Six Gods

Chapter 353 War!turn on...

Chapter 353 War!turn on...


The young man Wang froze when he knocked on the handle of the chair.

"Well, Da Yaoling replied, rejecting our invitation to attack Yinshen Kingdom together," Wang Bai said.

Leaning back, the young man Wang looked calm, and there were not many disturbances.

"Did you say why?"

"No, I just replied and refused, and didn't say anything else."

Standing up slowly, the figure under the black royal robe stretched out his majestic body. The young man Wang sneered: "A group of old bones sitting and waiting to die, it's useless to give them a chance."

"What should we do now? The monsters are unwilling to cooperate. If we send our troops to the Yinshen Kingdom, what if they..."

Raising troops to attack the Yinshen Kingdom is a must for the human race. Originally, Xiang Yuan planned to invite the monsters to go with him, firstly to increase his strength, and secondly, if the human army went to the Yinshen Kingdom, what would the demons do in the upper world? The means, relying on the remaining power of the human race, cannot be guaranteed to be safe.

For this kind of thing of beating the dog in the water, Xiang Yuan originally thought that the demons would be happy to stab Yinshen.

After all, their covenant with the Yin God is just not to disclose the location of the Yin God Kingdom, not to prevent the Yin God Kingdom.

But now the monsters refused, which made Xiang Yuan doubt the purpose of their refusal.

"Shame on your face." His expression gradually became indifferent, and Xiang Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, his whole body was filled with majesty, exuding the smell of an iron-blooded hero.

"Wang Bai, order the troops to assemble, but the movement should be quieter. In a few days, the king will go to Da Yaoling in person to see what those old guys mean.

It's fine if you're simply afraid of risks, but if you're fighting some unrealistic messenger, then before raising your troops to attack the Yinshen Kingdom.

Squeeze the demon clan first! "

The young man Wang's voice was not loud, but he revealed a vast murderous intent to lay down a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, causing layers of dark clouds to condense on the sky, which was endlessly oppressive.

"The last general takes orders!" With a sinister grin on the corner of his mouth, Wang Bai, who was like a giant bear, bowed in response, blood-red aura surging all over his body, condensing into a terrifying phantom of a demon god.


To the 76th year of the royal calendar

King Xiangyuan visited Dayaoling in person, intending to discuss and coordinate with the ancestor of the demons to attack the Yinshen Kingdom.

The face-to-face meeting lasted seven days and seven nights, and even the great mountain and sea monsters in Dayaoling were isolated, and no one or the monster knew what the content of the meeting was.

It was only on the seventh day of the meeting, that is, at noon on the last day, a huge roaring thunder suddenly exploded in the sky above Dayaoling.

The monster who was a little closer was seriously injured by the shock and retreated in a hurry.

Thunder on the flat ground is indeed a phenomenon.

As a result, all the major demon kingdoms speculated about the King's personal visit.

Possibly, the talk collapsed!

On the night when the huge thunder shook, the King of Humans left Da Yao Ridge in a majestic and majestic way under the control of ten thousand golden lights.

In the place passing by, thousands of monsters were terrified and knelt down to worship.

In the following months, neither Human Race nor Da Yaoling reported any content about that meeting.

And the monsters who are curious about the content, as time goes by, their attention to this matter begins to decline.

Two years later.

When [-]% of the monsters in the entire Eastern Demon Kingdom will almost forget the incident two years ago.



No monster would have thought that the human race would suddenly raise troops to attack them on such a day without warning.

And it's still so menacing and unstoppable.

When the human army all over the mountains and plains appeared on the border of the demon country, the demon army guarding the border was almost frightened.

Outside the border, there was a dense mass of darkness, and the armored army stretched for tens of thousands of miles. They were silent and exuded a murderous intent that shocked all souls.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The border guard demon roared at the top of his throat, waking up the entire border fortress.

The smoke of the wolf rose, and the army shouted.

The bloody smell unique to war began to spread in the air, and even the sky became gloomy and dark because of this, as if it was about to grind the flesh and blood and scour the earth.


Behind the armored army, which the guarding monsters cannot see, the giant iron archer riding on an armored horse, with a three-edged scimitar hanging on his waist, and a huge bow with a length of one foot on his back drives the horse in place.


Under the silent order, the iron spear giant archer looked at the demon border city with his eyes like a falcon.

Taking off the terrifying giant bow on his body, the iron giant archers with expressionless faces drew their bows in unison. The scalp-numbing sound of opening the bow seemed to shatter the earth and shatter the void. The arrow was heavy and hard, and was resting on the bowstring.

Being pierced by the steel arrow feathers shot by such a huge bow, that feeling, tsk tsk tsk...


A loud shout suddenly sounded in the army that was as silent as a deep pool and an ancient well!
Whoosh whoosh—

In an instant, it seemed to be dark!
The terrifying arrow feathers howling all over the sky turned into a graceful parabola, engulfed in the ferocious power of piercing mountains and cracking rocks, and precisely fell into the fortress on the edge of the demon.

Puff puff!
The sound of flesh and blood being pierced by steel arrow feathers continued one after another. No monster expected that the offensive of the human army would be as uniform, swift and decisive, and the bows and arrows shot would be so overbearing and powerful!

The reaction time given to them by the human army was not enough for them to prepare enough defenses.

Just the first round of salvo, nearly one-fifth of the monsters in the monster fortress died under the tragic arrow rain.

The roars of unwillingness, pain, grief, and resentment erupted in the demon fortress after the rain of arrows fell.


The earth shook, and the gates of the demon fortress weighing tens of thousands of catties were opened one by one. The extremely strong demonic aura shot up into the sky, and all kinds of terrifying phantoms appeared.

"Kill you!"

"A mere human race dares to attack my Demon Kingdom! Court death!"

"Return my brother's life!"

"Return my second son's life!"

"Give me... the life of the neighbor's son!"


As soon as the city gate opened, the monsters who had manifested themselves roared and rushed out.

Wan Yao came out of the city with overwhelming momentum.

Compared with the efficient and efficient defensive garrison system of the human race, the monsters still stay in the primitive state of close combat, where swords and soldiers intersect.

And this difference is precisely because of the individual differences of the two races.

The demon family has a complete inheritance system. They are obsessed with continuously improving the power of their bloodlines and strengthening themselves. They are not interested in developing tools and technologies at all, and even feel that it is a waste of time.

The human race is sealed by the power of their own blood, and although they have the method of the clan to form a powerful individual force, they cannot be popularized, so they can only find another way and use other aspects to consolidate the foundation of survival.

The monster came out of the city, and the sound wave rolled, turning into a frenzy of flesh and blood, and without hesitation hit the torrent of steel formed by the Iron Armored Army!
In an instant, the two forces of war were stirred together, grinding and stirring each other like a millstone.

With ferocious faces and raging demonic aura, the monsters bursting out with murderous intent rushed towards the armored army with heavy armor and long swords.

In their view, with such a large human army, the combat power must not be very strong. They want to use human lives to carry out crowd tactics.

But when a grinning pig demon was cut in half by a steel armored soldier with a deadpan knife, several roaring demons beside him seemed to be strangled, their eyes widened and they were silent.

Armored soldiers.

Basic unit trained by Ironclad Barracks.

Combat power is about equal to...

Sixth level of blood refinement realm!
The long knife drips blood, and the cold blade catches people!
The indifferent eyes under the heavy iron helmet looked at the demon.

a killing...


(End of this chapter)

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