Chapter 15 Men Are Poisonous
Zhao Bian saw that he took off his shirt, then squatted on the ground to wash his face, his bronzed skin had such a seductive smell under the sunlight.

It is very common for rural people to wipe their bodies shirtless.

Gu Beiting didn't think there was anything wrong with it. There was a big river at the entrance of the village where people often took a bath. Those who were born and bred didn't care about it at all.

This man is absolutely poisonous, Zhao Bian didn't dare to look any further, this man is good-looking and attractive.

After a brief scrubbing, Gu Beiting poured out the water in the basin, fetched another basin of water to wash the towels, lowered his head and smelled the heavy sweat smell on his clothes, needless to say, it must be his own smell, so it doesn't seem right to just go back like this great.

After thinking about it for a while, after selling the pig, I bought two towels and sent them over. The family treated me very well. If it wasn't for their rescue, I might still be lying outside now!

Looking back, the fat girl was sitting on the threshold, fanning the wind with a cattail fan in her hand. The hens in the yard had laid eggs and were clucking non-stop.

Everything here looks dilapidated, but it's much better than the house I live in. At least someone finally talked to him.

"Just hang the towel on the rope after washing." Seeing that the towel was still in the man's hand, Zhao Bian couldn't help but say.

Gu Beiting put the towel around his neck, "It's so hot, so I'll use your towel! I'll give you a new one later."

"That's fine." Zhao Bian replied unceremoniously, and she didn't feel wrong at all. She just exchanged old towels for new towels.

Gu Beiting looked around. There was some firewood in the corner, which should be picked up from the mountain. If you want to butcher a pig, you need hot water.

"Zhao...枔" Gu Beiting thought for a long time before saying his full name, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter." Zhao Bian replied that he had just breathed out, it was too hot today.

"I want to bring some firewood into the house to boil a pot of hot water, is that okay?" Gu Beiting asked.

"Of course, you can use it as you like." Zhao Bian promised that he didn't mean to get up, and she didn't want to join in the fun by boiling hot water on a hot day?

Gu Beiting didn't expect the fat girl to help, but went into the house to boil water himself.

Sitting on the threshold and blowing the cool breeze, Zhao Bian felt that Gu Beiting was quite capable, and he did whatever he wanted to do.

Maybe people who can become characters are different, at least this is the experience she summed up.Otherwise, how could there be a gap between rich and poor in the world?In addition to personal luck, it still depends on perseverance and brains.Suddenly I had a bold idea in my heart, maybe I could cooperate with him.

Based on her understanding of the development trend in the next ten years, coupled with Gu Beiting's ingenuity, she can start any career.

You must know that she has climbed to the position of president, but she has worked hard for ten years. She goes to bed later than anything else and wakes up earlier than anything else, otherwise she would not have broken her body.

"What are you thinking about?" The man's voice interrupted her train of thought, and she looked up, not knowing when the man had come to her.

The sweat on his cheeks fell into the soil on the ground, his eyes were looking at him, and his heart was beating incessantly for a moment.

Gu Beiting didn't mean to be scary, he had already boiled the water, 15 minutes had passed and no one came, he felt a little strange, so he wanted to ask Zhao Bian why her grandfather had been away for so long.Seeing the girl's fair face glowing red, she didn't dare to look at it and turned away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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