Six Gods

Chapter 308 Give me a slap!

Chapter 308 Give me a slap!

The treasure that breaks through the shackles of longevity...

Constantly snapping his finger bones, the young man Wang Mulu thought about it, and said after a while:
"As the ancestor said, the ancestors of the human race and the demons came here for this treasure in 20 years, so why didn't they take the treasure away at that time.

Instead, keep this matter for 20 years, waiting for you and me to do it.

I would like to ask the ancestor to explain the reason to this king. "

A treasure that can break through the shackles of longevity, everyone must want it.

Xiang Yuan is still young, with his current level of cultivation, it is not a problem to live for thousands of years, and the shackles of Shouyuan are still far away from him.

But several great generals of the human race, including Wang Xuance and Ning Zan, are all old.

Once these old generals' lifespans are exhausted and they sit down and rest in peace, it will be an irreparable blow to the human race.

Therefore, although Xiang Yuan himself does not need this treasure, it is still of great importance to the human race.

However, the more important something is, the more cautious it is.

Xiang Yuan couldn't just believe him based on the few words of the ancestor Huailu.

At least, he will come up with real evidence of this matter.

"Hey, the reason is simple.

When the ancestors of your and my races came here, they only knew that the treasure was in this world, but they didn't know the exact location.

Later, after years of exploration and searching, the location of the treasure was found.


There were frictions and conflicts between the two ethnic groups.

That friction led to the extinction of the ancestors of the two races.

The place where the treasure is located has also been heavily restricted by the ancestors. If you want to crack it, you must join hands with the human race and the demons.

Depending on one family alone, even if the world is destroyed, it is impossible to break the restriction. "

The ancestor Huailu explained the reason.

"So, without our help, you will never be able to get that treasure?" Xiang Yuan said with his eyes moved.

"you can say it this way."

"Where is that treasure now?"

After a pause, the young man Wang suddenly raised this sensitive question.

Hearing Xiang Yuan's question about the location of the treasure, Patriarch Huailu showed a meaningful smile, while Lumber at the side showed a hostile face and stared fiercely at Xiang Yuan, full of threats.

"It seems that Xiang Wang is still very interested in this matter, so the old man has to show some sincerity.

This is an overview map of where the treasure is located, Xiang Wang can send someone to check it out.

However, I still want to remind you that there are countless dangers hidden in the place where the treasure is located. It is okay to see, but it is best not to touch it.

If something happens, the old man will not be responsible. "Patriarch Huailu took out a semicircular iron plate with countless patterns engraved on the surface and slowly floated in front of Xiang Yuan and the others.

Hong Zhengrong took a step forward, took off the iron plate, looked down, his expression froze for a moment.

Seeing the microcosm of the position on the iron plate, the young man Wang was slightly surprised:
"This is... Jieyuan Ocean?!"

A vivid illustration is clearly reflected on the iron plate. The core position of the treasure is the restricted life zone that spans between Huanghaiyuan and Jibing City.

"That treasure is hidden in the Ocean of Resentment?"

"Well, Jieyuanyang is a fierce place in the world, and it is also a forbidden area where the Yin Gods can't set foot.

It was precisely because the treasure was hidden there, the reason why the treasure was not discovered by the Yin God family before the ancestors of the two races came. "

Looking at the iron plate in his hand, Xiang Yuan gave Hong Zhengrong a look with his eyes. Then the old man waved his hand, and a golden barrier unfolded, enveloping the four of them.

"Mr. Hong, what do you think?"

Guaranteeing the confidentiality of the conversation, Xiang Yuan asked Hong Zhengrong and the three of them their views on this matter.

"It is indeed very tempting to be able to break through the shackles of longevity.

But after all, you can't believe all the words of the demon.

Right now, the Yinshen side is still watching, if we cooperate with the demons to find the treasure, once the Yinshen Kingdom takes action..." Wang Xuance, who has a calm personality, is conservative about the treasure.

