Chapter 546
The expressions on both of their faces are ugly, if they are seen by other people...

Su Shengxin had tears in his eyes, but like the emperor, there was nothing he could do about it.

Gu Muqiu left after seeing this scene. As for what to do with the two people in the room, she was not interested at all.

"Goddess, your move is too ruthless." 888 held back for a long time before choking out this sentence.

Gu Muqiu's move was really too vicious.

"It's okay." Gu Muqiu said softly.

When she returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion, she saw the pile of corpses.These are the emperor's hidden guards, and now there is no one left alive, and the entire army has been wiped out.

With no expression on his face, Suifeng said coldly: "My lord, everything has been resolved."

"Hmm." Gu Muqiu frowned slightly.The smell of blood is too strong.

"Send them all back to the emperor, and clean up here by the way." Gu Muqiu said in a gentle voice, turned and left after speaking.

The night is dark and windy, it's time to sleep.

"Yes." Suifeng replied in a low voice.

Then several figures suddenly appeared, carried the corpses and rushed towards the palace.

Then a few people came out to clean up. After a while, the blood on the ground was cleaned up, including the air, which smelled good, and there was no smell of blood before.

It seems that this place was not a Shura field before, and nothing happened.

Gu Muqiu woke up early the next morning, which surprised the system for a moment: "Goddess doesn't sleep early in the morning?"

If it's someone else, it's normal to wake up early in the morning, but if it's Gu Muqiu, it's because the sun is coming out from the west.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle: "Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health." What are young people doing up so late?
888: It's like you're not the one who said there's something wrong with staying up early in the morning.

"Follow the wind, go out." Gu Muqiu raised his eyes slightly, with an inexplicable light.

Qingye became interested: "Where is the master planning to go early in the morning?"

"Go catch the assassin." Gu Muqiu had a gentle smile on his face.

So Gu Muqiu led the crowd to Su Shangshu's mansion.

By the way, the imperial guards were dispatched this time, at least thousands of people.

The sound was so loud that it woke up the people who were still asleep.

After they opened the door to see the battle clearly, they didn't go back to the house, they just followed behind to watch the excitement.

"What's going on? It's early in the morning." One person said in a daze.

"I don't know, it may be that some of the court ministers committed the crime, the regent should lead someone to ransack the house."

"This battle is really similar. The last time I copied Mr. Liu's family, there was no such battle. This time, the regent has personally participated in the battle. It must be unusual."

"Oh, I heard it was to catch an assassin."


Gu Muqiu soon arrived at Su Shangshu's mansion, and Qingshu went to knock on the door.

After dawdling for a long time, someone finally opened the door.

"It's coming, what a reminder, disturbing people's dreams early in the morning." A servant of the Su Mansion generally complained while opening the door.

After seeing the battle in front of the door, the whole person was stunned.

He quickly knelt down: "Regent, slave..." His face turned pale, it's over, he just insulted the regent just now.

And what did the master do?The regent even dispatched the imperial guards.

Gu Muqiu had a particularly gentle smile on his face, and his voice was soft without any coldness: "Am I a ghost?"

The man quickly kowtowed: "No, the slave is the ghost, and the slave is the ghost."

Gu Muqiu ignored that person, and said flatly, "Let's get started."

Suifeng turned around and said to the Imperial Guard behind him: "Start searching, search carefully, don't miss any place."

The voices of the imperial guards were uniform: "Yes." Then they entered Su Shangshu's mansion.

Su Shangshu was woken up by the sound, with doubts on his face: "What's going on?"

The voice of the concubine in his arms is charming: "It may be those servants who don't have long eyes. The master works so hard on weekdays, so let's sleep a little longer today."

"Okay, I will accompany you well today." Su Shangshu touched the concubine's face with a smile.

It wasn't until the imperial guards entered the courtyard that Su Shangshu realized that something was wrong, and he hurriedly put on his clothes.The concubine also panicked.

"My lord, please get up." Sui Feng stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Su Shangshu opened the door with anger on his face, and when he saw Suifeng clearly, the anger on his face increased a bit: "What does the regent mean?" He recognized Suifeng as Gu Muqiu's substitute, so he was very angry .

"My lord is looking for the assassin, Lord Su please forgive me." Sui Feng said coldly.

"What do you mean? This official is looking at Gu Nanchuan on purpose!" Su Shangshu said coldly.

Don't think he can't see it, Gu Nanchuan is just finding fault on purpose, there is not a single ghost in Shangshufu, let alone assassins.

He said how could someone like Gu Nanchuan, who is sure to get revenge, let him go so easily, and he never expected to wait for him here.

"Su Shangshu has a problem with this king?" Gu Muqiu seemed to be smiling, but there was not much smile in his eyes.

"Isn't the regent a bit too bold?" Su Shangshu saw Gu Muqiu's arrival and didn't dare to call him by his name again.

There were little smiles in her deep eyes, as if everything was under her control: "Is Su Shangshu so angry to hide the assassin?"

"Gu Nanchuan! Don't spit blood!" Su Shangshu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. If the crime of hiding an assassin in Shangshu's mansion is confirmed, his old life will not be saved.

"Suifeng, I'm tied up. If someone continues to obstruct, no matter who they are, they will be chopped off." Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle, but Su Shangshu saw the chill deep in her eyes, and he knew she was serious.

So he was much more honest, and the little concubine beside him was already fainted by the battle.

"Master, the search over there has been completed, this is what we found." Qing Ye handed the things in his hand to Gu Muqiu.

When Su Shangshu saw that thing, his face turned pale instantly. Aren't these things placed in the dark compartment? How did they find them?
But what Aoba said next made him even more desperate, he knew that he was doomed today.

"Master, there is a secret room in one room." Aoba had a smile on her face, seeming to gloat over others' misfortune.

In fact, he had wanted to see Su Shangshu's misfortune for a long time, but he didn't expect Su Shangshu to die like this and leave so much evidence.

"Then we have to search carefully, maybe the assassin was hidden by Su Shangshu." The smile on Gu Muqiu's face also increased a little.

Aoba: My lord, why did you say such things without changing your face?Where did the assassin come from?

But superficial skills still need to be done: "Yes, this subordinate will go now." Aoba was a little serious.

Su Shangshu looked at Gu Muqiu with eyes full of hatred. If eyes could kill, Gu Muqiu would probably be hacked into pieces by him.

"Su Shangshu is really courageous." Gu Muqiu glanced at the things Qingye found and said with a smile.

Well, it really is how bold people are and how productive the land is.

(End of this chapter)

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