I'm a god in the game

Chapter 293 Eat the loss of no culture

Chapter 293 Eat the loss of no culture

"The Qianfo Cliff and Ziwuling strongholds in Bashu were attacked by Wanlisha on a large scale. No other alliances were found. They asked for support. The number of troops is estimated to be thousands."

"Qinchuan, Jinghu, Xuhai, and Xuhai all have strongholds under attack. Shuilongyin is the main attacker, and Wanlisha is assisting in the attack. They are asking for reinforcements. The number of troops is estimated to be in the thousands."

"Kaifeng, Quantu of Hangzhou is being attacked by the main forces of Bi'anhuadiwang Prefecture and Hanjiang City, and they are asking for support. The number of troops is estimated to be tens of thousands."

In the koi copy server channel, people are constantly reporting news about the war.

Koi, who is in charge of the presidential battle of this war—the rice bucket, is quickly analyzing the news and then responding.

"Longmen Mountain in Bashu, Yufengtang, Wanqing Bamboo Sea, and Suixinglou stronghold draw half of the defenders to support Meridian Ridge and Qianfo Cliff."

"Cuihai, Lingyunbi, and Guanyuewan strongholds have stepped up their guard to prevent the Bianhua from sneaking in."

Bashu map.

Gu Chuan looked at Qianfo Cliff and Ziwu Ridge, which were in full swing, and waited patiently. The sound of trampling leaves could be heard from the steep mountain wall behind him.

More than 2000 Wanlisha players are quietly hidden by taking advantage of the gap in vision of the steep mountain wall and the cover of lush vegetation.

Below the mountain wall, nearly a thousand Wanlisha players were charging frantically, and then strangled with the Koi Chao players. For a while, the sound of fighting was loud.

Wanlisha's players were constantly gathering from Qinyue Valley, and then rushed to Qianfoya and Ziwuling strongholds. The people coming and going were not covered at all, and they were exposed to the sight of the players.

Created a massive war scene, quite shocking.

In the sky, Asuka was brutally killed, and fled in a hurry from the forest in shock. This battle broke the peace of Bashu in the past, and let the flames of war burn to this land of abundance.

The map of Bashu has many cliffs and rapids, the terrain is complex and steep, and there are many natural dangers.

Among them, the strongholds such as Ziwuling and Qianfoya and the strongholds such as Cuihai and Lingyunbi are separated by many steep mountains and rapids.

Between the two regions, there is only a relatively convenient route from Shuangyue Bay.

Other areas are basically densely covered with rushing rivers and unattainable mountain walls, which is why the road to Shu is difficult and it is difficult to reach the blue sky.

At this time, in the dangerous mountain range from Qianfoya to Cuihai, Judgment Xiaoyu led 1000 Wanlisha players, and was marching in covert at this time.

The koi players who were defending the stronghold of Qianfoya were completely focused on the battlefield at this time, and didn't notice this army at all.

Even if they did, they wouldn't notice anything.

Because there are too many people in the entire battlefield, both sides continue to attack, die in battle, and then resurrect to attack, repeating the cycle.
There are too many people. In such a battle scene, all players are enjoying the battle. Apart from obeying the orders of the united front, they are fighting and fighting selflessly.

Somewhere, on the edge of an unknown cliff.

"President, what should we do?" the management of the Judgment Alliance asked.

Judgment Xiaoyu looked at Tianxian who was crossing in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Jump down, and then climb up with light work. Remember, when you get to the opposite side, don't act rashly, wait for the brothers to arrive."

"Then attack Cuihai for me. It's best if you can win. If you can't win, then hold them back and help the leader attract firepower."

The distance from Qianfo Cliff to Cuihai was undoubtedly a natural danger for the ancients, and it was undoubtedly a dream to pass safely.

But this is a game, and the players are not ordinary people, they are all martial artists with unique skills.

Moreover, in the Tiandao game, falling off the cliff will not kill you, this is the reason why Xiaoyu made such a decision.


Following the order of Judgment Xiaoyu, the Wanlisha players behind him moved one after another, stood on the cliff, volleyed down, and jumped straight to the bottom of the bottomless cliff.

The battle at Qianfo Cliff and Ziwu Ridge stronghold was in full swing.