In his opinion, the treasure that breaks through the shackles of Shouyuan is indeed precious, but if it causes the human race to fall, it will be a gain and lose the other.

Wang Xuance's words were also agreed by Hong Zhengrong and Ning Zan.

"Although Zhibao is good, the risk is still too great. At least now is not a good time to cooperate."

Seeing that the three veteran ministers maintained a conservative attitude, Xiang Yuan also made a decision in his heart.

After removing the golden barrier, Xiang Yuan said, "I am very grateful for the kind invitation from the patriarch this time.

However, the internal affairs of our human race are complicated now, and the Yin God clan is eyeing the outside world.

I really can't spare the energy to hunt for treasures, so I can only thank the ancestors for their kindness. "

Hearing that Xiang Yuan rejected his invitation, Patriarch Huailu's expression changed slightly: "This is a treasure that breaks through the shackles of Shouyuan, so King Xiang won't be tempted?"

Looking at the somewhat surprised expression of the demon patriarch, Xiang Yuan smiled ho ho: "Being tempted is naturally tempting.

But this king is not very old, and the shackles of longevity are far away.

How about asking the ancestors to wait a little longer, and after I have settled all the matters at hand and can ensure the overall stability of our human race, I will visit the door in person and explore the treasure cave with the ancestors, how about it? "

Solve all the things at hand?It is also necessary to ensure the overall stability of the human race...

The blue veins on his forehead were throbbing, and the patriarch Huailu pressed his heart and his emotions fluctuated: "Then dare to ask King Xiang, how long will it take to complete the things you said?"

Mu Lu pondered for a moment, and the young man Wang seriously replied: "Everything is going well, according to the most ideal situation, it will be almost 200 years.

But if those yin gods are too difficult to deal with, the time will be hard to tell.

500 years? 1000 years? "


Hearing the words 1000 years, the bamboo pole held by Patriarch Huailu suddenly cracked open with a crack.

Looking at the young man opposite Wang with a half-smile, the ancestor coughed lightly twice: "This time is a bit too long.

Xiang Wang, this treasure is unparalleled in the world, it is hard to find in the world, staying there will only be a long night and dreams..."

"It's okay, it's okay, isn't it all there for 20 years? It doesn't make any difference if you leave it for another thousand years." The young man Wang Ping replied.

With a choked tone, Patriarch Huailu wanted to continue to persuade: "But..."

"If the old ancestor came to me this time for this matter, then let's go here. I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I will go ahead."

Before the demon patriarch could finish speaking, the young man Wang raised his hand to bid farewell, but turned around and was about to leave.

"You little bastard, the ancestor didn't let you go, I think you dare to go and give it a try!"

Seeing Xiang Yuan belittle the patriarch so much, Long Bo raised his brows and stepped forward with a hostile expression on his face.

The monstrous demonic energy roared, and the five demonic mountains towered majestically above the sky, and the endless shadows fell, which was extremely frightening.

Hearing the swearing behind him, the young man Wang paused, and looked sideways at the fierce monster with a cold look in his eyes.

"You don't know how to live or die, Mr. Hong, give me a slap!"

"Follow orders!" With a cold face, Hong Zhengrong took a big step, and the ground under his feet seemed to be curled up, and within a step, there was a thousand meters of land concentrated.

Looking indifferently at the burly figure whose body was full of golden energy and blood soaring into the sky like a wolf's smoke, Lumber sneered and was about to attack the enemy at the first thought.

But at this moment, the young man Wang, who was standing sideways with his hands behind his back, flicked his fingers secretly.


Stop Go!

Two consecutive skills acted on the big demon Lumber in an instant, sealing his attack behavior and all abilities.

This slap was so loud and crisp, so sweet!
Looking at his right hand unexpectedly, Hong Zhengrong, who had retreated to Xiang Yuan, had a strange look on his face, and couldn't figure out why Lunbo slapped himself without any reaction.

