Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 166 Disaster for the Country 16

Chapter 166 Disaster for the Country 16
However, after Gu Muqiu's intentional or unintentional disturbance, the original plot between the hero and heroine will not be as natural as it is.

After all, the reason why the heroine fell in love with the hero in the original plot is because the hero can understand her idea that everyone is equal.

Jiang Yeyu didn't think there was anything outrageous about this.

So the basis of liking is understanding.

But this time the male lead abandoned the female lead in order to please An Shengrui. There was such a misunderstanding when they met for the first time, and this relationship will not be so smooth.

But it's normal for the male and female protagonists to attract each other.

So here comes the question again, what does our hero like our heroine?
Just because of the halo of the heroine is too unreasonable.

So: Halo = can be willful? ? ?
In the end, Gu Muqiu thoughtfully found An Shengrui's things and returned them back, which made An Shengrui believe that Gu Muqiu is a good person even more.

From then on, Gu Muqiu likes to mention a little fanboy, Jiang Yeyu definitely did not expect this kind of result.

But what An Shengrui didn't know was that the reason why Gu Muqiu sent him there was because that guy was a gambler, he would use some money to gamble, and when he was done gambling, he would cheat and steal everywhere.

But that's not the point, the point is that that guy still uses Gu Muqiu's name every day to bluff, abduct and steal.

He said that he was a relative of the nephew of Gu Muqiu's second uncle's sister-in-law's uncle's second aunt's brother's brother's brother.

So he is Gu Muqiu's relative.

Gu Muqiu felt that it was too much for heaven not to tie him up.

This man is simply too arrogant.

So everything is so logical.

As for An Shengrui's things, Gu Muqiu definitely didn't find them on purpose, it was the thief who thought it was too expensive and would definitely be caught if he sold it too quickly, so he kept it and planned to sell it after a while.

Of course, he was already dying when he was sent to An Shengrui.

Since our hero told Gu Muqiu that he was too free, Gu Muqiu basically had to find things for him every day, which almost made him mad.

The point is that he doesn't know who is messing with him again, every time he finds a little clue followed by another pit.

He just fell down one pit after another, and he lost his temper.

And every time it was so unexpected that he had no time to take care of his emotional problems.

So now the relationship between Jiang Yeyu and Zhao Hanyan can only be regarded as ordinary friends, compared with the original plot, it is simply far behind.

Xiaobai is still growing mushrooms in the system space. It thinks that it is too scary to provoke anyone and not to provoke its own host.

Accidentally lost both love and career.

But no matter what happens, Jiang Yeyu's unlucky days must continue, because there are even more unlucky days waiting for him.

Because of the natural and man-made disasters in recent months, there is a smell of gunpowder in the Golden Luan Hall at this time.

That's right, it's natural disasters and man-made disasters. This year's rainfall is relatively large, and it's the rainy season recently, so many places have already suffered from floods, among which the Huaixi area is the most serious.

The imperial court has allocated relief money, but some greedy officials lied about the disaster situation in order to fill their own pockets, resulting in countless deaths and injuries in Huaixi. Now there have been countless refugee uprisings, and those officials couldn't hide it, so this matter was exposed.

It must be very difficult to go this time, not only for disaster relief, but also to tie up all those officials, but is it possible that they will just be caught like this?
how is this possible.

The middle-aged emperor also had a very headache now. He frowned and looked down at the people in the hall. In short, no one knew what he was thinking.

Standing in front of the main hall are the princes, the emperor has five princes in total.

Among them, the first prince, the second prince, and the fourth prince fought fiercely. The competition was as fierce as an annual drama.

(End of this chapter)

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