Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 203 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 22

Chapter 203 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 22
How could she not be angry after finally finding a place to stay and being taken first?

"Go ahead and have a look." The man's voice became much calmer.

Soon, a group of people appeared in front of Gu Muqiu and the others, four men and two women.

"Hello." The relatively calm man looked at Gu Muqiu and the others.

His eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Gu Muqiu.

I have never seen such a beautiful woman since the end of the world. Her body is particularly clean, and that kind of spotless cleanliness is in stark contrast to the surrounding ruins.

Xingchen slightly turned sideways to block the man's somewhat offensive gaze.

Gu Muqiu also noticed the man's gaze, and his pupils became much deeper.

The woman next to the man put her hand on the man's arm, looking at Gu Muqiu with dissatisfaction flashing in her eyes.

The man subconsciously pushed away the woman beside him.

"Brother Yao" the woman pouted slightly, her voice was very dissatisfied, and she looked at Gu Muqiu with resentment.

The man's name is Feng Jingyao, and he is the captain of this team. In fact, they are also a temporary team, but because Feng Jingyao is relatively capable, he was appointed as the captain.

"What's the matter?" Xingchen looked at Feng Jingyao with twinkling eyes.

"We just passed by here and wanted to come in and look for supplies. I wonder if it's possible." Feng Jingyao didn't finish his sentence but everyone knew what he meant.

"Okay, half of one side." Xing Chen had a kind smile on his face, looking particularly harmless to humans and animals.

Xing Chen was originally very delicate, but his smile made the two women on the opposite side look crazy.

For a moment, he stared intently at this too beautiful young man.

But thinking about it, it doesn't matter if you look good, in this special period, you can't eat good-looking.

But for some reason, Feng Jingyao felt that the young man who looked harmless to humans and animals in front of him was very dangerous.

"No, we have too many people!" The rough man questioned.

There was clear disapproval in the eyes of the rest of their team, too.

Xing Zhenzhen and the others were very angry when they heard this. These people are too shameless. They are the first to arrive. It is already very good that they are willing to share half of them.

Xingchen didn't seem to hear the rough man's words, but just stared at their captain.

"It's really unreasonable." Feng Jingyao's tone seemed a bit embarrassed, but his face was taken for granted.

"That's right." The woman beside Feng Jingyao also echoed.

There are few of them, so what's wrong with them, it's not bad to leave some for them.

Xing Mu clenched his fists, these people are really deceiving people too much.

"Then what do you think is reasonable? A fight?" Xing Chen still kept a gentle smile on his face when he said this.

Before they could react, a silver-white whip suddenly appeared in his hand. He waved the whip in his hand casually, and the whip lightly touched the wall behind, and a large piece of the wall fell down with a bang.

Dust was everywhere, and even the ground was shaken a little.

Everyone: "." What happened? ? ?
That wall collapsed at the slightest touch?

That must be a bean curd dregs project, for sure!
Gu Muqiu looked at the disgraced people beside him with a smile.

Look, how clever she is, but fortunately she has already avoided it.

"Host, this boss is really different from ordinary people when he pretends to be forceful." Xiao Bai's voice sounded in Gu Muqiu's mind.

In this world, it doesn't have much sense of presence in front of Gu Muqiu. It has been busy exchanging experiences with Xingchen's system 011, and feels that it has benefited a lot.

"Yes." Gu Muqiu quite agrees with this point.

(End of this chapter)

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