Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 508 Department Competition 61

Chapter 508 Department Competition 61
The moment she fell, Gu Muqiu stepped aside expressionlessly, as if he was afraid that Shi Yi would fall and hit her.

Shi Yi: "..." Shouldn't he reach out and catch her in this kind of scene?Why is this routine different from youth idol dramas?
"God, why didn't you catch me?" Shi Yi had tears in his eyes.Of course, it's not wronged, and it hurts, and she doesn't know what's wrong with her feet now.

"You're too fat, I can't handle it." Gu Muqiu's brows and eyes were gentle, as if he was just stating a fact.

She glanced at her thin body, um, so thin.Then she glanced at Shi Yi again, um, he has a big heart and a fat body, someone who can crush her.

Shi Yi: "..." Where the hell am I so fat?She is a standard heroine's figure, it's just a standard.

He's just making excuses for his lack of gentlemanly demeanor!

"Since you've come down, let's go." Gu Muqiu said flatly, completely ignoring Shi Yi's pitiful appearance.

If she'd dawdled on it for just one more second, she'd be gone.

This place is not a place to dawdle.

"My foot is broken." Shi Yi continued to point at his foot pitifully.

She glanced at her ankle, which had begun to swell.

"Oh, I didn't break it." Gu Muqiu just glanced at it.What's the matter with her?

And it can break a bone at this height, which is really powerful.

888 glanced at it, and thought to himself, can this be called a little height?Even if a normal person jumps off, something will happen. You think everyone is like you.

"Goddess, there is no need to speak sarcastic words at this time." Alas, this poor girl, this experience may become her psychological shadow.

"I can't walk." Shi Yi's face turned dark.Does this person not understand human speech?

Gu Muqiu's expression remained unchanged: "Then I'll go first."

"Hey, won't your conscience hurt if you leave me here alone like this?" Shi Yi's voice was a little louder.

"Idiot, if you want to die, then keep yelling loudly." Gu Muqiu's voice became a little gentler.As for the conscience in her mouth, it was useless, so she didn't think it was anything.

At this time, Shi Yi felt that if she yelled again, the person in front of her would definitely kill her immediately.She shut up subconsciously, but her eyes were like those of an abandoned puppy.

Gu Muqiu frowned slightly: "Trouble." She knelt down and glanced at Shi Yi's feet.

Shi Yi looked at the young man squatting in front of her, elegant and gentle, such a handsome young man, she only felt her heart beating.

"It's over, Gouzi, I think I've fallen in love with him." Shi Yi looked nympho.

"Didn't you fall in love with him a long time ago?" Erhuo unified his face with contempt, heh, this woman who is addicted to masculinity.

But there is one thing it still wants to remind her: "I have warned you before that taskers cannot be moved, so please use your absolute reason to suppress your feelings that you shouldn't have."

Compared with the unscrupulousness of the past, the second-hand system is surprisingly serious now.

Taskers can't be moved, and can't even have the same emotions as ordinary people. This is the first day of becoming a tasker, and all systems have told their hosts.

You know, missionaries who have feelings that shouldn't be there will end badly in the end.

"Got it." Shi Yi said impatiently.Does it need to be emphasized so many times?She is not mentally handicapped.

(End of this chapter)

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