Chapter 570
"No, but King Xian doesn't have to worry." The old butler had a gentle smile on his face.This kind of him made Gu Zimo feel at ease.

"Nothing?" Gu Zimo frowned slightly.The regent did not get in touch with the people in the mansion, and Chen Bo was so calm, it was really strange.

"My lord is carefully preparing his own affairs, so you don't need to worry about our lord." The butler's expression remained unchanged.

In his heart, he had a little more affection for Gu Zimo. At first, he thought that the virtuous king came here because he was afraid that something happened to his prince and would implicate him, but his sincere appearance did not look like a disguise at all.

"Okay, Zimo knows." Gu Zimo said softly.He knew how to stabilize the emperor.

Now that the critical period has come, he can't be negligent and let all their previous efforts be in vain.

The old butler seemed to have thought of something again: "By the way, our lord left something for the sage king, and originally thought to give it to the sage king in a few days, but today it happens that the sage king is coming to the mansion, so let's give it to the sage king as well. "

"What?" Gu Zimo's face was slightly puzzled.

"The old slave doesn't know either, please wait a moment, the virtuous king, the old slave will go get it now."

Gu Zimo smiled lightly: "Thank you, Uncle Chen."

As soon as the words fell, the old butler turned around to fetch the things Gu Muqiu left behind.

"Master, what do you think the regent left behind?" Gu Zimo's guard bowed his head in thought.

Gu Zimo said indifferently, "I don't know." He felt that what the regent explained when he left was comprehensive enough, but what's going on now?
The old housekeeper went there for a while, then took back what Gu Muqiu had left for Gu Zimo.

He handed the kit to Gu Zimo: "My lord, this is what our prince left behind."

In fact, he didn't know what was inside, but what his prince left must be important.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen." Gu Zimo's voice was gentle.

His entourage put their eyes on the red kit, and their expression was stunned. Could it be that this is the legendary...

Up for grabs? ? ?

It was inconvenient for Gu Zimo to stay longer in the Prince Regent's Mansion, so he put his 'good plan' in his sleeve and left.

After returning to his mansion, he opened the things Gu Muqiu left behind. When he saw what it was, his pupils suddenly sank, and a slight astonishment flashed across his usually gentle face.

This is... the preference and some privacy of the ministers in the DPRK and China.

A few pages are densely packed with words, and the records are particularly detailed. For example, the cousin of the uncle of a minister's cousin once robbed a civilian girl.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but secretly sighed. Fortunately, the regent was an ally with him. If he was an enemy, he believed that he would not last long in the hands of the regent.

He took some time to write down all these things and then burned it. He knew that if these things were leaked out, he would become the public enemy of the court ministers. After all, no one likes to expose their weaknesses to others.

At this time, the emperor who was far away in the imperial study did not know that his good days were over.

It really made Gu Muqiu tell the truth, the emperor puts all his thoughts on her now, completely unaware that his family is about to be emptied by Gu Zimo.

"Have you found Gu Nanchuan yet?" The emperor sat on the upper seat, looking at the person kneeling on the ground from above.

"No, but master, don't worry, no one who enters the foggy forest will come out alive." The kneeling man in black said coldly.

The emperor's face was a little bit more majestic that belonged to the emperor: "To live is to see people, to die is to see corpses." Before seeing Gu Nanchuan's body in person, he did not believe that Gu Nanchuan would die so easily.

No, even if he died, he would crush him to ashes, otherwise he was really worried that one day he would cheat his body.

"Yes, my subordinates will definitely let people stare at the poisonous fog forest. If they see the regent..." the people below said coldly.

"Send someone to look for it." The emperor was a little worried, because he didn't believe that there was anything special about the poisonous fog forest.

Isn't it just a small forest, can it still eat people?
What he didn't know was that the forest could really eat people.

"But master, that poisonous mist forest..." The man had obvious disapproval in his eyes. They had already lost most of their manpower in the hands of the regent. If they entered the poisonous mist forest rashly now...

"No, but, let's go down." The emperor let it go, obviously he had paid attention.

No matter how unwilling that person was, he could only back down: "Yes, this subordinate will do it now."

After he left, another hidden guard appeared in front of the emperor, and the emperor seemed to have no intention of saying, "Has there been any movement in the Prince Regent's Palace recently?"

Gu Nanchuan disappeared, but this gave him an unreal feeling, he always felt that Gu Nanchuan had arranged something else.

"There is nothing abnormal, they don't seem to be worried about the regent at all." The dark guard continued after thinking about it.

There was a dangerous light in the emperor's eyes: "Is there anything unusual?"

No, maybe the entire Prince Regent's Mansion is abnormal now, shouldn't they send someone to look for Gu Nanchuan at this time?
Or maybe it's because Gu Nanchuan wasn't missing at all, and now all these are just his tricks.

What is this Gu Nanchuan doing?
"If there's anything abnormal, it's that they are too relaxed." When he was watching today, he saw a little girl happily going home to visit relatives.

And that happy look doesn't look like a fake.

"Is there anyone regent in the palace during this period?" The emperor continued to ask.He now wants to know whether Gu Nanchuan had any contact with the people in the Regent's Palace during this period.

"King Xian has been to the Prince Regent's Mansion today." The dark guard said coldly in a low voice.

"A virtuous king?" The emperor was thoughtful.What is Gu Zimo doing at the Prince Regent's Mansion at this time?
Gu Nanchuan was missing and only wanted to go up to curry favor, isn't it too late?
He's just a cripple, and he doesn't have a few days left to live. He really doesn't take him seriously. I believe Gu Nanchuan may not be able to take a fancy to him either.

Thinking of this, a hint of sarcasm flashed in the emperor's eyes.

"Go down and keep watching." He said in a deep voice.Now he still doesn't know if Gu Nanchuan is really missing, and he can't act rashly.

And he always felt that Gu Nanchuan was more difficult to deal with than before.

"Yes." The man backed away quickly.

The emperor sat with a cold face, and murmured: "Gu Nanchuan, what exactly do you want to do?"

At this moment, a soft voice interrupted his thoughts: "The emperor is still worried?" Su Shengxin walked affectionately.

The emperor nodded slightly: "Yeah." Seeing Su Shengxin, who was more charming than Huajiao, his mood improved instantly.

He slowly got up to hold her hand, with a gentle expression: "Don't worry, after this incident, I will find a way to give you a title."

Hearing this, Su Shengxin's face was grim for a moment, what she wanted was not that title, what she wanted was the unique throne that was below one person and above ten thousand people.

(End of this chapter)

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