Six Gods

Chapter 375 Super Black Market

Chapter 375 Super Black Market
"Dao Ling, do you have any information about Yunyoutian in your system?"

In the dormitory, the young man Wang, who was rarely at leisure, looked at the sapphire key on the desk with one hand resting his chin, and asked Dao Ling habitually.

"Data retrieval...

Yunyoutian was built by a group of mysterious forces who claimed to be wandering merchants. It began to rise in the Middle Ages. It was a huge trading place. It was rumored that it could connect the four directions of the world, so it was also called the Square Palace.

If you want to enter Yunyoutian, you must hold the Ascending Sky Key, otherwise you will not be able to gain access. Yunyoutian was established after the prosperous Tang Empire, so there are only these materials for the time being. Dao Ling replied slowly.

Picking up the sapphire key on the desk, Xiang Yuan rubbed it lightly twice, and after a few breaths of thought, a wisp of thought penetrated into it.


Suddenly, I felt a chill, and a crisp, soft, melodious voice echoed in Yuan's ears.

"Hello, distinguished guest, thank you for opening, please wait a moment, the process of binding the Ascension Key is in progress..."

Xiang Yuan was slightly taken aback when a voice similar to artificial intelligence spoke.

This Ascension Key actually has the effect similar to that of Dao Ling. It seems that these high-level power systems themselves have the means no less than the technology of the previous life.

"The access of the soul exploration program has been detected, please authorize Your Excellency King..."

Dao Ling immediately intercepted the binding procedure of Dengtian Key and asked Xiang Yuan if he wanted to give him permission.

His eyes moved slightly, and Xiang Yuan asked tentatively, "Dao Ling, can you decipher the program in this Ascension Key?"

"No, the program in the Ascension Key is a low-level imitation, but the internal core has advanced anti-cracking restrictions. It is estimated that during the production process of the Ascension Key, there will be high-level dao spirits involved, and they will bless the advanced anti-cracking restrictions." After a short pause , Dao Ling gave the answer.

"That is to say, in the hands of the wandering merchants, there is also a Taoist spirit of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and it is a very high-level Taoist spirit." With a strange look in his eyes, Xiang Yuan pinched his fingers.

Dao Ling said just now that Yunyoutian was established in the Middle Ages, when the prosperous Tang Empire had fallen and shattered.

And the Youfang businessman who established Yunyoutian is very likely to have Tang Daoling in his hands, and when Yunyoutian was established, Daoling will be in charge of overall control and supervision, so as to maintain such a huge trading field that can connect the world .

"The probability of this possibility is 73%. Mass production of low-level imitations requires high-level dao spirit authority above five rounds. Combined with the high-level anti-cracking restriction in the Ascension Key, the dao spirit level in the hands of Youfang merchants is estimated. It is a four-phase level!"

Knowing that there is also the existence of Dao Ling of the prosperous Tang Empire in the hands of Youfang merchants, and it is also a very high-level Dao Ling, Xiang Yuan became more and more curious about this mysterious organization that loves to change the lives of living beings and holds infinite treasures.

However, with his current state, it is still difficult to pry into the secrets of this organization.

Subconsciously clenched his fists, the young man Wang rubbed his brows with his thumbs, after all, he was still not strong enough.

Sighing slightly, Xiang Yuan released Dao Ling's interception of the degree of soul binding of the Ascending Sky Key, and accepted the pass to enter Yunyoutian.

"Binding procedure complete!
Start blurring the coordinates of the customer's location...

Activate anti-tracking program...

Visit Yunyoutian Central Supervision System...

Open the sky bridge...

Would you like to visit Yunyoutian now? "


"Okay, the first visit to Yunyoutian may have slight dizziness and soul tremors. We apologize for the discomfort caused to you."

As soon as the imitation Dao Ling program in the Ascension Key finished speaking, Xiang Yuan suddenly felt a strong sense of detachment acting on his soul space, as if he wanted to take his soul away.

"Consciousness reproduction behavior detected... Behavior judgment: one-time harmless behavior, let it go.

"Like a loyal guard and steward, Dao Ling strictly monitors all the actions of Dengtian Key, and analyzes and decomposes the degree of harm from them. Only completely harmless actions can be passed.

And once there is a little bit of hidden danger and harm, it will immediately stop its behavior and ask for instructions. After analyzing and explaining the benefits and risks, it will hand over the decision-making power to Xiang Yuan.

Layers of white mist and thick clouds were shrouded in the eyes, and Xiang Yuan's consciousness passed through the endless star sea in a trance, and there was a dreamy glass-like ocean everywhere he entered.

Time and space are disordered, and the world is overturned.

Above the head is the countless, cold and dark vast star field ocean, and under the feet is the chaotic land that is grotesque and shining with thousands of rays of light.

The picture beyond the limit of thinking is like a torrent violently impacting Xiang Yuan's worldview, re-structuring the world system in his mind.

After a brief impact, the gorgeous and vast picture in front of him disappeared, replaced by four pillars of white clouds that stood like giant pillars in the sea of ​​clouds for hundreds of millions of miles.

"Welcome to Yunyoutian, since you are here for the first time, now I will read to you the trading rules of Yunyoutian.

[-]. Goods transactions shall not be reversed.

[-]. Do not inquire about the identity and coordinates of sellers and buyers in any way, and offenders will lose their qualifications to enter Yunyoutian forever.

[-]. It is not allowed to disclose the internal information of Yunyoutian in any way. Violators will lose the qualification of Yunyoutian forever.

Is it clear? "

A voice came from Dengtian Key again, revealing the trading rules in Yunyoutian.

After listening to Yun Youtian's trading rules, Xiang Yuan showed a playful smile.

You can't go back on your word if you make a deal. Doesn't it mean that you can only admit that you are unlucky if you are cheated here, and the business depends on your own eyesight.

Sell ​​high and buy low, sell low and buy high?
There is no limit to the price, nor to the bottom line of the product.

The trading rules are very tolerant, but personal safety and confidentiality are very important. Looking at it this way, isn't Yunyoutian an underground black market?

The extremely loose trading rules and strict information protection system must create a super black market with a high degree of freedom and sell everything.

"Interesting, interesting." With a look of anticipation, Xiang Yuan walked straight towards the four jade pillars, and saw the words on the four jade pillars: Dishi, Tianshi, Ziweishi, Taishi micro market.

His eyes swept across the four jade pillars, and Xiang Yuan lifted his foot to go to the jade pillar in Tianshi, but Dengtian Key made another sound.

"Your trading level is low, and you cannot enter the sky market for the time being, please enter the ground market to trade first."

Or is it subdivided into small customers and large customers?
Nodding his head, Xiang Yuan turned and walked towards the city Yuzhu.

Stretching out his hand to touch the sky-reaching jade pillar, the sea of ​​dense fog and clouds was instantly opened up in front of him, and a dark blue avenue that was extremely wide and endless at a glance suddenly appeared in front of Xiang Yuan.

On the side of this avenue, there are shops that are big or small, simple and narrow, or gorgeous pavilions.

And on the other side of the lapis lazuli avenue, there are countless simple stalls that sit on the ground and only occupy grass shoes.

Standing at the front end of this avenue, Xiang Yuan clearly felt countless gazes projected from the simple stall, like the eyes of tigers and wolves, revealing the hunger and thirst to swallow life alive...

Well, this is treating me like the new big fat sheep...


(End of this chapter)

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