On the other side, the big demon Lumber, who had slapped his face neatly, stood there with a face full of astonishment.

The burning pain on his face reminded him every second that the slap he received was not a hallucination.

"I%&*&..." With a mouth full of foul language, Lumber roared and was about to rush up and fight Hong Zhengrong for his life.

The majestic mountain and sea monster, being slapped in the face in full view, this kind of humiliation is more painful than cutting him into pieces!

"Lumber! Back off!"

Just when Lumber was about to make a move, the calm-looking Patriarch Huailu stopped the furious monster.

"Old Ancestor, I..." Full of resentment, Lumber's chest heaved and he refused to back down.

"I said quit!"

His tone became a little more serious, and the patriarch Huailu frowned slightly and looked at Lunbo.

Surprised by the old ancestor's gaze, Lumber hurriedly stepped back, stood aside with his head bowed, not daring to speak.

After drinking back Lumber, he looked at the young man Wang who was standing with his arms behind his back, and the demon patriarch who was holding a bamboo pole, hehe laughed, the laughter revealed a bit of helplessness, a bit of approval.

"I didn't expect that although Xiang Wang was young, he was very sophisticated in his mind and strategy.

Well, now that you've seen it, feel free to mention any conditions you have.

What can be satisfied, the old man will definitely not refuse. "

With his back to the demon patriarch, Xiang Yuan's expression showed a bit of leisure in his hands.

Yes, although this king is young, no matter how much you know, no matter how wide you know, you old monster would never have thought that there would be such things as equipment in this world, let alone what intelligence is...

You old guy is so impatient to find me to cooperate, you must be unable to hold on anymore.

Breaking through the shackles of Shouyuan... Hehehe, I am not in a hurry, if you want to cooperate, it depends on how much you can make...

Turning around, looking at the compromising demon patriarch, he said to Yuan: "Since the patriarch has said so, then this king will be impolite...don't hide it."

He almost said what was in his heart, but the young man Wang changed his words in time.

"This matter has a lot to do with it, and this king needs to go back and think about it carefully. How about this, the ancestor will give this king a month.

Within a month, I will definitely think about everything, and ask my ancestor to allow me a month, how about it? "

Nodding his head, the demon patriarch, who could still afford to wait for a month, said: "Then it's settled, after Xiang Wang has made up his mind, he can send a message to Sima Xuan.

The old man waits for your good news. "

Sima Xuan, who had been standing silently in the back corner, was suddenly called and hurried forward.

But when he got closer and heard that he wanted to be a messenger himself, his high mood was immediately poured with cold water.

Silently responded, Sima Xuan, who was full of resentment and resentment, stepped aside, slightly raised his head to look at the group of people in front of him, the resentment in his heart was like huge waves in the deep sea, superimposed and turbulent.

After negotiating the pre-agreement, the two parties retreated together.


On the way back, Xiang Yuan and the others remained silent until they were about to resist Dengfeng City, when the four of them looked at each other and smiled, showing a look of success.

"Thanks to Mr. Hong for reminding me this time, otherwise this play might not be possible." Looking at Hong Zhengrong with a smile on the side, Xiang Yuan revealed the negotiation on Jade Snow Dragon Peak just now. It's just a game.

From their deliberate obfuscation of conversations, to refusal of requests to cooperate.

All of these were negotiated by the four of them, and they were used to bargain and cut benefits.

"My king praised it, and the old man also learned from King Xia's memory that the demon patriarch has always been trying to find the idea of ​​prolonging his life.

The current six demon ancestors have been in power for 4 years. They sealed up their aging bodies with special methods, and preserved their souls with secret methods.

Although this method allows them to continue to live on, but they can never leave the Great Demon Ridge, and as time goes by, their souls will collapse sooner or later.

Therefore, the treasure that breaks through the shackles of longevity is the only chance for them to survive.

