Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 181 Disaster for the Country 31

Chapter 181 Disaster for the Country 31
"Kill them all?" Gu Muqiu said indifferently. For her, this was the most labor-saving method.

You don't even need to move your mind, everything will be solved.

"No, there's no need for that at all. Sometimes it's normal not to feel that the task is completed for a while." Xiaobai explained.

Sometimes the system will delay the completion of the task for a period of time, and it will be fine after a while.

Although this time is so long.

"Third Princess, what's the matter?" Gu Muqiu smiled, his voice as gentle as water.

Looking at the magnificent man in front of him, Zhao Hanyan was a little nervous, he hesitated and said: "Guxiang. I. I like you."

Does he know that she really likes him, from the first time she saw him she started to like him.

Even if she is the third princess now, she still has the right to pursue happiness.

Xiaobai was a little excited in the system space. This was the first time his host had been confessed by someone. Although the other party was a woman, it didn't stop him from feeling like watching a youth idol drama.

"Sorry, I don't like you." Gu Muqiu's tone was still very gentle, but what he said made Zhao Hanyan feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was icy cold.

Just after Gu Muqiu finished speaking, a system notification sounded in her mind: "The mission is completed, please prepare to leave the mission world."

Now Xiaobai understands that the missing one percent comes from the emotions of the original owner. He wants to resist fate and say 'no' to fate himself.

So when Gu Muqiu said that sentence, the last trace of resentment from the original owner dissipated.

"Why?" Zhao Hanyan was extremely excited.

She has used so much courage to confess to him, why did he reject herself?
"Why do you think I like you?" Gu Muqiu asked with a smile.

After Gu Muqiu asked this question, Zhao Hanyan was in a daze for a moment, yes, why?
Oh, by the way, in time-travel novels, both the hero and the supporting actor say that the heroine is very special.

"Because I'm special," Zhao Hanyan murmured, she is a soul from the 21st century, so she is unique, just like the heroine of time-travel novels.

"Well, it's really special." Gu Muqiu nodded in agreement.

"Very stupid," she went on.

Why do some people feel that they are the most special person in the world?

Could it be that she is the only one in the whole world, and everyone else is carved out according to the template?

What the hell logic?

Zhao Hanyan went back in a daze, her last glimmer of hope was shattered, and she seemed to have lost her soul.

She still doesn't understand how her life turned out like this.

Maybe since when has everything changed?

Faced with Jiang Yeyu's neglect, she slowly calmed down, no longer resisting, she proposed to make peace, and Jiang Yeyu agreed with almost no thought, she smiled, a very bright smile, Jiang Yeyu Thought she was crazy.

Zhao Hanyan also made a request to ask Jiang Yeyu to spend the night with her. Although Jiang Yeyu was disgusted, she agreed.

the next day.

"My lord, my concubine!" She came to serve the lord and concubine to wash up, but it was already noon, and there was no movement inside, so she could only call softly outside.

But it was still unusually quiet, no, normal people wouldn't sleep so deeply, could something happen?
She tried to open the door.

The scene inside made her unforgettable in this life.

"Ah—" The little girl's face was pale, and she sat down on the ground with horror on her face, trembling all over.

Everyone came after hearing the sound, but they couldn't help being shocked when they saw the scene inside, and their stomachs were churning.

Their princess was wearing a bright red wedding gown, with bleeding from all seven orifices, and a weird smile on her face. It was hard to tell whether the gorgeous color of the wedding gown was the original color or whether it was stained red with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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