Six Gods

Chapter 363 Tianxin Consciousness!usurp

Chapter 363 Tianxin Consciousness!usurp

Shocking King Fist!

Slash all over the house!

Standing proudly in the center of the golden circle of light, the young king clasped his hands tightly, grasping the supreme majesty, and punched out with a fist, the brilliance of the martial arts burst forth, and evolved into the appearance of the king's court. , Senhan is terrifying!

Black smoke billowed, waved and splashed a massive amount of yin god power, turning into thousands of yin false images, the yin gods in the palm of their hands tightly pursed their lips, beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads, the small world above their heads kept trembling, surging the power of countless worlds, Resist the power of the domineering king!

Crushed by light, Wang Ting Da Dao carried a tyrannical power that could break through ten thousand spells, and severely shattered the world membrane of a Yin God in charge of the court.

The blade is radiant, dazzling and swollen, as if it wants to erase everything under the blade!

Half of the god's body was split into two, and the Yin God who had half of his face cut off screamed miserably, the blood of the gods gushed out like a pillar, and the golden blood on the remnant body burned like a flame, trying to destroy it completely!
Seeing the end of the mountain, the yin gods in charge of the court kept retreating. Facing the increasingly violent offensive of the young king, their resistance became more and more powerless.

Today, all of them are really going to fall here...

Sad in my heart, the future of the Yin God clan has never been ruined in their hands. The eyes of the Yin Gods in charge of the court are dim, but their expressions gradually become ferocious.

"The matter has come to this, we can only put all our eggs in one basket!"

There was a sinister look in his eyes, and the yin gods in the palm of the hand looked at each other, the light was shining, and they took out a pitted surface, which seemed to be corroded by acid, and the whole body glowed with blue-black light. metal ball.

As soon as the metal ball was taken out, there was a sense of infinite thickness crushed by the sky in the golden light circle, and the surrounding void was not broken due to the pressure.

"That's... the root of all living beings?" Sensing the same situation around him, the young king's golden eyes locked on the blue-black metal ball in the hands of the Yin Gods in the palm of the court.

The root of all living beings, the Yin Gods in charge of the court rely on the last resort of burning jade and stone together.

According to Ye Jinghong, the blood king, this sentient being root is a kind of wonder of heaven and earth that can only be born on a living planet. It is formed by the power of the laws of heaven and earth. It has the great power to create all things and is the fundamental source of a living planet.

As the original race of this planet, the Yinshen clan lived here before the arrival of the human race and the monster race.

It is reasonable for them to be able to obtain the origin of the planet, the root of sentient beings.

It's just that, at this moment, the root of sentient beings in the hands of the Yin God in charge of the court... seems to be incomplete.

"Dao Ling's promotion is complete! The authority level and computing power, the control platform, and the repair of the high-level calculation program have been completed.

The current Dao Ling level: Jiuyao. "

A familiar voice came from next to his ear. The moment Dao Ling completed his promotion, a numb feeling of coolness gushed out from the back of Xiang Yuan's hand, and slowly flowed into his soul space like a trickle. His consciousness is connected to everything.

"The re-transfer of the control of Dao Ling is completed."

It's time to wake up...

Dao Ling regained consciousness after completing the promotion, allowing Xiang Yuan to have this supercomputer similar to artificial intelligence again.

"Dao Ling, help me analyze the roots of sentient beings in their hands."

"Good sir, the test is in progress...

The substance held by the target is unique to life and stars, with powerful natural energy and the rules of heaven and earth.

The structure of this substance is stable, and it needs advanced means of energy and substance operation to be able to use it. Forcible use cannot exert one percent of its power.

Warning, abnormal consciousness fluctuation detected, detecting...

The subject of abnormal consciousness confirmed that it is the Tianxin consciousness of this star. "

Amidst Dao Ling's sudden warning sound, the root of sentient beings held in the palm of the hand by the Yin God in the palm suddenly lit up, and an unspeakable mighty aura lingered on it, as if the gods in the dark had cast their eyes on this sight. It looks like an inconspicuous metal ball.

The young man Wang frowned slightly, and whispered softly: "Tianxin consciousness?"

"Tianxin consciousness, also known as the brain of the stars, the heart of the great unity, etc., is a kind of thinking that is unique to the stars of life and has a high degree of self-discipline consciousness.

If the root of sentient beings is the energy source of the star of life, then the mind consciousness of the day is the soul of the star.

Tianxin consciousness controls the basic operation of the entire life star, and at the same time has the authority of the rules of the life star heaven and earth.

