Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 147 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 40

Chapter 147 The cinnabar mole of the son-in-law 40
Fortunately, he still thinks she is gentle and considerate.

And Ye Qiu can't get along well with Qi Le?Why do women embarrass women, can't they just stop.

Sure enough, women are trouble.

The current Chen Weihong completely regards Gu Muqiu as "his family".

"If it's not your problem, can they fire you?" Chen Weihong muttered casually.

"Brother Hong, how can you say that? I'm not here to help you." Qi Le's eyes were red, and he looked at Chen Weihong with an expression of 'you've changed'.

She felt very wronged, she just wanted Chen Weihong to unite with her.

If it wasn't for helping him meet Ye Qiu, would she have been fired?

Now our little comrade Qi Le finally knows why he was fired.

But even so, based on her logic, she would say that she just wanted to see Ye Qiu, and didn't want her to do anything, so why was she so precious.

Breaking the law?
She didn't seem to know why, why people should accommodate her, if others didn't accommodate her, it was wrong, it was bullying.

Qi Le is very dissatisfied with the job he just found now. It doesn't matter if the working hours are long, and the salary is still low, which is far worse than the previous job.

It's all Ye Qiu's fault.

It's not that she never thought about not looking for a job, but Chen Weihong couldn't afford to support her.

Chen Weihong didn't have a job in the first place, if she didn't work, she would have to drink the northwest wind.

"I need your help?" Chen Weihong was annoyed, and it was up to him to co-author this. He just mentioned it casually, and it was her own wish.

Now Chen Weihong has forgotten his original attitude of begging for help.

As soon as the male chauvinism gets on his body, the man becomes forgetful, and his self-esteem tells him that it is impossible for him to rely on women.

"Okay, you've changed, it's because I'm too redundant." Qi Le cried like a pear blossom.

She was really wronged.

Chen Weihong's heart softened when he saw Qi Le's pitiful appearance, it seemed that he had gone too far just now.

He really wanted to hug Qi Le into his arms to comfort him, he thought so, and planned to do so, but in an instant, the voice of the system sounded again in his mind.

"The system issued a task: slap the target character Qi Le and make his favorability -20. If the task fails, the player will suffer the pain of evisceration. Players are requested to complete the task within 10 minutes."

The sound of the system made Chen Weihong stop, he didn't want to experience the pain that penetrated into the bone marrow anymore.

The pain of evisceration sounds more painful than electric shock.

After only a moment of entanglement, Chen Weihong raised his hand and slapped Qi Le.

Qi Le was in a daze for the next minute, she didn't realize what happened at all.

"Get out!" Chen Weihong pointed at Qi Le and angrily reprimanded.

"You hit me..." Qi Le looked at Chen Weihong, tears streaming down his face.

It didn't take long for a clearly visible palm print to appear on the face as white as jade.

Make her look poignant and moving.

Chen Weihong couldn't bear it in his heart, but he couldn't help it. This was a task assigned by the system, and he could only obey, and he could only silently say sorry in his heart.

But even so, he still didn't hear the notification that the task was completed, and Chen Weihong panicked: "What's wrong with beating you?"

Qi Le can coax later, girls are easy to coax, it's more important to finish the task first.

"Chen Weihong, let me tell you, we are finished!" Qi Le turned around and ran out crying.

Chen Weihong stretched out his hand to persuade him to stay, but he couldn't!
After thinking about it, he slowly put down his hand.

"Slap the target person, Qi Le, and make his favorability -20. The mission is judged to be completed. The current target mission, Qi Le, has a favorability degree of the player of 60."

Chen Weihong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the system's notification tone. Fortunately, it was finished. He ran out quickly, but Qi Le had already run away, so he sighed.

Forget it, some time to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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