Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 527 Department Competition 80

Chapter 527 Department Competition 80
They look for taskers also to see the compatibility of the soul, okay?

Does she think she can bind to whichever system she wants to bind?

"Thank you for saving Gouzi's life. The little girl has nothing to repay Gouzi. She can only do her best to repay Gouzi." Shi Yi said slowly, but he didn't pay attention at all.

While Shi Yi was arguing with Er Huo Tong, Gu Muqiu was staring at everything in front of him.

Although the expression on her face didn't change, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't shocked at all.

But fortunately, he has a good psychological quality, so he didn't show it as obviously as Shi Yi.

Those who remain in this world are elites.

They're... powerful.

Especially not to mention those at the level of Fengxuan.She knew that she couldn't survive a few tricks in their hands.

Feng Yu was fighting a man in black robe, the speed was so fast that Gu Muqiu could hardly catch it.

Bai Xue had a premonition that something was wrong, she frowned slightly, and said softly: "Be careful, this world might collapse."

When this world can't afford the energy brought by the taskers, it will collapse.

As soon as her words fell, bursts of lightning appeared in the sky. Unlike ordinary lightning, the color of this lightning was black, with the power to wipe out all living beings.

The sky seemed to be torn open by lightning, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Yi looked at this scene in a daze, who can tell her what's going on?

Fuck, is it the end of the world?

[Attention all taskers, the world is collapsing, please prepare to leave the world! ! ! 】

[Attention all taskers, the world is collapsing, please prepare to leave the world! ! ! 】

[Get ready to leave! 】

[Leaving, please wait——]

When Gu Muqiu opened his eyes again, he was already in the system space.

The system space was still the same as she was familiar with, except for a particularly luxurious bed, it was completely empty.

Well, this is what a house looks like.

"I'm back..." Gu Muqiu lowered her head and murmured to herself, she lifted her jade-white hand to her forehead.

It seemed that the feeling of tearing her soul just now was still with her.

She has experienced the feeling of soul tearing twice, one was when she was selected by the organization, and the other was just now.

The same thing is that they forcibly leave the plane.

"Goddess, due to the collapse of time, the department competition has been forced to end." 888 jumped up and down in the system space, as if very happy.

It didn't think too much, anyway, the goddess lived to the end, so that's fine.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, and 888 didn't know what she was thinking.

"Goddess, take a good rest now, and resume the task after waking up." The system is very understanding.The soul is actually tired.

Time flies by.

In front of Gu Muqiu is his attribute board.

Name: Gu Muqiu
Gender: female (can be changed)

Age: 25
No.: 001
Rating: 4
Points: 34000
Mental power: unknown
Intelligence value: 150+
Force value: unknown
Resentment value: 4900
Tools: Soul Eater Knife, Purifying Spirit Orb.

[Congratulations to host 001 for being promoted to level 4. This upgrade will unlock more permissions. Please continue to work hard on host 001. 】A cold, emotionless mechanical sound filled the entire space.

"Wow, the goddess has been upgraded again." 888 couldn't hide his excitement.

This person's upgrade is too fast, the last upgrade was before the departmental competition.

It's on, it's definitely on!

"What's going on?" Gu Muqiu's voice seemed to be slightly puzzled but did not lose its gentleness.

"Maybe it's because the goddess division performed too well in the competition." 888 said cheerfully.

It's really good, after all, no one who is at the same level as the goddess survives to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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