On the steep mountain wall near the Cuihai stronghold, Ruling Xiaoyu is counting the number of people.

"Are there any brothers who haven't come up yet?"

"No, it's all here."

"Step on the formation, heavenly fragrance lingering, scribe buff, ready to act."

Scanning the Cuihai stronghold in front of his eyes, Judgment Xiaoyu's eyes became sharp, and then shouted in the channel: "Kill!"

The Wanlisha player behind him moved when he heard the sound, broke out from the cover of the lush vegetation, and rushed towards the Cuihai stronghold in front of him.

"Damn it, the Bianhua flower is attacking, come and help me." In the Cuihai stronghold, there were constant shouts of panic.

Koi copied the alliance channel.

Fan Tongtong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news about the Cuihai stronghold.

It was just a sneak attack, which he expected, and he would feel strange if Bi'anhua didn't play the trick of sneak attack.

The rice bucket opened the map of Bashu and recalled the terrain of Bashu in his mind. This is an essential professional skill for an excellent united front.

Then according to the memory in his impression, he quickly commanded: "The nearby Broken Star Tower, Yufeng Hall, and Wanqing Bamboo Sea Stronghold will fully support them."

"Bianhua's resurrection point is still in Qinyuegu, just repel them, they won't last long."

In his opinion, this threat is not a threat at all, as long as Bi'anhua doesn't take down the stronghold quickly, then the location of Bi'anhua's resurrection point will still be in Qin Yuegu.

No matter how sneaky the players of the other shore flower are, it is useless, because their supply line is too long.

Players died and resurrected, and the distance to the place where the battle broke out was too far away.

This is also the reason why the koi are strictly guarded against death, all the areas close to the initial resurrection point of the Bianhua.

Judging Xiaoyu's attack, while drawing the attention of the Koi Chao united front, it also made them put down their guard.

There are more than 75000 players participating in the battle of Bianhua, which is composed of four alliance camps. Among them, Emperor State and Hanjiang City have the most players, with a total number of nearly 40000 players.

The rest of Wanlisha and Shuilongyin had about the same number of players participating in the battle, around 18000.

Although this number is not accurate, but the difference is not too big, almost close to ten.

Bianhua's Diwangzhou and the two alliance players of Hanjiang City are attacking the strongholds in the two maps of Kaifeng and Hangzhou with all their strength, and they are fighting fiercely with the main force of their koi copying.

The Bianhuashuilongyin League is also fighting on multiple maps, conducting harassment operations.

The last remaining Wanlisha League also participated in the harassment operation, and the remaining main force was fighting on the Bashu map.

There are about 18000 players in Wanlisha. According to the feedback from the major maps, there are about 10000 players participating in the harassment battle.

On the battlefields of Qianfoya and Ziwuling on the Bashu map, about 6000 players were used, and about 2000 players were used by Wanlisha to attack the Cuihai stronghold.

Judging from the battles on the major maps, all of Bi'anhua's troops are now fighting, which is why they put down their guard.

Now that it's all exposed, there's nothing to be afraid of, just do it.

As long as you pay attention to the mobilization of Bianhua's troops, it is just a simple offensive and defensive battle.

But they ignored an important fact, that is, these figures are all their approximate estimates, just take the battle of Cuihai as an example.

There are only 1000 players participating in Wanlisha's battle, but in the eyes of the Koi players, it is simply a vast ocean, so scary.

I only saw Wanlisha's players densely packed, all over the mountains and plains, and I also had the same number of players on my side. Fighting together, the scene was even more shocking.

They only know that it can't be a battle of ten thousand people, and it can't be only a few hundred people, so it can only be a thousand people.

Then after a brief thought, he reported a number of 2 people up.

Then the United Front Work Department of Koi Co., through the battle feedback from the major maps, summed up the number of people and confirmed these numbers.

On the other side, Judgment Xiaoyu, who was fighting in the Cuihai stronghold, shouted excitedly in the channel:
"Boss, there are people coming to support from the opposite side. We can hold on here for a while, so hurry up and act."

Hearing the report from Ruling Xiaoyu, Gu Chuan showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then shouted in the channel: "All brothers get on their horses and rush to the Wanqing Bamboo Sea Stronghold."

(End of this chapter)

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