Chapter 532
Apart from this, she couldn't think of any reason. The regent's affection for his daughter was obvious to all.

He even said in front of them that there will only be a daughter and a woman in this life.

Madam was indescribably proud when she thought of her daughter marrying the Prince Regent.

After today, she is the mother-in-law of the Prince Regent, so how unhappy does this make her? In the circle of noble ladies in the capital, she will always be superior to others.

Su Shangshu felt a little better after hearing her words, but he was a little more dissatisfied with the regent. If he doesn't make up for himself in the future, then let his daughter...

Thinking of the benefits in the future, Su Shangshu finally had a smile on his face.

But Su Shengxin, who was in the inner house, was not in such a good mood.

And Su Shengxin is the bride that Gu Muqiu is going to marry today.

There is a faint floral fragrance in the room.

Su Shengxin wore a wedding gown that outlined the phoenix in brocade and gold, like clouds floating in the sky, and was covered with extremely soft and thin crimson gauze, and a happy handkerchief decorated with rice grain-like pearls.

Around the waist is a phoenix belt embroidered with flowing cloud gauze, which perfectly outlines her exquisite figure.

Under the Xipa, Su Shengxin frowned slightly to vent her dissatisfaction, but she was really irritable, she pulled the Xipa off: "What's the matter with the Prince Regent?"

As the heroine, Su Shengxin's appearance is excellent. The bronze mirror inlaid with suet jade reflects her peerless face. Her eyebrows are slender and picturesque, and her almond eyes are shining like stars.His lips were pale, with a hint of sadness.So weak that people want to protect for no reason.

At this moment her eyes were full of anger.

"My master must have been delayed by something, Wangfei forgive me." A trace of anger flashed in the little girl's eyes.If it wasn't for her, the lord wouldn't... But the lord still believes in her very much.

The one who spoke was Qingshu, Qingye's younger sister, who was sent by the regent to serve Su Shengxin a few days ago.

"Well, yes." Su Shengxin suppressed the anger in her heart, she knew that she was too eager.

But she didn't marry the person she loved in the first place, so it's not good to be treated like this today.

She probably forgot, because of her union with the male lead, the regent may still be in a coma at this time, let alone come to greet her in person.

At this time, a little maid hurriedly ran in, her eyes full of panic: "The big thing is bad! It's bad!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Su Shengxin's eyes, today is his big wedding, and such a blind thing would say such a thing.

However, the regent's people are here, and she is not easy to get angry, so she can only ask in a deep voice: "What's the matter, what are you doing in such a panic?"

"The Regent... The Regent..." The little maid panicked and stammered.

"What happened to the Prince Regent?" Su Shengxin was overjoyed.

Could it be that Gu Nanchuan is dying!If that's the case, she doesn't have to compromise.

Probably because Su Shengxin was really happy, Qingshu saw the joy in her eyes.

Qing Shu frowned slightly, she wasn't sure if she read it wrong.

"The regent sent someone to say that he is in a bad mood today and doesn't want to marry a wife, so let the people in the Shangshu Mansion change the day." The little maid calmed down and said.

Qing Shu: "..." Does getting a wife depend on your mood?She took a look at Su Shengxin's wedding dress, and could tell that the Prince Regent really doted on her.

"What?" Su Shengxin's voice was a bit shrill, her nails were almost digging into her flesh.

But she immediately realized that she had lost her composure, adjusted her state, and then said softly, "Is there some misunderstanding?"

(End of this chapter)

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