Six Gods

Chapter 326: Human King!Xiang Yuan!

Chapter 326: Human King!Xiang Yuan!
Thousands of golden lights roared like a dragon, transpiring thousands of black shadows, intending to subvert the entire world of darkness and suppress them!
Amidst the billowing black smoke, two rounds of bright suns suddenly lit up, illuminating the infinite darkness, and a large number of gods and ghosts were wiped out under this gaze!

The fist that pierced Zhangting Yinshen's chest was suddenly shaken, and there was a roaring explosion with great force. Countless blue and white thunders roared like dragons and floods, biting Zhangting Yinshen's body one after another, and tore them apart forcefully!

Immeasurable yin spirit gushes out and sprinkles the entire yin world.

One punch!
Just one punch!
A yin god in charge of the court was smashed to pieces and turned into powder!
In the Kingdom of God, the majestic and towering statue of the ten thousand-zhang god shines again, reviving the violently dead Yin God in charge of the court.

His gaze was extremely cold, staring at the terrifying figure standing in the black smoke with only a pair of eyes like the sun, the revived Zhang Ting Yinshen shouted coldly:
"Hide your head and show your tail, who are you idiots!"

Darkness vibrates, smoke disperses

A black gold royal robe covered Xiongtian's burly body, which seemed to be a vast body formed by the accumulation of prehistoric mountains. Xiang Yuan, whose aura was like a tyrant in troubled times, with a cold face, stepped out of the depths of darkness in one step.

"Who are you?" The palm of the court asked in a gloomy voice without connecting the terrifying and domineering figure in front of him with the young king who had only been on the throne for more than ten years.

Standing upright with his hands behind his back, he looked down at the Yin God in the palm with cold eyes. Xiang Yuan's voice was deep and deep, like iron-blooded swordsmen fighting.

"Human King, Xiang Yuan!"

How can it be? !
Unbelievable suspicion burst out from the eyes of the six Yin Gods in charge at the same time.

In front of me, this man whose body is as thick as Zhou Tianshan, who contains infinite power of the sun and the sun, and a ray of breath that escapes can make the whole world of the underworld creak, is it the man who has only succeeded to the throne for more than a dozen years? New Year's doll?
"Impossible! Even if he is the rebirth of Xia Yu, it is impossible to achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time!" The Yin God in charge of the court, whose body was blasted by Xiang Yuan's punch just now, shook his head firmly.

A grown-up king might be able to kill the Yin God in charge of the court, who is called the pinnacle of power in this world, with one punch.

But it is absolutely impossible for that young king who is still young, this person must be a fake.

next second!
The Yin God in charge of the court who shook his head had a sharp look in his eyes, and suddenly exploded.

I saw countless ancient Yin God characters emerging from his body. This is the underlying power of the Yin God family.

With cold eyes and murderous intent, Zhang Tingyin took a step forward, and the space under his feet automatically curled up. In just a moment, he came to Xiang Yuan, and held up the world pillar containing the power of a small world in his hand.


The gray pillars of the world rolled and fell, the huge force shattered the void, stirred up the air in all directions, and the phantoms of the circulating world fell one after another!

Standing with hands behind their backs, letting the gale blown by the horrific attack to blow the skirts, indifferently raised his eyes to watch the pillar as heavy as a world fall, Xiang Yuan slowly raised his hand, spread his five fingers, and the golden brilliance in the palm flowed into a vajra Body!

In an instant, the entire world of the underworld seemed to be turned upside down, and the erupting power flow swept across thousands of miles, clearing everything away!
In the distance, the powerful human race burst out with energy and blood, turning into golden pillars of light standing in the terrifying aftermath storm, looking worriedly at the place where Xiang Yuan and the Yin God in charge of the court were fighting!
Suddenly, the eyes of a group of powerful people widened, their gazes shook, as if they had seen some unbelievable scene.

In the very center of the world-destroying storm, smoke and clouds swirled like dark minions.

With one hand behind him, Xiang Yuan looked calm, raised one hand high, and firmly and steadily held the pillar that contained the power of a small world.

Opposite him, Zhang Ting Yinshen, who couldn't help trembling slightly, clenched his teeth, fearing that he would not be able to suppress his emotions, and screamed out.

"Catch...catch?!" The other five Yin Gods in the palm of the hand shouted in shock.

what monster is this? !
To actually catch the World Pillar that exploded with all its strength with bare hands? !

Looking at Yinshen with endlessly shaking eyes with calm and cold eyes, Xiang Yuan said slowly:
"Since you are here today, let's save your life."


The ruthless words of the human king had just entered Yinshen's ears.

