Six Gods

Chapter 343 Human Race Bloodline Sequence

Chapter 343 Human Race Bloodline Sequence

After all the arrangements were completed, Ye Jinghong asked all the blood races to return.

No one knows what drastic changes will be caused by the inheritance of the human race's killing method, and these blood races staying here will only increase casualties in vain.

The thunder marks all over the sky are hidden in the void, like pairs of cold eyes.

The blood-patterned pagoda on the ground is eye-catching, like a ferocious giant head, grinning.

After preparing everything, Xiang Yuan raised his palm slightly, and the silver light with yellow horns that suppressed the white light at the bottom of the mountain suddenly flew up and fell into his body.

Without the suppression of the silver coffin, the white light at the foot of the mountain gushed out like a spring, rising thousands of feet into the sky, shaking the entire empty field as if it was about to be torn apart.

The void swayed, and endless dangerous auras continued to surge, as if a prison was broken, and an ancient fierce god was about to escape.

His eyes were glowing red, and Ye Jinghong stared closely at the thousand-foot white light that soared into the sky, and spat out something in the whirlpool of blood in his palm.

This thing is about three feet long, shaped like the top of a truncated weapon, with gold patterns on a black background, exuding a chilling and oppressive aura.

His eyes trembled rapidly, as if he was searching for something in the white light. After a few breaths, Ye Jinghong's eyes narrowed, he turned his wrist, and pushed out the strange thing with black background and gold pattern in his hand, and it turned into a sharp light and sank into it. Among the white light.


Suddenly, white light flickered, and an unspeakable vitality spread, like a sleeping giant slowly opening its eyes.

At the same time, they felt a scrutinizing gaze, and both Xiang Yuan and Ye Jinghong raised their vigilance.

"The human blood sequence was detected...

Sequence gene level: human king

The gene level of the sequence complies with the inheritance opening restriction.

The Land of Inheritance is opening...

Alien Bloodline Sequence Detected...

Sequence Name: Blood Race

Start the cleanup process...

Clear the program to destroy it, and ask the king to kill the surrounding aliens by himself. "

The cold and indifferent voice suddenly resounded in this world, it was huge, revealing the chill like a polar ice cave.

Listening to the cold voice talking to himself, Ye Jinghong's eyes narrowed slightly, and when the sound of the opening of the inheritance land sounded, his face brightened.

But when he actually still had the clean-up procedure, his whole body immediately glowed red, the sea of ​​blood roared and surged behind him, blood lotuses bloomed, standing layer by layer, and the breath of the whole person climbed to the extreme.

Ye Jinghong didn't know what the procedure for clearing the inheritance of the Dao of Killing was, but he was careful. He didn't dare to gamble with his own life and death, so he had to use all his strength to guard against it.

Compared to the nervousness of Blood King Ye Jinghong, Xiang Yuan seemed much more at ease.

Just like what I thought, even Jibing City has developed the rudimentary form of the industrial model, and the countless ancient human races that are far more powerful than today's human races, how could it be possible that they haven't liberated their hands and brain power.

That voice just now should be similar to the existence of artificial intelligence...

Ancient does not mean backward, primitive.

Just like Xiang Yuan's Blue Star in his previous life, many discoveries have proved that ancient civilizations have a level of technology that is more terrifying than modern civilizations.

And it is the same at this moment.

The inheritance of the ancient killing way is not a few cheat books randomly placed in a dilapidated cave, but a mysterious space controlled by artificial intelligence.

This point made Xiang Yuan feel more reasonable.

It's just that it can be seen from the damage of the purge procedure just now that this human inheritance should have suffered some kind of blow, and some internal parts have been destroyed.

Turning his head to look at the blood king Ye Jinghong with a serious expression as if he was facing a formidable enemy, Xiang Yuan chuckled, it was the first time he saw the blood king so nervous.

"Why, does the Blood King still have the guts to follow me in?"

Being teased by Xiang Yuan, Ye Jinghong was not annoyed, but turned his head and said, "It's already at the door, how could I not go in, but how I look at it now, I seem to be at a disadvantage..."

"Time, fate, at least you use this inheritance to exchange your blood king for thousands of years." Patting Ye Jinghong on the shoulder, Xiang Yuan stepped forward, and said to the quiet white light: "Can you answer?" My question?"

"Your sequence level is King level, I can answer all your questions under this authority." The indifferent voice responded quickly.

