sincere.

He originally wanted to say that he had nothing to do with Xu Sitong, but he was dissatisfied with Xu Pengchi's superiority.

No matter what I say, I don't have any other thoughts about her daughter, so I don't need to be so aggressive.

Could it be that he felt that he was not worthy of her daughter?

Although he really doesn't have any achievements now, what can he do in the future? How can he guarantee it?
There is still a long way to go, don't be too crazy, besides, he still has a system.

Thinking of this, he was even more disdainful.

But Xu Pengchi obviously didn't know his twists and turns: "If you want to marry my daughter, you can't just have a sincere heart."

He said these words to make Chen Weihong a little bit self-aware, and it can't be said that he looked down on him. Since ancient times, he has paid attention to the right family. His daughter was raised and spoiled since she was a child. It is impossible for a good Bai Fumei to match a poor dick.

Even if he is a poor dick, he can't be useless.

"I know what you mean, you will understand my ability sooner or later." The smile on Chen Weihong's face remained unchanged, but he was very disdainful in his heart. To put it bluntly, he just looked down on him, so why beat around the bush?

Do you still worry about not being able to stand out with your own system?
It's just a matter of time, and who will be brilliant in the future may not be determined.

Seeing Chen Weihong's inscrutable look, Xu Pengchi was a little uncertain whether he was really that hacker.

"Did you do what happened in the morning?" Xu Pengchi decided to test Chen Weihong, and asked with an uncertain face.

"System, did something happen this morning?" Chen Weihong was a little confused. Xu Pengchi changed the subject too quickly, he couldn't react, and he didn't do anything, but Xu Pengchi knew what happened just by looking at it. It's a big deal, so he's going to ask the system.

"Their company has been attacked by hackers." The system has some doubts at this point. It can find out that Xu Pengchi's company has been attacked by hackers, but even it doesn't know who the hacker is.

This thing is too weird, logically speaking, it is impossible.

Who on earth has such a great ability to hide under its nose?
Chen Weihong heard the voice of his own system and then thought, isn't God helping him?

Emotionally, Xu Pengchi thought he was the hacker.

According to the general routine, this group of people must want to hire me to their company, and now I just need to pretend to be unfathomable.

Now I also have the basic hacking skills provided by the system, which can be used just right. Even if they are discovered, it is their fault that they did not understand the situation, and it cannot be blamed on themselves.

He is very confident in the technology provided by the system, and he is definitely much better than ordinary hackers.

"It seems that Mr. Xu already knows." Chen Weihong said in a pretentious tone.

"It's really you!" Xu Pengchi was shocked.

Chen Weihong just looked at Xu Pengchi with a smile, he liked the feeling of others being slapped in the face instantly by him, it was simply not too pleasant.

Chen Weihong now has a strong sense of substitution and thinks that he is the hacker
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(End of this chapter)

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