The abnormal consciousness fluctuation detected just now is the intention of Tianxin consciousness to connect the roots of sentient beings. "Dao Ling explained.

"Tianxin consciousness has its own thoughts?" The young man Wang's expression is a bit dignified. If this so-called Tianxin consciousness has its own thoughts, then combined with what Dao Ling said, the soul of this life star is obviously planning to help Yin God family.

"Theoretically, it does not exist. The consciousness of Tianxin is the unified consciousness of life and stars, and it is the embodiment of the rules of heaven and earth.

The reason why the Tianxin consciousness is connected to the roots of all living beings may be because Your Excellency the King of People wants to exterminate the entire Yinshen clan, and is still depriving this star of luck.

Therefore, Tianxin consciousness is in the concept of self-protection, chooses to connect with the roots of sentient beings, and prepares to stimulate this force to destroy His Excellency the king's seizure.

I can cut off the connection behavior of Tianxin consciousness, and reversely control part of the authority of Tianxin consciousness. May I ask whether to start. "

After absorbing the Dao Ling unit and completing the promotion, Dao Ling's reaction speed is obviously much faster, and the function has also undergone a powerful change, which can not only prevent the self-protection behavior of Tianxin consciousness, but even reversely usurp the authority of Tianxin consciousness.

Xiang Yuan had never experienced such a great consciousness that can usurp a star. After Dao Ling asked, he immediately announced the start!
"With the permission of the controller, the Dao Ling system is launched...

The control platform is turned on...

The advanced calculation program starts...

Unleash computing power...

The heaven and earth consciousness deprivation function is ready...

Start the countdown..."

Just listening to the countless obscure programs in his mind being continuously opened by Dao Ling, many slightly shiny ancient symbols suddenly appeared in the golden eyes of the young man Wang Sui, and they were constantly combined and evolved to form a mysterious image.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a storm in the golden circle of light.

Having received the connection of Tianxin consciousness, the roots of sentient beings are shining brightly, exuding majestic and huge power, just like the birth of a supernova, and the rolling power frenzy impacts the space in the golden light circle wantonly like a pulse. This power is so powerful, The young man Wang Du showed a cautious expression.

There was a sick smile on his face, feeling that the root of sentient beings in his hand was constantly recovering, releasing a terrifying power that could not be matched by human beings, Zhang Ting Yinshen sneered in his heart.

If I can bury you, my Yin God Clan will have a chance to make a comeback, so die with us!
Just when the light of the root of sentient beings was dazzling to the extreme, a phantom of a star like a spinning top loomed indistinctly, and the phantom trembled slightly, and the void in the depths of the large area collapsed inch by inch. , has surpassed the secular world and reached the level of the universe and starry sky.

Looking at the large black cracks vertically and horizontally like dead branches, the Yin God in the palm of the hand roared loudly, welcoming the arrival of ultimate destruction!
At this time, a cold and indifferent voice without a trace of emotional fluctuation suddenly resounded in the entire golden circle of light.

"Tianxin consciousness is cut off... the reverse tracking starts, locks Tianxin consciousness, and begins to deprive authority..."

The originally extremely bright light suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and the supernova-like light cluster turned back into that unattractive, even ugly metal ball within a few breaths.

Staring blankly at the root of sentient beings that had been terminated and completely dimmed, the Yin Gods in charge of the court were at a loss.

After all, in their cognition, there is no such thing as Dao Ling, the pinnacle essence of the civilization of the Tang Empire in the middle ages.

Naturally, he didn't understand how the original power of this world suddenly failed.

Looking down at the yin gods in charge of the court standing there, the young Wang Wang's eyes were cold, revealing the ruthlessness of an emperor.

"Are you still dreaming of the big dream of burning everything together?

Today, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he will not be able to change your worm-like fate. "

The black king's flag stands up abruptly, evolving endlessly into the land of the human race, the land of the king is vast, golden everywhere, and the phantoms of all people appear on the flag, bowing down to worship the lord of the human race, the king of all ages!

With one step forward, the figure of the young man Wang turned into an incomparably majestic stalwart that towered above the sky like a mountain without a circle. With one finger, he crushed it down, rumbling and vibrating, the void cracked, the universe was chaotic, and the world was reversed.

Looking up at the golden fingers with fingerprints like mountains and rivers falling slowly and heavily, Zhang Ting Yinshen smiled idiotically, his eyes were full of powerlessness and despair, and the sentient beings in his hands, which symbolized the origin of the world, rolled down with a bang and slid aside .

Life is like a worm, crushed to death with one finger!

(End of this chapter)

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