King level... Could it be that there is a higher level?
After catching the information in the artificial intelligence's words, Xiang Yuan immediately asked, "Which other sequence levels are higher than mine?"

"Insufficient authority, no answer."

"Then what level is my sequence level?"

"Insufficient authority, no answer."

"How can I increase my sequence level?"

"Insufficient authority, no answer."

Looking at Bai Guangzhi, who didn't answer any questions, Xiang Yuan's face was full of black lines.

Laozi is a majestic king, and he has no authority to co-author...

"Then how do I enter the inheritance?"

"The Land of Inheritance is opening, and it is detected that there are alien bloodline sequences around it that have not been cleared. May I ask whether to suspend the opening of the Land of Inheritance?"

The indifferent voice seemed to have been wary of Ye Jinghong who was at the side all the time, and asked again and again to open the place of inheritance.

Taking a sideways glance at Ye Jinghong behind him, Xiang Yuan's mouth was slightly hooked, and he nodded slowly: "Confirm it."

"The order has been received, and the land of inheritance is opening."

Humming and trembling slightly, the white light soaring into the sky gradually weakened, revealing a stone pillar inside that was engraved with countless ancient patterns, the whole body was black, and it was thick and heavy, turning dullly.

The stone pillar is divided into six sections, which rotate with each other, gradually forming an ancient picture scroll on the pillar.

The picture scrolls were combined, and a mottled staircase with traces of history slowly extended to Xiang Yuan's feet.

Looking at the stairs with countless rough traces on every stone slab under his feet, Xiang Yuan seemed to feel something faintly, and his expression changed slightly.

Step up the stairs and move forward step by step.

Not to be outdone, Ye Jinghong behind him took one step up the same ladder as Xiang Yuan, not daring to go forward alone, nor falling behind.

As the stairs continued to move forward, the space around the two of them began to gradually blur, as if they were completing the transformation from one space to another.

Counting the stone steps under his feet, after stepping on the No.60 six stone steps, Xiang Yuan's feet were empty.

In front of my eyes, the endless blue light is like a sea of ​​blue stars, dazzling.

Standing above the void, Xiang Yuan and Ye Jinghong gazed at the endless, beautiful blue ocean in front of them, but the ominous aura blowing towards their faces warned them.

What is presented here is not only beauty, but also danger.

"This inheritance is the Dry Bones Sea Spring, one of the 27 pillars of the Dao of Killing.

The way of inheritance is to cross the sea of ​​dry bones and look for fragments of 18 yuan springs scattered in the sea. "

In the resplendent blue ocean, Mo Ran's voice sounded again, echoing in the world, revealing the way to obtain inheritance.

"Sea of ​​dry bones..." whispering the name just mentioned, Xiang Yuan looked at the blue sea in front of him.

It is obvious that the sea of ​​dry bones mentioned in the inheritance is this sea eye that looks beautiful and flawless, but is cold and dangerous.

"It's actually the Dry Bones Sea Spring..." Ye Jinghong who was on the side also heard the words mentioned by the indifferent voice, his eyes couldn't help being happy, as if he knew the details of the Dry Bones Sea Spring.

"Does the Blood King know what this dry bone spring is?" Sensing the slight change in Ye Jinghong's expression, Xiang Yuan became interested.

Knowing what Xiang Yuan wanted to do, Ye Jinghong waved his hand: "Don't ask Wang Xiang anymore, you and I have something to say first, and cooperate to enter the inheritance.

After entering the inheritance, each will rely on his own ability.

I do know a little about the Dry Bones Sea Spring, but now you and I are in a competitive relationship, and I won't give you information for nothing. "

"Stop beating around the bush, what do you want?" Xiang Yuan said directly.

"Happy, I heard that Xiang Wang has the magical skill of refining longevity beads..."

"Do you want the method of refining longevity beads?" With a raised brow, Xiang Yuan's broken golden eyes flashed a cold light.

"That's not true. Xiang Wang will definitely not pass on such magical skills to others easily. Xiao Wang just wants a few longevity beads.

Not much, just five millennium longevity beads. Biting his lip and stretching out five fingers, Ye Jinghong expressed his request.

"Okay, but I don't have that many on me right now, so I'll give you two as a deposit first." He threw out two longevity beads like golden beans, and gently pinched his finger bones to Yuan:
"Now, you can talk about this dry bone sea spring."


(End of this chapter)

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