Six Gods

Chapter 366 The Power of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 366 The Power of the Tang Dynasty
The sky and the earth shattered, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers turned into mud-like chaos.

The young man Wang's eyes were solemn, and facing him was the lord of the stars, who was incomparably stalwart, infinitely tall, and breathed out thousands of rays of light with every breath.

This is a force beyond the shackles of a certain limit, and non-human beings can contend.

The blue sky above the head and the mountains, rivers and earth under the feet are rolling and manifesting more and more clearly, as if a complete star is about to revive.

The heavy strangeness all over the sky is permeating, intensifying, exuding the tyrannical meaning of replacing the heaven and the earth.

"Should die!" Groaning and roaring, the high-ranking Baluo bone who turned into a stalwart giant slammed down, pulling all kinds of huge forces, and the infinite vision of evolution formed a dense pattern of destruction in the void, spewing a large amount of dazzling brilliance, like stars When it comes down, three thousand will be suppressed.

"Privilege usurped successfully!
Detecting the existence of the Star Forging Realm, analyzing the bloodline sequence...

Analysis complete!

Bloodline Sequence: Baluobone Race!

The blood sequence of the deadly enemy of the human race has been detected, may I ask your Excellency the Human King to start the ten directions to bury the sea of ​​dry bones to strike! "

At the very moment, Dao Ling, who had usurped Tianxin's consciousness, opened his mouth, and immediately discovered this extremely powerful high-level Baluo bone, who looked like the Lord of the Stars.

The black hair like a waterfall was blown wildly by the storm stirred up by the destructive palm of the high-ranking Baluogu. The young man Wang Jin's eyes were calm, and his pupils reflected the majestic figure, who looked down on the world and was in charge of the power to crush all things. The terrifying figure spoke softly:
"Let me go."

"Command accepted!
The sea of ​​dead bones buried in ten directions is starting..."


The blue-white thick fog rises up, and in an instant, it evolves into a sea of ​​clouds rippling for hundreds of millions of miles. Amidst the strange noise, a mysterious dao spirit pattern slowly unfolds under the young king's feet. control platform.

"The sea of ​​dead bones buried in ten directions has been activated, and the target strength is detected...

The strength of the target can be measured: Forging a Star Realm!
In the heaven and earth authority structure...

In the process of targeted training of different forces...

Visit Killao Hyogo, load the bloodline sequence strike plan...

The target's body breath is locked...

The target's soul breath is locked...

The Eye of Dry Bones Sea Spring has started!
Load Tianxin Consciousness Authority...

Preparation procedure to complete..."

The calm, indifferent, and orderly voices of Dao Ling rang out one after another, and a miniature phantom of a high-level Baluo bone slowly appeared in front of Xiang Yuan's eyes. Countless fine and precise markings were presented on this phantom, densely packed His handwriting filled the entire front of his eyes.

The sea of ​​dry bones is buried in ten directions!
One of the 27 pillars of Shadao in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Xiang Yuan is also very curious about the terrifying effect of all the powerful war giants in the four major national defense systems of the prosperous Tang Empire.

With the opening of the killing programs one after another, the power to chill the world and conquer thousands of worlds suddenly spread to the entire Yinxu Star.

The sea of ​​dry bones, as crystal clear as a blue diamond, is like an atmosphere, wrapping the entire Yinxu star, and then slowly rotating, forming a huge vortex covering the entire planet.

And the very center of the vortex is pointing at the high-level Baluo bone.

"Roar! Kill!"

Roaring and roaring, shattering the infinite void, tearing out countless large black cracks, feeling the chilling aura emanating from every corner of the surrounding space, the high-ranking Baluobone raised his arms high, and everything except 16 yuan, which was as black as ink, appeared suddenly. A strange barrier with a faint silver light.

The feeling of this barrier is very similar to the No Regrets Wall that wraps the entire Yinxu Star on the top floor of Kong Ye!
"The ten directions are buried, and the dead bones are boundless."

The cold and ruthless echo sounded like a battle horn!

The dry bone vortex that spread to the entire planet began to rotate, and the vast power swept down, carrying the power to destroy thousands of worlds, and crushed the high-level Barlow with pure destructive power!

ka ka ka-

The power of the sea of ​​dry bones stirred wildly, and the extreme erosive power quickly weathered and separated all the power released by the high-level Baluo bones. Even the 16 yuan Wuguibi he summoned was washed away by the sea water, and mottled colors began to appear. gap!