In the next moment, a golden fist that filled the entire world, collapsed all corners of the world, and sunk the sun, moon and stars, slammed firmly into the face of Zhang Ting Yin God!
You have no jokes!

If you say it will kill you, you will never want to live again!

An iron fist smashed the entire face of the Yin God in the palm of the court into a concave round cake. The human king laughed wantonly, and the laughter set off boundless waves, with mighty and domineering power, and shattered a large area of ​​Yin and Ming into nothingness.

"You are presumptuous!"

In astonishment, he was punched by Xiang Yuan. The eyes of the Yin God in the palm of the court were blood red, and he roared angrily. The infinite icy pressure of the Yin God rose to the sky, smudged the entire sky, and completely dragged the already dark world into the boundless abyss .

Holding the pillar of the world, the Yin God in charge of the court roared furiously, and countless phantoms of Yin Gods and ghosts manifested around him, worshiping the sacrifices one after another, dedicating everything they had.

The Yin God in charge of the court is equivalent to the king of his clan in the Yin God Kingdom.

A large number of vows will also be formed in the sacrifices of countless ghosts and ghosts.

This wish force is evil and mixed, with the breath of polluting all things, it puts on an evil king's robe for the Yin God in charge of the court.

Feeling the most yin and evil power breath, a great sun suddenly rose in the human king's body.

From the moment it reached the sun, the extremely domineering golden human king's blood revived on its own, and rushed straight to the sky, creating a king's land in the endless evil atmosphere.


The king's blood was revived, his physical body was sublimated to the utmost, and the golden light burst out for thousands of miles. The human king's eyes were burning like fire. He took a big stride, stretched out his five fingers to suppress, and launched an attack first!

Ru Yue slammed heavily on the black jade fetal membrane, and in just a short moment, the incomparably violent shock wave continued to be born and died, shaking for thousands of miles, faintly tearing up the entire Yinming world!
The membranes of the world kept rippling, bearing the weight of that big golden hand, and it never broke!
Sneering at the fetal membranes that blocked the King's attack, Zhang Ting Yinshen was so proud that he couldn't help mocking:
"The king of the human race, that's all."

The earlobe moved slightly, hearing the ridicule of the Yin God in charge, the corner of the human king's mouth hooked: "Really?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the smile of King Ren, and Zhang Ting Yinshen suddenly felt his heart shrink for some reason.

A huge sense of crisis surged to the top of my heart, and the Yin God of Zhangting instinctively threw the pillar of the world directly in front of him.

Purple Resentment—Silence!
Without any warning signs, the indestructible and indestructible black jade membrane disappeared strangely, and was forcibly retracted into the Yinshen Kingdom.

Without the protection of the strongest shield, the yin god in charge of the court with astonished eyes, like a weak woman whose clothes have been pulled off, was exposed in front of the majestic king with a smile on his mouth.


Swallowing his saliva, his eyes met for a moment, and in the stagnant and breath-holding atmosphere, Zhang Ting Yinshen looked ferocious, and suddenly violently, he swung the pillar of the world, blasting countless voids, and made a bold move!
The qi and blood in the body roared like a dragon and a tiger, like a terrifying melting pot of eternity, the Queen of Humans came first, before the mighty power of the pillar of the world exploded, once he grasped it, he wanted to take it away from the hands of the Yin God in charge of the court!

"Bring it to you!"

Never expected the king of the human race to be so barbaric, the Yin God in charge roared and roared.

"You are delusional!"

The pillar of the world is the core of his Yin God Kingdom, and it is the same body as his origin, and it is impossible to be taken away.

Human King's move was simply to humiliate him.

The muscles swelled and swelled, tamped and hard like a prehistoric mountain, the golden eyes of the King of Kings flowed, and the spine of the dragon twisted one by one, like a sleeping ancient dragon slowly waking up, gathering infinite mighty power.

Suddenly, a mysterious and ancient power with a thick and tyrannical aura wrapped around the arms of the King of Kings like a dragon python.

The moment this force appeared, Zhang Ting Yinshen's face changed suddenly.


The sound of glass being crushed suddenly sounded like glass being crushed alive on the pillar of the world, and five fingerprints were pinched by the king on the gray and round pillar!
In the far distance, a yin god kingdom that was crushing Sacrificial Soldiers City began to vibrate violently. When it swung left and right, five huge pits stretching for thousands of miles appeared in the world, and extremely subtle screams could be heard vaguely.

"do not want!"

Shouting loudly, the Yin God in charge of the court showed horror, and let go of the hand that was holding the pillar of the world, so that the incarnation of this colossal power fell into the hands of the King of Man.


(End of this chapter)

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