Six Gods

Chapter 358 Dao Ling Unit

Chapter 358 Dao Ling Unit
"Dao Ling, where is the so-called program unit?"

It was a pity to glance at the ashes of Barlow fluttering in the wind, and asked Yuan.

"Testing... the test is complete!
The Daoling program unit is located in the center of the building. This building is equipped with a Yubi folding furnace, and it should be a hatchery for high-level Baluo bones.

It is estimated that the high-level Baluo bone wants to use the Dao Ling program unit to make the ordinary Baluo bone also have a wisdom system. "

After scanning the black tower in front of him, which is embossed with countless Baluo bone statues, Dao Ling quickly detected the key to the core.


"Yes, the Baluo bone is a single-sex oviparous group, there is no gender distinction, each high-level Baluo bone has the ability to lay eggs, and the eggs produced have the ability to differentiate. An egg can be supported by enough materials and energy. , within ten days it can decompose into a hundred.

When there is a lack of low-level balos, the high-level balos will lay eggs collectively, and then build a hatchery to provide enough material energy, so that a large number of low-level people can be obtained in a short period of time. "

After explaining the meaning of the hatchery, Dao Ling continued: "The Yubi folding furnace in the hatchery here is in a damaged state, and its internal structure is very unstable.

Entering the hatchery space may lead to the direct collapse of the folding furnace and the explosion of the internal space, which is estimated to affect millions of miles of real space.

When Your Excellency the King enters it, please make sure to take the Dao Ling program unit and leave within one minute and 40 seconds.

Otherwise, it will be affected by the aftermath caused by the collapse of the Yubi folding furnace. "

Hearing that the Yubi folding furnace was extremely unstable, the eyes of the young man Wang suddenly lit up, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Well, then I can only be sorry..."


Above the five-pillar peak in the center of Yinshen Kingdom

Yin Shenting

A silver vortex that slowly rotates like a nebula is suspended in the center of the Yinshen Court Hall.

In the vortex, there are dots of brilliance, as if it is really the epitome of a galaxy, revealing a mysterious beauty.

"If what you said is correct, then we are willing to help you this time."

There was a rumbling and vibrating sound coming from the silver nebula, like a gust of wind blowing from thousands of mountains, thick and brutal.

"This is great, but I still need to trouble you to hurry up, the human race has taken a big step, and now the entire surface world has fallen into their hands.

I reckon it won't be long before they get their hands on us. "Hearing that there was an affirmative answer from the silver nebula, the five Yin Gods in charge of the court all showed joy.

If the opponent really possesses the strength recorded in the historical records, then they have great hope of overthrowing the human race.

"Don't worry, as long as the coordinates you gave are correct, we will arrive soon." A hearty laugh came from Nebula, but he quickly said:
"For the issue of remuneration, I hope you can prepare it in advance. Our family is the most trustworthy, and we hope that our guests can also keep their promises."

Nodding, Zhang Ting Yinshen waved his hand and said: "You can rest assured on this point, as long as you can help us wipe out all the human races, there will be no less conditions for you to agree.

It's just that the people you send this time must be strong enough.

That human king is very tyrannical, and he can be regarded as top-notch among the human kings of all dynasties.

If the clansmen you send are not strong enough, I'm afraid they will only play the game like a pearl, and the gain outweighs the loss. "

Hearing the reminders and warnings from the Yin God in charge, a deep and continuous laughter came from the silver nebula: "Hey hey, my Baluogu clan is the mortal enemy of the human race.

The means we use to deal with them are much more than you can imagine. You are afraid of being beaten by the human race, so you think they are invincible.

Human kings... Hehehe, there are not many human kings who are idle and wandering outside.

But how strong can this wild little star be. "

The voice from the nebula seems to know the human race very well, every word is full of yearning and pleasure for killing the human race, when it comes to the rise, it even forgets that the Yin Gods in charge are on the side, and directly says that this world is a barbarian little star .

Being called his own world as a wild little star, the Yin God in charge of the courtyard suddenly looked a little unnatural.

However, compared to the pressing force of the human race, this small matter is not harmful at all.

After discussing everything, the silver nebula floating in the center of the hall gradually dimmed and disappeared, the brilliance disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.

"This time, the human race will perish."

In the main hall of the Yinshen Court, the breath of the Yin Gods in charge of the court flowed like a silent midnight, about to swallow everything.

"After paying such a high price this time, it finally brought about the doomsday calamity for the human race."