Roaring in pain, the high-ranking Baluo's eyes were about to crack, and he was bleeding all over. He thought that he had shown the strength of the star-forming realm, and he would be able to easily crush this lifeless human black-yellow to death like a bug.

But who ever knew that there was a big killer in the hands of this mysterious and yellow man!He couldn't compete even in the Star Realm, so he could only be beaten passively, even threatening his life!
Struggling unwillingly, the body of the high-ranking Baloo continued to erupt with strong power of the star world, evolving countless phantoms of life, visions of heaven and earth, intending to resist the erosion of the sea of ​​dry bones and get rid of the fate of dying and turning into dry bones.

The two forces collided crazily, shaking the world and the stars.

In an instant, the entire Yinxu Star was trembling, as if it was about to be divided into two under the struggle between these two forces, and it would be broken into pieces!

The tide is boundless and endless!
The resistance of the high-level Baluo bone gradually weakened, and the phantom visions evolved around him also began to shatter piece by piece, turning into separated phantoms, dissipating without a trace.

Under Dao Ling's control program, Xiang Yuan could clearly see that the sea of ​​dry bones, which seemed to be roaring ferociously, actually used a precise and chilling technique to penetrate every hole, looking for all the loopholes in the high-ranking Barlow's body.

Every drop of seawater is like an independent individual, seemingly disordered, but in fact it performs its own duties and is precisely controlled by Dao Ling.

His heart was shaking, and the young man Wang thought to himself.

Just a giant soldier who kills Dao is so powerful, what kind of terrifying power did the Tang Empire hold in its heyday...

Seeing the power of the Sea of ​​Dry Bones, Xiang Yuan clearly felt the underlying strength of the Prosperous Tang Empire as the overlord of the Middle Ages, and at the same time, a doubt arose in his heart.

With the protection of such a perfect and tyrannical system, how did the prosperous Tang Empire fall...


Caught in the killing pattern created by the sea of ​​dry bones, the high-level Baluo bone was like a turtle in a urn, struggling to resist and stirring up a tidal wave, but it was just lingering on its last breath.

The power of burial from the ten directions in the sea of ​​bones has penetrated into his body, disintegrating his power from the inside, and corrupting his fundamental source.

At the same time, the authority that Dao Ling usurped from the consciousness of Tianxin is also mobilizing the rules of heaven and earth to suppress the power of the stars it evolves. This can be seen from the continuous collapse and dissipation of the blue sky dome he evolved, the mountains, rivers and earth.

This world is rejecting him and suppressing him.

He has come to an end!

"I don't want to die!" Howled terribly, feeling the passing of life, the high-ranking Baluogu was extremely frightened, the stronger the existence, the more unacceptable it was to face death.

Especially for bandit civilizations like the Baluo bone tribe, without enough xinxing support, it is easy to have a nervous breakdown.

However, his wailing and begging for mercy did not shake the young king at all. There was no pity in the eyes of this king, only some anticipation.

Staring at the breath gradually weakening, and about to completely sink into the sea of ​​dry bones, the high-level Baluo bone, which turned into one of the dry bones, held a big golden hand to Yuan, ready to start refining at the moment of its death.

Incomparably stalwart, towering above the sky, like the lord of the stars, the glorious body melts bit by bit in the scour of the Sea of ​​Dry Bones, and the radiant blood splashes down, crystal clear like jade, all of which are absorbed by the sea of ​​dry bones and filled into its own energy reserves library.

"I... can't be reconciled... ah..." The big hand with bare bones stretched upwards, and the senior Baluo bone submerged in the sea water to the head let out a final roar, and then it was completely submerged in the sea water, and the breath of life completely returned to zero. .

Big golden hands!


Without the slightest hesitation, the young man Wang's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and a refinement skill was thrown out, hitting the last big hand of the senior Ba Luogu.


The void trembled slightly, like a huge light ball of an artificial sun, exuding the soft light of a vast amount of knowledge, floating in front of Xiang Yuan.

Looking up at the boundless, blue-yellow ball of light in front of him, his eyes were astonished.

Involuntarily wriggled his throat.


(End of this chapter)

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