Judging from the reaction of the Huailu patriarch just now, their souls probably won't last long, otherwise they wouldn't be so eager to seek our cooperation. "

"Hahaha, Mr. Hong, don't be humble, this time you were able to catch the handle from the monster, you are the master, I will remember it for you.

Mr. Ning, this time the weakness of the monster is in our hands, and we don't have many opportunities to make decisions.

I will leave it to you to make any conditions with the demons, do it with all your strength, and don't make those ancestors wait in a hurry. "Haha laughed, Xiang Yuan handed over the matter of threatening conditions to Ning Zan.

Among these three veteran ministers, Hong Zhengrong is good at martial arts, Wang Xuance is good at planning, only Ning Zan is good at tricks and small tricks, and it is most appropriate to entrust this matter to him.


a month later
Lingze Riverside
Sima Xuan, who was dressed in a purple robe, was waiting by the river, looking gloomy at the warrior warriors who were slowly walking across.

"Take it." Lu Qiuhao said lazily, holding the envelope in his hand to Sima Xuan.

Taking the envelope with a cold snort, Sima Xuan turned around and was about to leave without saying a word.

At this time, Lu Qiuhao's voice with a suppressed smile came from behind him: "Master Sima, after sending the letter back, just pack up and salute, or I'm afraid you won't be in time."

packing luggage?The expression was surprised at first, and then Sima Xuan reacted with anger, looking at the envelope in his hand: "Could it be that you..."

"Well, it's what you think, so remember to bring more things." Looking at Sima Xuan with a half-smile, Lu Qiuhao teased.

"I..." Furious, Sima Xuan raised the envelope in his hand and was about to tear it into pieces.

"Tear it up, tear it up casually. I see that if you tear it up, how can you explain to your ancestors?"

Looking at Sima Xuan indifferently, Lu Qiuhao yawned, turned and walked back: "My king said that the conditions in the letter are the basis for cooperation.

If the ancestors can agree, come to Dengfeng City of my human race to discuss in detail. "

Holding the envelope in his hand tightly, the continuous humiliation made this great demon who had just stepped into the mountain and sea realm extremely broken.

calm down!I have the attitude of changing my fate, one day, they will all become ashes under my feet, one day!
Taking a deep breath to calm the turmoil in his heart, Sima Xuan turned around and drove the demon cloud, and flew towards the direction of Da Yao Ridge.


Great Demon Ridge, the summit of the throne
A piece of ink-stained letter paper was suspended in mid-air, and six eyes in the void were vaguely looking at it.

"Good guy, these human races really dare to open their mouths. This one mouth will cost one-third of my Dongtu chassis."

On the top of the mountain, light laughter echoed.

On the envelope, there were slender lines written on the premise of friendship and mutual assistance, the assistance that the demon should provide to the human race.

And the first of these is to lease nearly one-third of the land of the Eastern Land Continent, including the three major demon kingdoms of Jin, Bai, and Yuan, to the people.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can understand this so-called lease.

There is no reason to take back the water that was poured out.

In addition, there are other things such as allowing the human clan clan to enter other demon cities, the demons want to transfer part of the yin veins to be suppressed and guarded by the human race, the demons want to send a large army to station outside the sacrificial army city, to help the human race resist the Yin God, etc...

There are more than 20 of them in detail, which can be described as extremely meticulous.

"The king of this generation seems to be a reckless man, but he was really caught off guard by thinking about it.

What do you think of this letter? If you agree to it, the loss of my demon clan will be a bit big. "

"If the guess is right, the human race probably already knows our difficulties and knows that we can't afford it, so they will open their mouths to test our bottom line.

In my opinion, apart from the cession of the land and the dispatch of a large army, the other conditions are agreed to, which is fine, what do you think? "

"Well, then write back to the people and see what they say. It would be best if you can succeed in one fell swoop, but...

The human race has never been easy to fool. "


(End of this chapter)

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