Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 138 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 31

Chapter 138 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 31
Gu Muqiu followed the map provided by the system and quickly found where Jing Yiming was, and he could hear gunshots even from a long distance away.

The location of this place is very remote, and it looks like a good place for killing people and stealing goods. It's no wonder they chose this place, but they don't know what Jing Yiming is doing here alone.

"Idiot, are you asking my mortal body to block bullets for him?" Gu Muqiu smiled, his voice surprisingly gentle.

She didn't have the confidence to catch a bullet empty-handed.

"Host, I believe you can do it!" Xiaobai said cheerfully, doesn't he know how capable his host is?
It's not like she hasn't blocked bullets like this.

"Idiot, give me a gun." Since the system was too stupid, Gu Muqiu had no choice but to speak out her request directly.

This is because the client's delicate body must not be able to withstand her torment.

"Oh oh." Xiaobai hurried to look for it.

Not long after, a delicate and compact pistol appeared in Gu Muqiu's hand.

Gu Muqiu moved forward quickly, and it took only a split second for her to determine Jing Yiming's position.

At this time, Jing Yiming's eyes were full of determination, he didn't expect my uncle to be so bold this time.

His handsome face had three-dimensional and angular features, and his lips were abnormally pale due to excessive blood loss.

Under the heroic sword eyebrows, a pair of eyes as bright as stars, as deep as a cold pool, filled with the viciousness of a lone wolf at this time, making people daunting.

He covered his shot stomach with one hand and shifted his position quickly.

He carefully avoided the pursuit of the group of people, but he knew that he could not hide for long, so he found a shelter and squatted down.

He lowered his head to check the amount of bleeding and several gunshot wounds on his body. He knew that if he hadn't been rescued after half an hour, he would definitely die.

I hope my cousin can find me soon.

Just when his spirit was tense, a cold voice sounded: "If I guess correctly, you need my help."

Jing Yiming raised his head and saw a beautiful woman, his eyes flashed with astonishment.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but he could tell that her smile didn't reach her eyes, as if she was wearing a perfect mask.

Jing Yiming could tell at a glance that this woman was not as harmless as she seemed.

And he didn't realize when she came at all, she seemed to appear in front of him suddenly like a ghost.

Wait, this person looks familiar.

"Ye Qiu?" Jing Yiming's eyes were full of questioning, he was not sure, she was really different from when they met before.

Jing Yiming knew Ye Qiu because of his family contacts, so he was not familiar with him.

But he remembered that she used to look like an iceberg queen, which was completely different from now.

If the previous appearance was her disguise, this person would be too scary.

But she didn't seem to be with the group in front of her.

"Boss Ye, if you can help me." Jing Yiming actually didn't expect her to do anything, no matter how powerful she was, she probably couldn't do anything for a group of people.

He didn't think Ye Qiu would hurt him, if she wanted to do something, she would have killed him directly, and it was effortless.

"Follow me closely." Gu Muqiu's tone was flat.

"Huh?" Jing Yiming raised his eyebrows.

In fact, she didn't need to take such a big risk to save herself and put herself in danger.

Gu Muqiu ignored him, and moved straight to the route she had just calculated, and Jing Yiming followed her subconsciously.

There seems to be a kind of magic power in her body, and people can't help but believe what she says.

Jing Yiming decided to take a gamble. Anyway, if you stretch your head, you will shrink your head.

But why did she save herself, and what was her purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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