Chapter 562
Of course, it's talking about the panting creature, not the plant.

"No creatures?" Gu Muqiu murmured to himself with his eyes lowered.It's kind of weird that there are no living things.

Suddenly she sensed something moving on her left side, and at the same time, 888's urgent voice sounded in her mind: "Be careful!" Its voice was hurried with a hint of annoyance at the same time, it was not angry just now, What is it that pops out now?
Before 888 finished speaking, Gu Muqiu's body reacted quickly, dodging the thing that suddenly jumped out with extremely tricky movements.

Then she reminded Suifeng and Qingshu: "Be careful of the rock wall."

Hearing Gu Muqiu's voice, Suifeng and Qingshu were a little more careful, because they were mentally prepared in advance, so they easily avoided those things.

Those things looked like rotten human hands, black all over, exuding a rotten and disgusting aura.

An ominous premonition flashed in Qing Shu's heart, and he frowned deeply: "What are these things?"

"I don't know." Sui Feng's cold face also showed a bit of seriousness.

He had never heard of it, nor seen anything like it.

"Master, be careful, this thing seems to be poisonous." Qing Shu glanced at it and continued.

Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle yet tinged with chill: "Just take care of yourself."

Qing Shu shut up when he heard the words, he knew he couldn't be distracted at this time.

As they went down, there were more and more ghost hands, and no one knew if it would suddenly appear in the next moment.

"What is this?" Gu Muqiu asked 888 while speeding up.If this continues, there will only be more and more things, it is better to speed up and land directly.

888 searched for all the information about this thing very quickly, but after collecting for a long time, he still couldn't find it: "I don't have this thing in my database, but I found something similar." Then it passed the information to Gu Muqiu.

A line of text immediately appeared in Gu Muqiu's mind, and a picture was attached.

The thing 888 gave her was a plant called ghost hand vine, which looked similar to the one they met, except that the ghost hand vine was green, while the one they met was black.

It is also possible that this thing is a mutated ghost hand vine.

The ghost hand vines also have a lot of attack power. They often grow on wet cliffs. They like to lurk around living creatures and then pop up suddenly, wrapping around living things, causing them to suffocate to death.

Gu Muqiu looked towards the end, and the Ghost Hand Vine had a fatal weakness—fear of fire.

She took out a torch and ignited it, and waved it around, and the surrounding 'upgraded ghost hand vines' immediately shrank back.

Seeing this, Qingshu and Suifeng also took out the booklet.

Qing Shu heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that such a disgusting thing would be afraid of fire.

Gu Muqiu continued to descend with the fire folder. Although he held the light source in his hand, it still couldn't illuminate the way around them, and there was always a layer of things covering them all around.

It wasn't until she was almost close to the ground that she vaguely saw that the black thing was a tree.

black?Gu Muqiu's eyes flashed, this thing looks really weird.

This is too different from normal trees, so she has a strong interest.

"Why is this tree black?" Qing Shu's face was full of doubts.Strange things happened after arriving here, which made him have to be cautious.

Rao was mentally prepared before coming down, but he didn't expect these things to appear.

"I haven't seen it." Sui Feng's always cold face also showed doubts, and a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

He traveled all over the world for so many years when he didn't follow the prince, but there was never a place where the trees were black.

"Maybe it's a soil quality problem." The softness on Gu Muqiu's face was condensed in his eyes, and his voice carried a bit of interest.

It is shrouded in dense fog all year round, and the trees grow so well without sunlight. This is a question worth studying.

Do all the plants below like shade?Photosynthesis without a lot of sunlight?
Of course, all these changes, including the color of the plants, may be caused by some rare elements in the soil that cause the plants to mutate.

"Goddess can go down and study carefully." 888 has already seen it, and this guy's strong interest has come up again.

"Yes." Gu Muqiu replied softly.She plans to take the soil and plant specimens from this place back for research.

Soon, she reached the ground, and after confirming that the surrounding area was safe, she knelt down and poked the surrounding soil.

Then she twisted it up and smelled it, she frowned, the soil had a fishy smell and gave off a stench.

After she took out a small bag to collect the samples, she stood up slowly, took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands carefully.

In just a short while, Sui Feng and Qing Shu also reached the ground: "My lord, it seems that it's hard to tell the direction here." Qing Shu frowned, the fog in this place is too thick, and it's hard to distinguish the north, south, east, and west.

If you don't pay attention, you will lose your way soon, and you may not even be able to return to the original road.

"Make a mark." Sui Feng looked around and opened his mouth.

"En." Gu Muqiu nodded.It's not easy to get lost, because she has a system map.

It's just that the visual range is too narrow, and I don't know if there will be any danger ahead.

She took out a blue and white porcelain bottle and handed it to Suifeng and the others, her voice was gentle and casual: "Hold it, don't swallow it." So far, she doesn't know if the air in this place is poisonous, and medicine is the safest way.

Qingshu and Suifeng didn't say anything, just took out the medicine and put it in their mouths.

"I'll lead the way, you follow." Gu Muqiu's mouth curved gently.In this environment, if you don't pay attention to people, they will disappear.

"It is the duty of the subordinates to protect the master." Suifeng had a serious face, clearly disapproving of Gu Muqiu's actions.

They are subordinates, how can they let the master explore the way ahead?
"Yes, my subordinates are going to explore the way." Qing Shu rarely agrees with Sui Feng's words.

"You guys are too slow to react, and there is a formation here." Gu Muqiu said the most shocking fact in the most gentle tone.

Of course, this is a fact, and when there is no need to be subtle, there is no need to be subtle, otherwise it will give people a fatal illusion.

After seeing the positions of the trees just now, she found that the positions of these trees were a bit deliberate, as if they were not naturally grown like this, but someone deliberately made them. It seems to be a formation here.

Because of the existence of this formation, even if there is a map, it may not be possible to go out completely.

It's just that Gu Muqiu didn't know that her words had a great impact on Suifeng and Qingshu's lives.

After the two went back this time, they began to practice martial arts and formations hard, and vowed to make achievements.

Qing Shu held back for a long time before he could say: "Master, be careful." Maybe it was because they were so useless that they kept letting Master charge forward.

(End of this chapter)

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