Chapter 549
"Don't worry about it." Gu Muqiu's voice was a little lazy.

Since people like to pretend, let him pretend, he can't pretend for a lifetime.

Everyone put the emperor on the bed, waiting for the doctor's diagnosis.

Su Shangshu is now in a daze, what's going on now?The emperor fainted no matter what, and vomited blood.

No, the emperor can't have an accident in his house. If the emperor is gone, then no one will protect him.

Su Shengxin: I don't have any points in my heart, this person is not angry with you.

The government doctor was trembling, not daring to have anything.This is the emperor, if something goes wrong, his life will be gone.

"How is it?" The prime minister took the lead to break the calm.

He frowned tightly, what kind of thing is this, he actually saw such absurd thing.

"The emperor is fine." The doctor confirmed repeatedly that the emperor was indeed fine.

As for why he fainted, he didn't know.

And with so many big people watching him, he was really under a lot of pressure.

"Then why did you faint?" Su Shengxin still had tears on his face.The emperor is her only reliance, he can't have any accidents.

"I don't know." The doctor looked like he was about to cry.He decided that if he survived today, he would go back to his hometown, and he never wanted to stay in this place again.

"It's okay, the imperial doctor will be here soon." Gu Muqiu looked lazy.

She wondered whether to wake him up.

"It's time to thank the Regent." Hearing this, the prime minister felt more at ease.

Gu Muqiu said in a gentle voice, "This is all my duty."

A group of people tossed and tossed for a long time, but the emperor still didn't wake up, so Gu Muqiu took up the heavy responsibility and sent the emperor back to the palace.

The ostentation was indescribably great, and it was only a step away from saying 'the emperor is here'.

The emperor was so angry that he was half dead, but he could only lie down and not make a sound.

"Goddess, now I have every reason to suspect that you did it on purpose." 888 was quite confident.

"Well, do you have an opinion?" Gu Muqiu's voice was a little lazy, and his eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

888 laughed a few times, and continued: "No problem, I think this is very good."

That's how you say it's not fair.

Gu Muqiu: Not loud enough?Isn't that fair?
After she sent the emperor back to the palace, she returned home. As for how the emperor solved this matter, what does it matter to her?

The emperor 'woke up' after Gu Muqiu returned, startling the imperial physicians next to him.

"The emperor is awake, what's wrong with you?" the imperial physician asked quickly.

"Go down first." The emperor said with a gloomy face.

After everyone retreated, a hidden guard appeared in front of him.

"Master, all of us are dead." The dark guard lowered his head.

"What did you say?" The emperor couldn't believe it. The number of people he sent out last night was ten times the usual number.

Even if Gu Nanchuan was not injured, it is impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

The man threw out another piece of news that made the emperor's blood boil: "Our people are all gone, and all the corpses have been sent back."

"He knows?" The emperor felt that his chest was tight, and there was a fishy sweetness in his mouth.

"Yes." The dark guard nodded.

"Okay, let's go down first." The emperor's voice was tired.

He should have known earlier, if Gu Nanchuan didn't know what he had done, it would be impossible for him to behave abnormally and suddenly regret the marriage.

Now he can be sure that what happened today must have been planned by himself.

No, now that this matter has been brought to the fore, he must speed up and resolve it quickly.

Moreover, Su Shengxin...

This time, she must be wronged.

These days, Gu Muqiu did not go to the morning court either. As for Su Shangshu, she has already sent him to the prison, and he will be executed soon.

It's just that the old guy will definitely not be honest, and Su Shengxin will definitely find a way to get him out.

It is impossible to get rid of the crime, those crimes are certain, so the only way for Su Shengxin is to steal, so Gu Muqiu asked people to watch the sky prison early in the morning.

The emperor seemed to be planning something these past few days, and he didn't create trouble for Gu Muqiu.

"Master, those people have already started to act. You guessed it right, they plan to steal and change positions." With a smile on Qing Shu's face, his master really knew things like a god.

"Don't worry about it." Gu Muqiu smiled, as if everything was expected.

"Leave them alone." Qing Shu obviously didn't understand what Gu Muqiu meant.

Gu Muqiu's voice was cold, with a piercing chill: "I just want them to run away."

Since Su Shangshu is so confident, she must give him some hope.

When he saw hope, he completely crushed their hope.

888: Tsk tsk tsk, so vicious, so scary.

"Okay, I understand." Qing Shu turned around after finishing speaking, and continued to observe Su Shangshu's movements.

Not long after, Qing Shu came back again: "Master, they have already left, and they seem to be planning to leave the city."

Gu Muqiu got up slowly: "Let's go, chase them."

She intentionally slowed down, and when she boarded the city gate, Su Shangshu was just leaving the city.

"Do you want your subordinates to lead someone to chase after you?" Suifeng said expressionlessly, his voice tinged with chill.

Gu Muqiu glanced at the distance: "Bow and arrow." I haven't used this thing for a long time, and I don't know if it's unfamiliar.

After hearing the rumors, I immediately found it and handed it to Gu Muqiu.

Gu Muqiu tested the strings with his slender jade fingers, then slowly picked up the three arrows '嗖嗖嗖' and fired all three arrows, directly breaking the rope of the carriage, and Su Shangshu fell straight down from the carriage.

Su Shangshu felt that all the bones in his body were broken, and when he saw Gu Muqiu on the city wall, his eyes were full of horror.

Why is Gu Nanchuan here?Their plan was clearly sound.

He ran quickly, and he didn't stop until a few arrows were stuck in the ground in front of him.

No, he can't die like this.

Su Shengxin looked at the scene and hurriedly said: "I beg the regent not to kill the father of the civilian girl."

"This king is just following orders, but this king is curious about how Miss Su appeared here." Gu Muqiu's voice was low and laziness.The mild eyebrows and eyes gave Su Shengxin an illusion of being pampered.

"Little... little girl just passing by." Su Shengxin felt a little guilty looking at Gu Muqiu, for some reason, she didn't dare to look directly into his smiling eyes.

"That's such a coincidence, I thought Miss Su was in collusion with Lord Su." Gu Muqiu's eyes were full of smiles.

" come, the little girl was just passing by, and father deserved what he deserved, so the little girl naturally wouldn't do anything." Su Shengxin laughed dryly.

Although she has been demoted to a commoner, she doesn't seem to have that awareness at all.

"Then please don't disturb this king's impartial work." Gu Muqiu picked up the arrow again.

"I beg the Regent not to hurt him." Su Shengxin quickly knelt down.

No matter what, her father can't die now, as long as his life is saved first, there is still a chance for things to turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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