Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 525 Department Competition 78

Chapter 525 Department Competition 78
Shi Yi closely followed Gu Muqiu's footsteps, for fear that he would run away.

Then she stared at the flying saucer closely, her eyes full of longing: "God, you find a way to give me the whole thing." Once this thing is launched, at least it will overwhelm the enemy in terms of momentum, not to mention it is so big Aggressive again.

This is simply an artifact of pretense.

Erhuotong: With such a powerful weapon, you actually want to use it to pretend to be aggressive?Sure enough, the mud cannot support the wall.

Originally, Shi Yi thought this thing was quite powerful, but the next moment she almost lost her soul.

Because she actually saw a delicate and weak girl flying up...

Fly up! ! !

You said it's fine on the plane of cultivating immortals, but how did she overcome gravity in an ordinary ancient plane?I'm afraid it's not under Newton's control, but Niubi's.

Not to mention that the little girl took out a carrot-shaped hammer out of thin air, and it grew bigger and bigger and bigger under her nose...

Then the little girl stepped on the edge of the flying saucer to take advantage of it, jumped up and smashed the flying saucer fiercely with a hammer dozens of times larger than her body.

Then the flying saucer was smashed flat, fell from the sky, and became a pile of waste...

The little girl stood down firmly and stood aside, putting away her hammer as if nothing had happened.

The incident here left everyone dumbfounded.

Is this all ok?Can you give them a little confidence?How does this allow them to continue? ? ?

Everyone was very synchronized, a few meters away from the little girl.

The little girl looked innocent. What happened to these people? She just thought it was too noisy and she didn't like it, so she knocked it down. She didn't do anything wrong. There's no need for everyone to look at her like that.

Everyone: No, really not!

And that innocent-looking little girl is of course Bai Xue.

"Wow, big brother Bai Xue is too powerful." 888 looked excited at the scene.It feels that everything it sees today can be blown away for a lifetime.

"Well, it's amazing." Gu Muqiu looked approvingly.For the strong, she will not be stingy with praise, and they also deserve this respect.

Shi Yi couldn't recover for a long time: "Goofy, am I dreaming?" Oh my god, what did she see?
"Now you know how powerful the members of the Resentment Elimination Department are."

"I know." Shi Yi nodded hastily, but this is too powerful.

This is simply her idol.

"Even so, she hasn't fully demonstrated her strength." Er Huo Tong continued.

"Goofy, I'm so trash that I want to cry." Shi Yi wanted to cry but had no tears.Well, after all, it's because she is too rubbish.

"It's okay, you're not the only one who is trash."As for your own host, the requirements don't have to be so high, just live well.

Shi Yi: "..." Thank you, I was comforted.

In this time, more and more strange things were brought into this world.

"They brought these from other worlds?" Gu Muqiu pointed to a dragon flying in the air and said expressionlessly.

"Yes." 888 also felt helpless.Do these taskers usually put everything in the space?
What are you talking about laser guns, flying saucers, these are fine, but you are probably going too far with a dragon.

There are also piranhas, hydras, etc., everything is there, and 888 is simply dazzled.

So how perverted are these people to take these things back into the system space and get along day and night?Compared with these missionaries, 888 thinks Gu Muqiu is already normal.

Well, I will never say that the goddess is abnormal again.

(End of this chapter)

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