Six Gods

Chapter 304: Human Race Ancestor, Demon Ancestor!

Chapter 304: Human Race Ancestor, Demon Ancestor!
Putting a glaring mark of sin on the head of the once high-ranking silver leader, the young man Wang Qing sat on the leader's throne with his cloak lifted.

"Explain clearly why we are called aggressors."

Looking coldly at the burly man sitting above, the leader of Baiyin snorted coldly and said nothing.

Looking down at the silent leader of Baiyin, the young man chuckled playfully: "Don't say? Well, it's up to you.

Eastern land is a kingdom of demons, but you, a yin god, can come here for a long time. You must have used some means to hide your taste.

Let me think about it, the body hides the god?

Ho ho ho, this method is very good.

But now there is a problem.

You combine the body of the Yin God with this mortal body, although you can make your breath undetectable.

But it also created an inseparable connection between the two bodies.

If you continue to choose not to speak, this king will directly abolish your yin god body and make you a mortal forever and ever.

You know I have this ability. "

Xiang Yuan's words hit Hierarch Baiyin's vitals directly, causing his complexion to change abruptly.

For a Yin God, death is not terrible, and losing power is nothing.

But if she is turned into a race that she has always hated and resented, it will be the most painful punishment.

Raising his bloodshot eyes to stare at Xiang Yuan, the Silver Hierarch gritted his teeth: "You are such a bastard."


With a thought, Ling Kong slapped Hierarch Baiyin across the face, looked at his red, swollen and bleeding cheeks, and calmly said to Yuan: "If you scold again, I will pull out all your teeth.

Can we talk now? "

The burning pain on his face stimulated his nerves, and he flinched from the calm and unwavering golden eyes, the hatred gaze of the Silver Hierarch.

Covering her sore cheek, she began to speak slowly.

"About 20 years ago, our country was still intact, with each other, there was no war, no death.

The Yinshen Court is in charge of the stable operation of the entire country, and everything is running according to the most perfect trajectory.

But with the arrival of the infinite golden light and the dark clouds all over the sky, everything changed.

The golden light turned into a majestic giant surrounded by blazing real fire, and the black cloud turned into a monstrous monster with nine heads and one hundred arms.

They brutally drove us to the other side of the world, occupying half of the world.

Then began to transform the environment and make our home their place.

We tried to resist but were defeated again and again, and we could only curl up in that dark place that they looked down on, lingering on our last breath. "

Listening to the story of the leader of Baiyin, Xiang Yuan gently squeezed his index finger: "Them you are talking about are the ancestors of humans and demons?"

"Yeah." The Silver Hierarch nodded slowly.

"No, as far as this king knows, the demons in the Eastern Land were transformed from the ancestors of the human race who believed in demons. There are no pure demons in this world." Grasping the doubts in the words of the leader of Baiyin, Xiang Yuan questioned.

Hearing Xiang Yuan's doubts, the leader of Baiyin sneered: "So there are, but a rare treasure of the ancestors of the human race was destroyed by the demons.

As a result, the ancestors of the human race lost control of their rage and died together with all the demons, while the ancestors of the dead demons bewitched some of the human races at the last moment and turned them into the seeds of demons.

In the end, the current situation was formed.”

When talking about all this, the Silver Hierarch seemed very happy.

The death of the ancestors of the human race and the ancestors of the demons gave the Yin Gods the hope of regaining their homeland.

Otherwise, with those unattainable mountains pressing down, the Yin God would never have a bright future.

Baiyin's answer reminded Xiang Yuan that when he fought a Yin God who was trying to descend, that Yin God also said it.

Something in the human race has collapsed, and there shouldn't be a human race like him who can control energy and blood.

Now it seems that the collapsed thing that the Yin God said should be the rare treasure of the human race destroyed by the demon ancestors.

Standing up from his seat, Xiang Yuan lifted the leader of Baiyin up, and left the cave with a light leap.

How true or false what this incarnated yin god said, naturally has to be weighed and weighed again.

As for whether the human race is an invader.

And why is it called an aggressor.

He will figure it out bit by bit.


After the leader of Baiyin was captured by Xiang Yuan himself, he revealed all the hidden hiding places of Baiyin Cult.

It never expected that the Baiyin Cultists who would be betrayed by their own leader were completely wiped out in less than a month, and no one escaped.

Since then, on the land west of the Lingze River in the Eastern Land Continent, there are no other forces left except the human race.


Central of the Eastern Continent
big demon ridge

The fog is like a dragon and python, dormant and hidden.

On the summit of the Throne Mountain, six demon ancestors are working together to manipulate a vast blue and blue formation.

There are so many words on this round formation, millions of words, which makes it difficult for people to see clearly.

Under the control of the six demon ancestors, the words on the formation map gradually combined, as if the mountains and rivers were vast, and amidst the mysteries and subtleties, a ray of inspiration rose faintly from the center of the formation map.

Taking a long breath, looking at the dark red like fetal bead-like inspiration, the ancestors of the six great demons showed a smile on their faces.

