Chapter 576
She bypassed them and walked in front, Qing Shu couldn't help exclaiming: "Master!" They haven't confirmed whether this place is safe yet, so it might be inappropriate to rush up like this.

But Gu Muqiu had already walked up, without any pause, and of course, there was no accident.

At this time, 888 had recovered its calm, and it was a little surprised: "The way of heaven in this world is really generous, and even built a special road for the protagonist."

Judging by the ingenuity of this mechanism, you can tell that this guy is not a stingy guy.

"That's weird?" Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle and calm, but 888 always felt that her voice was ridiculed that it had never seen the world.

" actually okay." It didn't know why it could feel an atmosphere called embarrassment even though it was obviously not a human being.

Gu Muqiu ignored 888's uneasiness and walked slowly ahead.And Qingshu and Suifeng saw that their master had already left, so they could only follow.

It's just that Suifeng, who has always been cautious, felt a little strange, his master was not such a careless person, why didn't he observe this mechanism first this time, he glanced at Gu Muqiu who was strolling in the courtyard and didn't speak.

"Wait, Goddess, don't you think there is something wrong with this place?" 888 immediately came to his senses, how it was led astray just now and ignored the danger of this place.

"Well, something is wrong." Gu Muqiu's eyes were full of inexplicable emotions.

Something was wrong, and she wanted to know the answer because it was so wrong.

888 knew he couldn't convince Gu Muqiu, so he didn't say anything.

Having a powerful host is sometimes not a good thing, at least most of the time, people don't listen to advice at all.

The lake was wide and the road was long, and it took them a long time to reach the middle of the lake.

Now they can barely see what's going on ahead.

Rather than saying that the front is a small island, it is more like an altar, a group of buildings made of black stones.

However, they could only see the outermost wall. Some strange patterns were engraved on the shiny black wall, and all kinds of portraits were lifelike.

The most eye-catching one is a half-human, half-skeleton 'monster'. It faces them, kneeling on the ground, and its hands are holding something high above its head. It feels focused and pious, but also has a hint of sadness, which is in stark contrast to its eerie face.

What attracts attention is not what he is holding in his hands, but the eyes made of gemstones, which are so bright that they cannot be ignored.

Qing Shu turned sideways slightly: "Why do I feel that this thing is staring at me?" From the moment he saw this mural, he felt something was staring at him.

It was rare for Suifeng to say: "I feel it too." He has always felt this way, so it seems that he is not alone.

Gu Muqiu said softly: "Don't pay attention to his eyes."

Staring at it like this would be seductive, but she didn't say it because it would only add to the pressure.

Although Suifeng and the others didn't know why Gu Muqiu said that, but out of trust in her ability, they didn't ask too much.

This place is originally evil, and it must be right to listen to my master.

But at this time, Gu Muqiu secretly asked 888: "Can I take this thing away?" What she said was naturally those soul-stirring eyes.

You can tell it's a good thing just by looking at it, even though it's just a gatekeeper.

The feeling of being watched is not only felt by others, she also has it.

888: It's such a time, so you still miss these extraneous things?

"I'm afraid it's impossible." It was a little ashamed.Sure enough, the goddess will never forget to take the sheep by the hand at any time.

Well, a family man.

"Oh." Gu Muqiu's voice was filled with a hint of pity, which made 888 hardly bear to look directly at it.

She didn't continue to put her gaze on the eyeballs of the thing, but carefully observed other details.

She indifferently turned her eyes to the hands of the thing, there was already nothing there, the thing it was holding seemed to have fallen off, leaving only a shallow mark.

Seeing this, Gu Muqiu's eyes flashed.

She also looked around this thing, but there was nothing falling, so where did this thing go?
"Maybe someone picked it up." 888's tone was very calm.

It doesn't understand what Gu Muqiu is struggling with. It thinks it's normal for a baby to be taken away by others. Isn't it allowed that there are people in the world who like to take sheep with them like a goddess?

"There is no trace of living beings here, and the edges are very neat." Gu Muqiu directly denied 888's opinion.

She wasn't talking about people, but creatures. She didn't find any creatures that could reach here along the way.

Oh no, except for that weird flower.

But when she looked at the peeling edge, why did she feel a little familiar?
"It wasn't picked away, could it be that it jumped off by itself?" 888 was a little surprised.Anyway, it can't imagine a scene where an object runs away with long legs.

Gu Muqiu's tone was gentle but serious: "Maybe."

(End of this chapter)

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