Six Gods

Chapter 384 Strong Enemy!Annihilation

Chapter 384 Strong Enemy!Annihilation

"So fast!"

Dodging sideways, the glaring spear tip slashed across the three-inch void in front of him. The young man Wang stepped on the wilderness, walking like a leisurely stroll in the garden, swaying in the rainstorm, and swaying his figure, avoiding the attack!
"Once I am completely wrapped up by his gun power, it will be really difficult."

The dense force is like a fishing net that is gradually unfolded. When it is fully unfolded and covered, no "fish" can escape the catch of this net.

Feeling that his whole body was becoming more and more cohesive, gradually connecting into one piece, and the accumulated spear power, the young man Wang stepped forward and broke into the dense spear power on his own initiative.

He wants to detonate these guns ahead of time!

With a shake of his shoulders, the young man Wang gathered his hands together to shake the thunder, and evolved an eight-armed thunder god statue with a small thunder control technique, carrying infinite thunder and rising into the sky, the eight arms stirred, and the sky was chaotic. The gun is strong, and it explodes with a bang!

The strength of the spear was broken, Xia Wang's real body paused slightly, and he glanced at the eight-armed Thunder God. The spear in his hand shook and twisted, rolling the supreme and domineering strength, and his aura instantly became murderous, making the sun and the moon tremble.

Bang bang bang!
There was a continuous sound of collisions, and the extremely dazzling white light covered the entire picture, and one could only vaguely see an extremely majestic eight-armed Lei Gong colliding with a kingly spear, setting off a huge wave of destruction and shattering everything !

The sound of collision, one wave higher than the other, the roar of thunder and the clank of guns do not give in to each other, tearing up the universe and disturbing the universe.

Following Xia Wang's avatar's extremely domineering blow, the carbine spear piercing through the world, the eight-armed Thunder God statue was pierced through the head and shattered into smoke!

Behind the thunder shadow raging all over the sky, the young man Wang suddenly bumped out, his body shrouded in the indestructible power of King Kong is infinitely domineering and infinitely stalwart.

Before entering three feet in front of King Xia, the kings of the old and new generations started a war of contempt that shook the heavens and the world!

The sky and the earth shook, and the sound that shook the avenue echoed and overlapped.

His lips were tightly pressed, and the eyes of the young king were full of fighting spirit, and he collided with King Xia's kingly spear with only his body!

The coercion of the boundless kingly way fell down like a ten thousand-foot waterfall, and the earth cracked into slag, with hideous and terrifying cracks spreading.

The two human kings soared into the sky, and the same dazzling golden light shone, as if two great suns were hanging above the dome at the same time, shining brilliantly, shining all over the sky!
The incorruptible light of King Kong on his body was gradually pressed into the skin by King Xia's continuous and domineering attacks. The young Wang Wang was covered with the brilliance of martial arts divinity, dazzling like a light man.


A sharp and disdainful spear tail slammed down, shattering the void, burying the universe, with overlapping power, wrapped in the power to explode the stars, and slammed on the forehead of the young king!


His ears buzzed from the blow, his seven orifices bleed, and gold-like blood was left along his forehead, which made the young man Wang's expression a little more ferocious.

Taking a long sigh of relief, he restrained the growing fierceness in his chest, and the eyes of the young man Wang regained his clarity.

He summoned the Eight Warriors to besiege him this time for two reasons.

One is to use pressure to hone their martial arts.

The second is because of the practice of casting stars.

[Casting Star Method: Prehistoric] He already had a lot of materials needed, and he could already start to practice.

But after everything was ready, a hidden problem suddenly appeared in front of him.

The problem is that his physical body is not strong enough to swallow the root of sentient beings and mother source.

Physical strength is not enough...

This is a question that Xiang Yuan never thought would happen.

With [-] points of physical attributes, and a martial arts cultivation of the Vajra Realm, his physical body can even forcibly beat the star strike of a star-forging powerhouse!
But even with such a majestic and stalwart physical body, it still hasn't touched the threshold of the star casting method.

It can be seen from this that the threshold of this star-casting method is so high and the difficulty is so great that it is simply out of date.

Shocked in his heart, Xiang Yuan began to look for ways to improve his physical strength.

Now in the Yin Xu star, both the Yin God family and the demon family have been slaughtered, and the strong men of the two families are buried in his hands.

