Six Gods

Chapter 302 Broken Love Forever, I'm Sorry!

Chapter 302 Broken Love Forever, I'm Sorry!
Wanmin's will tore up the thread of evil fate and cut off the fate that has become a fact.

In the soul space, entangled with each other, the dazzling brilliance of billions of dazzling brilliance dimmed.

Eyes transformed by God's will coldly looked at Xiang Yuan, who was burning with soul, and finally dissipated and receded.

The golden fire in the soul was burning fiercely, but the indescribable coldness gradually surrounded Xiang Yuan's consciousness.

Cold, empty, suffocated, weak...

It was as if all the strength had been drained from his whole body, a feeling that could turn into green smoke and dissipate at any time, which made Xiang Yuan feel the feeling of being dissipated.

Am I dying...

The soul burns, irreversible.

At this moment, Xiang Yuan, whose soul was burning with a golden flame, was like a lit candle.

The moment the candle burns out is when his soul flies away.

Death is like a lamp going out, disappearing in an instant.

Watching his soul dissipate quietly, Xiang Yuan has no fear.

He had already died once, and even though that time was an accident, he didn't feel anything.

After I die, I don't know when another human king will appear in the human race.

Fortunately, the crossing bridge has been built successfully.

The Sacrificial Soldiers City is also guarded by those giant god phantoms, which can guarantee at least 300 years of safety.

I hope someone will succeed me in these 300 years.

Ho ho, looking at me now, I am afraid that I am the shortest-lived human king in the history of the human race.

Is this my untimely death? It should be counted...

In the face of death, Xiang Yuan was fearless, thinking about his "afterlife" in a chaotic manner.

Just thinking about it, nothing more than worrying about the safety of the human race after his death without his protection.

Seeing that the volume of the soul was getting smaller and smaller, Xiang Yuan's consciousness also began to fall into chaos.

Just when his consciousness was about to be completely extinguished, dissipating along with his soul.

A bright red figure suddenly appeared behind him.

The golden fire that burns the soul is led away by the strands of evil love.

The woman in the wedding dress gently embraced Xiang Yuan's soul and consciousness that were about to dissipate.

The power of the soul poured in, keeping his soul consciousness that was about to dissipate.

"My friend, is it really so unbearable to be with me? Are you willing to give up your life?"

With her chin resting on Xiang Yuan's shoulder, Hua Yanluo muttered to herself.

Feeling the power of the soul continuously injected into the body, Xiang Yuan's chaotic and hazy consciousness suddenly became clearer.

The Nie Yuan Love Silk Curse makes the two people's fates match, in a sense, it is tantamount to becoming one person.

The lives of the two seemed to fit together.

In such a special state, Xiang Yuan could no longer show any hatred and anger towards Hua Yanluo, his eyes were calm, and he spoke deeply.

"My fate is up to me, God wants to pinch my neck and make me admit defeat?

Want to blind his dog eyes! "

Hearing the young man Wang Jieao's resentful words, Hua Yanluo smiled idiotically, and lightly rubbed his cheek against the ear of this bewildered man:

"You guy, it's interesting. I really look forward to the days when I will be with you forever."

The surging soul power is still pouring into Yuan's body for a moment.

Frowning slightly, Xiang Yuan said slowly:

"what are you doing?"

"What else can I do, save you." Exhaling an itchy breath, Hua Yanluo suddenly increased the infusion of soul power, allowing Xiang Yuan's soul, which had burned most of it, to quickly begin to recover.

"You..." Surprised by Hua Yanluo's behavior, Xiang Yuan said calmly, "You will die."

Shaking her head slightly, Hua Yanluo's figure began to fade gradually, and the massive loss of soul power made her fall into weakness very quickly.

"Even if the evil fate is broken, I have no way out.

You enemy, just live the days to come for me. "

Obviously it was Xiang Yuan's persistent resistance that contributed to her demise, but Hua Yanluo didn't seem to have any resentment towards Xiang Yuan.

Perhaps, what she sought from the very beginning was not immortality.

But a relief.

Birth is liberation, death... is also liberation.

Slowly coming to Xiang Yuan, Hua Yanluo's clear and bright eyes fluctuated slightly, looking at Xiang Yuan.

"You and I are tied together with a red rope, and fate is bound together, and you may never be able to fall in love with any woman again in this life.

Without love in this life, will you hate me? "

Looking down at Hua Yanluo with a curious and serious expression, Xiang Yuan thought about it.

"This in the state of Xu, no matter how hard it is for Xu Qing.

If you don't move your heart, you won't hurt her heart.

Good thing, good thing. "

Hearing Xiang Yuan's answer, Hua Yanluo was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help smiling, the smile was innocent and at ease, and he was happy to be relieved.

"It's a good one for Xu Guo, no matter how difficult it is for Xu Qing." Slowly leaning against Xiang Yuan's heart, Hua Yanluo's eyelids gradually half closed.

