Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 523 Department Competition 76

Chapter 523 Department Competition 76
"I didn't take out the fire extinguisher earlier, my hair is almost gone." Shi Yi just wanted to rush out and hug Gu Muqiu's thigh.

No, maybe she could go over and save him.

The hero saves the beauty, that's right.

At this time, Gu Muqiu, whom Shi Yi was thinking about, had already left the room.

Gu Muqiu looked at the 'flying arrow' in the sky with deep meaning in his eyes.

Those flying arrows had sparks on them, and as you can see, they caught fire because of those things.

"These people are too insane." 888 stared at the things flying around in the sky dumbfounded.

If this is injured, it will definitely become a sieve.

"It seems that tonight will be over." Gu Muqiu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and it seemed that he was not afraid, but excited.

"I'm afraid the department is joining forces." 888 worried.Such a long time is only enough for the internal members of each department to communicate with each other.

Gu Muqiu raised his eyes slightly, join hands?Teaming up is inevitable.

After all, this competition is also for the honor of the organization.

"It seems that I should also go to the organization." Gu Muqiu smiled.

"Originally this is a team battle, the goddess should go to the bosses." It quite agrees with Gu Muqiu's plan.

Gu Muqiu quickly found the organization, it was all because... Mo Xuan's actions were too ostentatious.

Mo Xuan took a laser gun and played it majesticly, for fear that people would not see him and would not know that he was a tasker.

Gu Muqiu saw Bai Xue's figure beside him, because she was holding her signature carrot bomb...

A girl in yellow clothes was standing smiling, her skin was creamy, rosy, with cute baby fat on her face, her eyes were like a pool of clear water, she looked extremely innocent.

It's just that the little rabbit backpack on her body and the carrot in her hand are incompatible with her current attire.

Who would have thought that such a cute girl could blow up a building with the power of a carrot in her hand.

She seemed to have spotted Gu Muqiu, and wanted to wave to her very friendly, but there was no time for the bomb in her hand, so she had to throw all the carrot bombs in her hand.

Momentarily dusty...

Bai Xue freed her hands, with a trace of satisfaction in her eyes, and then beckoned to Gu Muqiu in a very friendly manner.

Gu Muqiu: "..." Actually, there is no need to be so serious when greeting her.

"Damn it, Bai Xue! I was almost blown to pieces by you!" Mo Xuan angrily patted the dust off his body.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Bai Xue's eyes and voice were full of grievance and apology, but there was no apology on her face.

For the next time, Gu Muqiu watched Bai Xue take out the bomb from her little bunny bag, and that bag was always bulging.

Gu Muqiu's eyes flickered, is it so magical?
Well, the members of the Grudge Elimination Department always have some strange things and skills.

There was chaos all around, and Gu Muqiu also joined the battle, but she was also looking at the strength of other members of the Resentment Elimination Department.

Xingchen played his whip vigorously, as if the whip had its own soul, piercing the enemy's chest like a sharp sword.

In an instant, blood spattered out, and the enemy would not rest in peace, but Xing Chen's eyes were pure and innocent, as if he was not the one who killed him.

Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, Gu Muqiu decided to step aside to rest and watch the battle.

"Depending on the situation, this world is about to end." 888 was quite emotional.But the tone is still schadenfreude.

If this world is over, the main system will inevitably have to be busy for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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