Among the remaining blood clans, he has already seen the strength of the blood king Ye Jinghong, and he is not enough to be his opponent.

In the absence of foreign races as attribute points to fill, improving martial arts has become the only effective way.

So he asked the Eight Warriors to join forces to besiege him, hoping to create some pressure on himself, so as to perfect and improve the martial art.

Stretching out his hand to touch it, the wound on the forehead recovered as before. The young man Wang Gang was about to fight again, but Dao Ling's voice came from his ear.

"It is detected that the power fluctuation of the star-forming realm is approaching, and the opponent has a 90.00% probability of landing on the Yinxu star."

The complexion changed, and the young man Wang's eyes were fixed.

The Star Forging Realm that came directly towards Yinxu Star...was it brought by the high-ranking Baluo bone who escaped last time?

With the enemy at hand, Xiang Yuan immediately stopped the game with the warriors, and ordered them to notify the whole country to enter a state of war, and all the staff to take refuge in the bunker.

"My lord, I'll go with you." Hong Zhengrong frowned and said, noticing that Xiang Yuan's tone was heavy after the real body of King Xia was gone.

Knowing that if the other party was really brought by the high-level baloo bone, it would be difficult for Hong Zhengrong and the others to resist if they went. After all, they were aliens from the Star Forging Realm. Not necessarily an enemy.

Mr. Hong, you arrange for everyone to take refuge as soon as possible, including yourself. Without my order, no one is allowed to leave the refuge without permission. This is the king's order! "

After ordering the warriors to die, the young king rushed directly into the sky according to Dao Ling's guidance, turning into a golden light and disappearing in an instant.

"It's not an enemy, so why bother to take refuge..." Hearing the contradiction in Xiang Yuan's words, Hong Zhengrong clenched his fists, and the young man's majestic order echoed in his ears.

"Let's go! Immediately notify the cities of the two places to fully enter the wartime state and evacuate collectively!"


Yin deficiency star

In front of the sky without regrets
The young man Wang with furrowed brows stood alone above the surging sky of the sea of ​​clouds.

Amidst Dao Ling's detection reminder, the fluctuations in the power of the Star Forging Realm kept approaching.


In front of the dark as ink, like an abyss, there were layers of ripples on the wall of no regrets, and one after another, white bone eggs descended from the starry sky of the outer domain to this star.

Sure enough, it was them.

Seeing these white bone eggs that were exactly the same as the high-level Baluo bone that escaped last time, Xiang Yuan's expression became serious.

From the current point of view, it is right to seek revenge.

A total of thirteen forest bone eggs hovered above the Yinxu star sky, pressing the void to tremble continuously, scattered distorted light and shadows all over the sky, and the tyrannical life breath raged continuously, as if even this sky was about to be bent by it.

After thirteen Mori White Bone Eggs, a Bone Egg with a purple-black unicorn erected on its head slowly penetrated the wall of no regrets.

When this bone egg penetrated the wall of no regrets, the eternally erect, immobile pitch-black barrier began to shake continuously, as if it could not bear the force, it was about to be torn apart and collapsed.

Is this the true master?

His eyes narrowed and he stared at the thirteen other skeletons guarding him, like the last skeleton of a king. The young man Wang lightly squeezed his fingers, the fierce light in his eyes was like the rising sun, and his desire gradually became stronger.


The bones and eggs were opened, and thirteen high-level Baluo bone-casting star-level powerhouses walked out of the bone eggs expressionlessly. These star-building powerhouses had a terrifying aura. Shang Weili.

But at this moment, these strong men knelt down on one knee, facing the purple-black bones in the center, as if they were welcoming someone supreme.


The moment the Zihei bone egg was opened, Xiang Yuandou felt a slight tremor in the world, and at that moment he felt that the world was suddenly disconnected, and everything was suppressed.

Although this feeling disappeared quickly, it was enough to prove that the existence of this purple-black bone egg was absolutely extraordinary!
Flipping the hexagonal vendetta bone with two fingers, the old Baluogu walked out of the bone egg with a calm expression.

"It's really a weak star. I'm so weak that I have to control my words so as not to shatter it..."

Calmly scanning the entire star, the old Ba Luogu shook his head, and then set his sights on the young man standing alone.

The void was violent, and the power that distorted the heaven and earth exploded directly on the young man Wang, as if the exploding power of the stars instantly tore apart the void for thousands of miles, and the chaos blurred the entire sky.


(End of this chapter)

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