"Sure enough, only when the luck of the human race rises again, can this performance be fully deduced.

The human race is powerful, as careful as a silk, and does everything without leaking, I admire it. "A demon ancestor said with a chuckle.

"Now that we have an idea, should we contact the clan immediately, so as not to cause any changes due to long nights and dreams." Looking at the idea that was shaped like a fetal bead in the center of the pattern, another demon ancestor said.

"You can try to talk to them, Yinshen Kingdom has become more and more dishonest over the years, and its hands are getting longer and longer.

Being able to complete this matter as soon as possible is a blessing to us and to the human race. "

"Then... let who go?"

"Yan Qing, she has a gentle temperament, a handsome appearance, average combat power but she has some means of escaping.

The king who succeeded the human race had a fiery temper and a violent nature. In the three demon kingdoms recovered by him, all the monsters in the whole country were slaughtered.

If other monsters are sent there, it may be more or less a disaster. "

The story of Xiang Yuan's massacre of monsters from Daliang, Southern Wu, and Liaobai has now spread throughout the Eastern Land.

Many families of the Great Demon Kingdom to the west of the Lingze River clamored to raise their troops to teach them a lesson, these human races who migrated over.

But because of the order from Da Yaoling, the major demon kingdoms are not allowed to do anything to the human race.

The dissatisfaction and hatred of the family monsters can only be limited to words.

"Alright, let Yan Qing go. It's best if we can negotiate, and if we can't, we can make another plan earlier."

After a brief discussion, the plan was hastily decided, and Yan Qing was notified to go to the human race, and a special demon issued it.

Looking tiredly at the dark red inspiration in front of him, the ancestors of the six great demons slowly closed their eyes.

It takes a lot of mental power to deduce the inspiration, even they have almost exhausted their mental strength and need to enter a deep sleep to recover.


The former capital of Daliang State is now Dengfeng City of the Human Race.

Xiang Yuan, whose burly body was submerged in the middle of a pile of albums, looked at the basket of albums beside him, rubbed his brows and let out a short sigh.

After the Terran army regained all the land west of the Lingze River, the young Wang Zao, who had lost all battles, began to study and manage the country under the active suggestions of Hong Zhengrong, Wang Xuance, Ning Zan and other veterans.

Different from Xiang Yuan's original envisioned king's treatment, the hands-off shopkeeper treatment that just fights in the novel did not appear.

On the contrary, it was the learning tasks one after another and the endless government affairs memorials that gave him a headache.

Counting the human race accepted by the Three Kingdoms of Daliang, the population of the entire human race has almost exceeded [-] million.
Although the original human race already had a sufficiently detailed division of functions to maintain the operation of the country.

But Xiang Yuan is a human king after all, he must learn how to make the whole human race live better.

At least have a rough idea in mind.

I really miss the days of fighting and killing...

Learning is really a headache, and Xiang Yuan couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"Report to my king, the envoy of Dayaoling is asking to see you."

Just when Xiang Yuan sighed again and again because of the boring study life, a ripple planned his study path.

His eyes lit up, and Xiang Yuan smiled, and finally he was able to rest for a while.

"Let her wait for me in the side hall."

"As ordered!"


Dressed in bright yellow gauze palace attire, the great demon Yan Qing, led by the guards, came to the side hall to wait.

"Please sit down and wait."

The guards retreated, and Yan Qing was the only one left in the quiet and fragrant side hall.

Looking around at this luxuriously decorated palace, Yan Qing secretly shook her head.

This place was supposed to be the palace of a demon king, but now it is in the hands of the human race.

The old ancestors' tolerance and even curry favor with the human race time and time again not only puzzled the monsters everywhere, but even Yan Qing and the other big monsters in the mountains and seas of Dayaoling couldn't figure out why.

But no monster dared to disobey the order of the ancestor.

No matter how many doubts and incomprehensions there are in their hearts, the monsters are obedient and do not dare to overstep.

Sitting quietly in the side hall, Yan Qing stroked the jade ring on his finger. While waiting a bit bored, the temperature in the side hall suddenly rose a little.

With a feeling in his heart, Yan Qing raised his eyes to look at the young man Wang who was dressed in a royal robe and had a strong aura.

After not seeing him for a few years, he became much stronger again.

The lineage of the king of men is really perverted...

Looking at the young man Wang in front of him with dark eyes, Yan Qing thought to himself.

He hurriedly walked to the side hall and took his seat, Xiang Yuan's eyes lowered slightly, looking at the great demon Yan Qing below.

He knew this big monster. He had seen her in the bloody battle in the Far West.

Later, I also saw her introduction from the collected information of the Eastern Land Demon Kingdom.

Yan Qing, Lord of the White Kingdom.

Entered the mountains and seas 600 years ago.

It is a veritable veteran monster.

"Dayaoling, why are you looking for this king?"

No nonsense, Xiang Yuan went straight to the point as soon as he came up.

Dayao Ridge is the core of the Eastern Earth Demon Kingdom, just like the Yinshen Court is in the Yinshen Kingdom.