"Those human races often say that people will be reincarnated after death.

I have taken your fate in this life.

I'm sorry.

If there is a next life...

I will pay you back. "

With a single word, the Hua Yanluo leaning on Xiang Yuan's chest suddenly turned into countless light spots, scattered in the soul space.


In the outside world, the young man Wang Tou, who stands tall like a pillar in the sky, suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden lights rushed out, turning into countless lights and shadows running around, mysterious and majestic.

Swimming between life and death, and now returning again, showing the vicissitudes of life in Xiang Yuan's eyes, looking down at the palm of his own hand.

There was a tattered red hijab that was burned.

And its owner was turned into nothingness by the backlash of Nie Yuanqingsi long before Xiang Yuan woke up.

Clenching the red hijab tightly in his hand, the young man Wang slightly shook his head.

"If there is a next life...

I am waiting for you to pay me back. "


Putting away the hijab, soaring into the sky, the young man Wang fluttered away.


Zhengming 53 years
After the capital of Southern Wu was destroyed, the land was quickly recovered by the human army.

It only took less than two months.

And what contributed to the rapid collapse of the resistance of the Southern Wu Kingdom was that the capital was beheaded and destroyed by the human king.

At the same time, it was also because a large number of demons in the Southern Wu Kingdom fled suddenly.

Without the assistance of these aristocratic monsters, the army of the Southern Wu Kingdom and the Monster Mansion alone would be powerless to resist the iron hooves of the human army.

An ant may shake a tree, but a mantis is a cart!
Daliang and Southern Wu fell, and on the land west of the Lingze River, only Liaobai was left.

Following the lessons learned by the two allies, the ruler of the Liaobai Kingdom had no choice but to surrender, gave up all resistance, and welcomed the human army to take over the entire country.

He also made it clear that as long as the human race does not harm their lives, all the monsters in Liaobai can accept orders from the human race.

Faced with Liao Bai's high degree of cooperation, the human race went very smoothly, taking over the entire country without a single soldier.

And after straightening out the national system and temporarily taking all the monsters into custody.

Turn your face immediately.

In the capital of Liaobai Kingdom, the lord of Liaobai with disheveled hair looked ferociously at the young king sitting on the black wooden throne above.

Gritting his teeth, he roared angrily: "You perfidious human and animal, you clearly promised me to let us live, why!
Why are you lying to me! "

Da Ma Jin Dao leaned on the throne, Xiang Yuan calmly looked at the hysterical Lord Liao Bai below, and spoke indifferently.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating.

If this king does not agree, how can we take down your Liaobai country without losing a single soldier. "

He vomited blood for three liters after Xiang Yuan's answer as he should have, and the Lord of Liaobai roared in grief and anger.

He originally thought that surrendering to the human race would give them a way to exchange their dignity for their lives.


Staring at the burly man with an indifferent expression, the Lord Liaobai wanted to pounce on him and bite off two mouthfuls of his flesh.


Ignoring the eyes that wanted to eat his flesh and blood, Xiang Yuan gave an order.

Off the field, all the demons whose blood power was blocked by the demon-suppressing lock began to cry miserably.

Behind them, the executioner holding the demon-slaying knife had a murderous look on his face. Hearing the king's order, he immediately raised the sharp blade in his hand.


The snow blade fell, and the ground was bright red in an instant, and the chief's head rolled all over the ground.

A headless body fell to the ground powerlessly, and the crying and howling all over the sky completely subsided at this moment.

And the scene that was staged in the capital of Liaobai country is now being staged in all major cities of Liaobai country.

He pretended to surrender, but in fact he was desperately detained.

Xiang Yuan, who has experienced the ruthlessness of monsters since he was a child, and is a human being, how could he accept the surrender of monsters.

Keeping these things with a human face and a beast heart can only be a breeding ground for tigers.

Killed early, relieved hatred early.

As for honesty...

Why, war is never won or lost by character.

What's more, it's a racial dispute.

After regaining Liaobai, the land west of the Lingze River in the Eastern Land Continent was all in the hands of the human race.

Xiang Yuan, who had led the army for nearly three years, was finally able to take off his armor and rest for a few days.


An elegant and clean courtyard.

The bamboo sea rustled, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of a meadow, there was a faint golden light between Xiang Yuan's eyebrows, and a layer of mist that filled the vegetation in the early morning swayed in front of him.

Sitting quietly for a while, the golden light that shone slightly in Xiang Yuan's eyebrows suddenly left his body.

The golden light floated in the sky, like a star descended from the divine court.

The golden light hangs alone, and the mist suspended in front of Xiang Yuan immediately climbs over.


A gust of cool wind blows, and the bamboo leaves flutter and fall.

With the golden light as the core, the mist condensed into a lifelike and quite real human figure.