"Yeah, it's a pity that the ruins are the civilization ruins of the Middle Ages, if they can be used by us, we will be able to find a way to transcend this world.

Barbarian Little Star... Hey, although I don't want to admit it, what they said is indeed true..."

"Forget it, it's better to lose the treasure than to let the race go extinct. The Middle Ages are so far away, and under the scouring of the long river of history, there are still a few things left.

As long as the human race can be wiped out this time, everything will be..."


Suddenly, an incomparably violent vibration interrupted the conversation of the Yin Gods in the palm of the court. The sky and the earth shook, the space trembled, and it seemed like the end of the world in a trance. Impacting the entire Yinshen Kingdom!
"what happened?!"

Raising his hand, he spewed out infinite power, turning into a rattling pure black iron chain to restrain the trembling and trembling Yinshen Court, and the five palms of the Yin God rushed out of the hall in fright and angrily, suspended above Qiongtian, looking at To the source of the vibration transmission.

"There is……"

In the southwestern land, the pale green that appeared out of thin air, like a densely packed strange space like a honeycomb, is crowded in the Yinshen Kingdom, which is dark as ink all year round.

The two colors of black and green intertwine and collide with each other, the earth is shifting, the mountain peaks are cracking, and the sky and the earth are turbid, as if there is a big hand of a demon god stirring up the chaos.

The green beehive kept leaning forward and squeezed out, swarming out from a source in the center, crushing black mountains one by one, causing countless Yin Gods to fly in terror and flee into the distance.

"Who broke into the forbidden area!" Recognizing that the place where the green beehive appeared was the medieval ruins, the Yin God of the palm court was furious, causing the black clouds to roar and turn into infinitely terrifying phantoms.

But they thought about it and felt something was wrong.

Outside the forbidden area of ​​the medieval relics, there are [-] early warning methods set up by them. Even if there is a Yin God who disobeys their orders and intends to sneak in, the early warning will be triggered and they will know.

How could this be the case now.

Is it...

Having a bad premonition in his heart, Zhang Ting Yin God looked at each other, and immediately flew into a polar shadow and hurried towards the medieval ruins...


Medieval ruins, outside the Black City of Barlow Bone

Xiang Yuan, holding an irregular colored cloud and mist light ball in his hand, curiously observed the Dao Ling program unit in his hand.

"Is this the highest masterpiece of Tang civilization..."

From the colorful clouds and mist in his hands, Xiang Yuan felt a sense of vastness, as if he was in a vast sea of ​​clouds that stretched as far as the eye could see, without knowing its depth or shape.

"Shifang bury the dead bones Hai Dao Ling requests to absorb the Dao Ling program unit retrieved by His Excellency Ren Wang, please approve it." Dao Ling's voice sounded.

"Are you going to absorb this?"

"Yes, the Dao Ling program unit can help me improve my own structure and be promoted to a higher level Dao Ling." Dao Ling answered truthfully.

"Then give it to you."

Without much consideration, Xiang Yuan directly agreed to Dao Ling's request.

Only Dao Ling can use the Dao Ling program unit, and now he only has the dry bone Hai Dao Ling in his hand, and it doesn't make any sense if he doesn't use it or keep it for himself.

"Accept the instruction. Start absorbing the Dao Ling program unit..."

With Xiang Yuan's consent, the octagonal cloud pattern on the back of his hand suddenly lit up, and a dozen colored silk threads slowly stretched out from it, pierced into the colorful cloud of light with a puff, and sucked it in quickly.

"The Dao Ling level unit has been absorbed! Start the promotion of Dao Ling..."

At the same time that Dao Ling absorbed the program unit and began to promote, Wudao controlled the light of ten thousand Yin gods, with overwhelming power, and the Yin gods in charge of the court who were like five mountains crossing across the sky also rushed here.

The sharp eyes found Wang Xiangyuan standing in the center of the ancient ruins in an instant, and the face of the Yin God in charge of the courtyard was both shocked and angry.

What is surprising is how did this human king come to Yinshen Kingdom?

The one who was angry was that as soon as this human king came to the Yinshen Kingdom, he caused huge damage to the Yinshen Kingdom, and at the same time destroyed this medieval relic!

Sensing the arrival of the five Yin Gods in charge of the court, the young man Wang raised his head slightly, and looked at the Yin Gods in charge of the divine light, and grinned, revealing his white and cold teeth.

"long time no see."


(End of this chapter)

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