Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 485 Department Competition 38

Chapter 485 Department Competition 38
"Don't pay attention to these small details." Gu Muqiu's expression did not change. Facing Mo Xuan's questioning, her expression could be described as frank.

Qian Rong looked at Mo Xuan's face and the corners of her mouth twitched. Forgive him, this is really not a small detail in her mouth.

If someone with a weak heart sees this face in the middle of the night, they might be scared to death.

Mo Xuan's system was also curious about how Gu Muqiu said such words to Mo Xuan's face that was comparable to the scene of a car accident.

"No! This is not a trivial matter." If Taoyao saw this, he wouldn't know how to laugh at him.

As far as this face is concerned, when all the people in their department are gathered, it will be safe to lower the average appearance. You must know that he was also responsible for the appearance of the department before.

This gap is simply not too big, he can't accept it at all.

888: Responsible for appearance?Self-proclaimed?

"Men don't have to care about looks." Faced with Mo Xuan's yelling, Gu Muqiu didn't show any impatience on his face.

Gu Muqiu: One person does things and one person is responsible. She has this ideological awareness.

If the system knew what Gu Muqiu was thinking right now, he would roll his eyes in a very unimpressive manner, then snort coldly, complaining that all perverts are fickle.

Qian Rong didn't speak at the side, with a smile in his eyes, as if he was watching a play.

"No, you have to be responsible." Mo Xuan complained.

"I don't know how to have plastic surgery." Gu Muqiu smiled.In fact, it's not that she can't, she's just afraid that he won't be too satisfied with the result.I'm afraid her vision will be a little different from the public's aesthetics.This point Gu Muqiu is very clear about himself.

The corners of the system's mouth twitched slightly. With her wild tactics, how big of a heart would it take to believe her?Is it normal to have one of the things from her hands?

In the next journey.

"Qiuqiu, you have to be responsible..."

"I'm too ugly to sleep..." Mo Xuan looked resentful.

"If possible, I hope you can be quiet." Gu Muqiu remained expressionless.

The scene was quiet for 5 minutes.

"I'm in a bad mood…"

Gu Muqiu raised his eyes: "Shut your mouth."




"To shut up."



Although Qianrong's carriage doesn't seem to be very fast, it is actually not.

In a day's work, they arrived at the legendary capital mentioned by the bandits.

Of course, along the way, Gu Muqiu and Qianrong's ears were never quiet, and it was always Mo Xuan's ghost crying and wolf howling.

888 has every reason to believe that if it wasn't for Gu Muqiu not being able to defeat Mo Xuan, she would have thrown him out of the carriage long ago.

As for Qian Rong, that person is really good-tempered and tolerated Mo Xuan for a whole day.

Gu Muqiu rubbed her aching head. Before that, she never thought that one day she would get a headache from being quarreled, but fortunately, the noisy guy finally calmed down and took a nap aside.

It was dusk when Gu Muqiu and the others entered the city, the soft and warm sunset cast a layer of golden light on the roof of their car, and the wheels rotated slowly and rhythmically.

"Oh, it's here." Mo Xuan rubbed his sleepy eyes and stretched himself.

What awaits them will be a new round of fierce fighting, but what is left to them now is a moment of peace.

Both sides of the street are full of tea houses, taverns, pawnshops and workshops.The streets are bustling, hawkers yelling loudly, and pedestrians are constantly flowing. After all, there are a few more people.

It's just that Kyoto at night will definitely not be as peaceful as it is now.

That would be the hunting ground for missionaries, full of blood and killing.

(End of this chapter)

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