And the body appearance of this human figure is exactly the same as that of Xiang Yuan sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed!
Moving his hands and feet made of mist, "Xiang Yuan" nodded slightly.

"This is the magic of the Manifesting Realm. The soul is strong, and without the protection of the spirit shell, it can leave the body at will without being easily damaged.

And it can also condense entities with the help of foreign objects.

Practice to the extreme, moving mountains, seas, and land is no problem. "

Before Hua Yanluo died, he poured all the soul power he had practiced all his life into Xiang Yuan.

The fate of the two people is compatible, and the souls will not be mutually exclusive because of the love silk curse.

Received Huayanluo's massive infusion of soul power, Xiang Yuan not only replenished the burning soul, but even broke through the spirit shell realm in one fell swoop.

Reached the fourth level of the soul realm - the realm of manifesting spirits!

someone is coming?

Under the divine body, Xiang Yuan's spiritual power perception range has been greatly expanded. Originally, he had the spiritual power of his 25-fold spirit shell.

It can sense movements within a radius of fifty miles at most.

However, the soul state of Manifesting Realm has doubled this distance.

After dissipating the power of showing the gods, the soul returned to the body, and Xiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

Not long after, Wang Bai appeared in front of him, walking like a hill.

Three years in the army, leading the most fierce and fierce Waterfall Killing Battalion, Wang Bai's murderous intent seemed to be bleeding.

Without restraint, one look can scare a living person to death from a distance of [-] meters.

"Xiang Wang, we have captured the person you are looking for!"

From far away, Wang Bai shouted with a laugh.

Hearing the yelling with a broken voice, Xiang Yuan shook his head helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, a small fist condensed from the sincerity of martial arts, slammed on Wang Bai's forehead.

"Keep down, the roof is almost collapsed by you."

Grinning and rubbing his forehead, Wang Bai came forward with a deep smile on his face: "Xiang Wang, we have caught that old guy, do you want to interrogate now?"

"Caught it so quickly? I remember you told me two days ago that he ran away after a step too late. How could you be so efficient this time?" Xiang Yuan said.

"It's not that the old guy ran around in a panic, just happened to bump into the military warrior who was transporting supplies, and was captured on the spot." Explaining the reason for catching the man in his mouth, Wang Bo continued:
"After the old guy was caught by us, he was very talkative, saying that he could help me live forever, and then he said that he would attract the army of Yin Gods and drive us to death.

But after my careful persuasion, he is much more honest now. "

"Persuasion? Are you sure you didn't do anything?" Looking at Wang Bai with a half-smile, Xiang Yuan knew exactly what kind of guy his brother was.

If he can persuade the Lord well, it will really be the sun rising from the west.

When Xiang Yuan mentioned it, Wang Bai laughed and said nothing, the answer was obvious.


Following Wang Bai to a cell made of steel and rock, Xiang Yuan saw the prisoner who had escaped for more than two months, but was still captured.

The former archbishop of the Silver Sect—Kong Canghai.

Time has passed, and the insignificant human race that was ignored in the past has now become a human king who even wants to give face to Da Yaoling.

His arms and legs were broken, and his body was covered with iron rods that bound the power. Old Kong, who would rather die than die, fell down in a dark corner of the prison.

Seeing Xiang Yuan coming, he just raised his eyelids and said nothing.


The cell door opened, and Xiang Yuan walked up to Lao Kong, who had become a prisoner, with his eyes downcast, revealing a faint majesty.

"Stop carrying it, speak out, and I will spare your life."

"Spare me? Can I still trust you who murdered all the monsters in Liaobai?" With a wretched smile, Kong Lao raised his head with difficulty, his hoarse voice revealing a trace of contempt.

"You can choose not to say, the king has already transferred professionals who are good at using heart-confusing demon weapons from Jibing City.

Then it's up to you. "With a blank face, Xiang Yuan's words shattered the last pride of Kong Lao.

His face froze, he didn't expect Xiang Yuan to be so decisive, and a trace of panic appeared in Kong Lao's eyes.

Seeing that Xiang Yuan turned around and was about to leave, the Archbishop Baiyin quickly said, "Wait."


The iron door of the cell was slammed shut, which became the final answer to Kong Canghai.

In the dark and dark corridor, hearing the hoarse shouts behind him, Wang Bai glanced at the unresponsive young man beside him.

"Did you come here this time just to tease him?"

"Not all, if he is willing to say it, I will save a lot of effort.

But if he doesn't cherish himself, he can't blame others. "

Missing the opportunity in front of him, Kong Canghai's heart, which had already fallen into the abyss, suffered another heavy blow.

He almost died in prison aggrieved.

Three days later.

Scanning the details of the Baiyinjiao spat out by Kong Canghai, Xiang Yuan slowly put down the booklet in his hand, his eyes showed a bit of brilliance, his expression was interesting, and he tapped the chair handle with his fingers.

"The leader of the Silver Cult...has a problem..."


(End of this chapter)

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