This time, Da Yaoling suddenly sent a great demon from the mountain and sea realm to act as an envoy, and he went to the Three Treasures Hall without incident, so there must be something important.

"I have one thing in Da Yaoling that I hope to cooperate with the human race. This time I came here to hear Wang Xiang's opinion." Yan Qing said.

Slightly raising his eyebrows and looking at the big demon below, Xiang Yuan said with a smile: "Da Yaoling wants to cooperate with our human race?
Does Yan Guozhu know that there is a saying in our human race, which is to seek skin with a tiger?

What's more, do you think this king will cooperate with demons? "

The undisguised teasing caused a hint of annoyance to appear in the depths of Yan Qing's eyes.

Gathering his mind, Yan Qing said: "This matter is extremely beneficial to both the demons and the human race.

Doesn't Xiang Wang want to know why my demon ancestors and human ancestors came to this world hand in hand? "

When it came to the point, the young man Wang Mu showed a gleam of light.

Yes, he has always been curious about why the ancestors of the human race and the ancestors of demons came to this world together.

It's just that in the history of the human race, there is no record of this information.

Even the fact that the ancestors of the human race and the ancestors of the demons died together is very vaguely recorded, just a passing, vague number.

Now that Yan Qing actually mentioned the ancestors of the two races, Xiang Yuan's interest was immediately seduced.

"Interesting, go on."

Seeing the young man Wang began to question, the corner of Yan Qing's mouth slightly raised: "It is not convenient to tell Xiang Wang the details.

If Xiang Wang is willing to cooperate, ten days later, Yuxue Longfeng, the ancestor of my clan will have a detailed discussion with you in person. "

Looking at Yan Qing who was unwilling to say more, the young man Wang shook his head: "Ten days? I don't want to wait another ten days.

Now that Lord Yan is here, just speak up if you have anything to say. "

Inside the side hall, the faint majestic pressure began to heat up, the air trembled, and it pressed down on Yan Qing like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Sensing the young king's unkind heart, Yan Qing sneered: "Xiang Wang Ruozhen has the idea of ​​cooperating, ten days is just a flick of a finger.

That's all for now, if Xiang Wang wants to know more, go to Jade Snow Dragon Peak in ten days.

farewell. "

After cupping his hands and saying a word, Yan Qing turned around with a flick of his sleeves, and walked towards the door.


The door of the side hall suddenly closed!

There was a loud bang, echoing endlessly in the entire side hall.

"This king doesn't seem to have said to let you go."

Listening to the rumbling and majestic voice behind him, Yan Qing's face darkened slightly, and he turned sideways to look at the man sitting on the high seat, as if he wanted to suppress all corners of the world.

"What does Xiang Wang mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, Lord Yan came all the way, and left after leaving a few words casually.

Why, does this king seem to be easy to talk to? Slowly leaning forward, the young man Wang Kuiwu's figure formed a strong visual pressure.

Especially those broken golden eyes.

At first glance, it is calm, steady and calm.

But after careful inspection, one can find an extremely brutal murderous intent hidden in its depths!

Being stared at by those golden eyes, Yan Qing, who is a monster in the mountain and sea realm, felt a chill for no reason.

At the same time, outside the hall.

Wang Xuance, who was holding an umbrella, and Ning Zan, who had his hands in his sleeves, the two human generals also came to the door of the side hall without making a sound.

One human king and two human generals.

The three of them formed an angle and surrounded Yan Qing in the center, with the ocean-like aura of the sun, and the roar of the vast and turbulent, locked on this big monster with eyes.

Faced with the attack of the three, Yan Qing's eyes were serious.

The general of the human race claims to be invincible at the same level, whether it is a great monster in the mountain and sea realm or a yin god in the realm of gods.

One-on-one, there is no one who can beat the general of the human race.

What's more, there are two generals present at the same time, and the king behind him also has a lot of cards, so it's hard to know the depth.

"I have already brought the words. You can decide whether to go to the king or not." Looking sideways at Xiang Yuan on the throne, Yan Qing's figure suddenly began to fade rapidly, as if he was about to disappear out of thin air.

Seeing this strange situation, the two human generals shot at the same time, and Wang Yang's masculine energy instantly overwhelmed Yan Qing.

But such a majestic and majestic power could not stop Yan Qing from continuing to fade.

Looking at the surprised general with a smile, Yan Qing chuckled.

She is a rare mirror demon, and the power of her bloodline is by no means comparable to that of ordinary demons.

Although they are still no match for these two human generals, it is not a problem to retreat calmly.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to the hinterland of the human race alone this time to meet the king.

Seeing that Yan Qing's figure was about to disappear completely.

A plain light drink suddenly sounded.

"This king said, I didn't let you go!"

The purple-red light like thunder and flame suddenly ignited on Yan Qing's body.

Yan Qing, who was about to disappear completely, was forcibly knocked down and fell to the ground.

Looking in astonishment at the majestic man who slowly put down his hand, Yan Qing felt a strange emotion in his heart for the first time.



(End of this chapter)

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