Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 482 Department Competition 35

Chapter 482 Department Competition 35
After all, it is a disease that you see by yourself, so you can't slap yourself in the face.

888: Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you said such irresponsible words? ? ?
If Gu Muqiu knew what it was thinking, he would just say 'no way' with a blank face.

As long as she has no conscience, there is no such thing as a pang of conscience.

With Gu Muqiu's affirmation, Mo Xuan silently said that it was not him who was scary, and then said gently: "Don't worry, we won't eat people."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three bandits kowtowed "dongdongdong" again, crying with tears streaming down their faces.

"Please, don't eat us, our meat is not good."

Mo Xuan: "..." Can't understand people's words?

He doesn't eat people! ! !

And what they said before was begging you, why are you only begging him now? ? ?
In fact, I really can't blame these three bandits, but Mo Xuan's face successfully transformed his words into: "We eat people."

Mo Xuan couldn't keep the smile on his face anymore, he raised his hand expressionlessly and erased the memory of the three of them without being muddled at all, and the three of them passed out.

"Now we can set off." Mo Xuan put away his usually out-of-shape look, with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

"En." Gu Muqiu nodded.

"By the way, I don't know the name of this brother yet." Mo Xuan seemed to have just remembered this question, and then raised his eyes to look at the stunning young man.

"My life is thousands of faces." The stunning young man smiled gently.

Mo Xuan had a casual smile on his face: "My name is Mo Xuan."

"Gu Muqiu." Gu Muqiu said softly.

"Where are you going, why don't we just leave here?" Mo Xuan didn't show it on his face, but there was a trace of vigilance in his heart.

This person is too variable, if you are with him, there may be unnecessary troubles, and until now, he still doesn't know his purpose, it is not a good choice to rush to go with him.

Gu Muqiu just stood by the side indifferently, and didn't speak a word. Since someone had arranged everything, she didn't need to worry about it.

"I plan to go with you." Qianrong smiled, his face was indescribably stunning, his face was enough to fascinate thousands of girls.

Fortunately, Gu Muqiu is not an ordinary person. As for the alluring man in front of her, she has no interest at all.

And what he said about his peers is very interesting.

Although Mo Xuan didn't show it on the surface, he was secretly complaining about his thick skin.

Dare to love him means that he will go wherever they go.

"He even came to the rescue just now." Mo Xuan's system couldn't stand Mo Xuan's virtue.

"Shut your mouth." Mo Xuan said with a gentle expression but gritted his teeth.

Although it said the truth, it didn't mean he wanted to admit it.

Facing the ferocity of its own host, the system silently shut its mouth.

Although Mo Xuan looked indifferent, he was vigilant in his heart: "That's okay, we planned to rub the car."

Gu Muqiu looked up at Mo Xuan, but didn't speak.

888 noticed Gu Muqiu's small gesture: "Goddess intends to refuse?" Since she intends to refuse, why didn't she speak up?It's not in her character.

"Not really." Gu Muqiu said flatly.Her original purpose was to rub the car.She just didn't expect Mo Xuan to change his mind so quickly.

But at this moment, something successfully caught her attention.

Qian Rong's coachman was taken out by him again, and he was standing beside the carriage with no expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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