Six Gods

Chapter 389 Chaos opens up, you can see the prehistoric

Chapter 389 Chaos opens up, you can see the prehistoric
As if swallowing a mass of broken glass, Xiang Yuan frowned and swallowed forcefully.

"Cough cough..."

The Xuangen stuff went into the abdomen completely, and Xiang Yuan began to cough violently, and after coughing a few times, he spit out a dazzling halo.

At the same time, bright rays of light began to emerge from his seven orifices, and his whole body seemed to be lightened, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

The black flames on his body gradually subsided, and the strangely black qi and blood became pure again. The process of fixing the Xuangen suppressed all the signs of Xiang Yuan's previous obsession.

Feeling the changes in the body, he applied the method of casting stars to Yuanmo, intending to completely surrender the tyrannical power in the mysterious root and use it for his own use, using it as the foundation for casting stars.

It's just that the mysterious root that combines the roots of sentient beings and the mother's source is so powerful, even if it is swallowed by Xiang Yuan, it is not easy to digest.

The 8000 million pores in his body were emitting dazzling light, Xiang Yuan sat cross-legged, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and the attribute bar in his field of vision was constantly blurring, faintly changing to another name, but it was not stable and repeated from time to time ...

Enduring the intense and violent force constantly exploding Nirvana in his body, it was like opening up the world, crushing every cell in his body to pieces.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, Xiang Yuan followed the star-casting method to separate part of his flesh, internal organs, bones, and even his consciousness to fuse with his profound roots, laying the foundation of the stars.

In the dark, an ancient vast land is unfolding into Yuan's body, and endless power is continuously injected into his body along this land, allowing him to have the mighty power to pick up the stars, capture the moon, and strike big stars.

But just when Xiang Yuan thought that the star-casting method would be successful, an invisible black hand suddenly covered him, like a big black sky, cutting off his connection with this ancient continent, and stopping his soon-to-be-successful star-casting method fail.

The star-casting method was forcibly blocked, and Xiang Yuan spurted out a mouthful of golden blood, and the tens of thousands of miles of sea area evaporated, and the yang qi rose violently and violently.


With black hair dancing wildly, eyes roaring, he clearly felt that his star-casting process was deliberately blocked by someone, Xiang Yuan was extremely angry, if this person was in front of him, he would definitely eat his flesh and blood and crush his bones.

Cutting off one's practice is like killing one's parents.

After being furious, Xiang Yuan calmed down. The big black hand gave him a feeling of ethereal loftiness just now, as if it was a big hand stretched down from the 33rd layer of heaven, showing coldness and arrogance.

Is someone targeting me on purpose?

After the star casting failed, the severe pain in Xiang Yuan's body disappeared, and at the same time, it meant that the physical strength he had just accumulated was also exhausted.

Looking at the 9999 physical attributes in the attribute column, the young man Wang Meiyu showed a fierce look.

Like to stop, right? I see how many times you can stop...

With a big stride, Xiang Yuan directly crossed over to another sea prison of dry bones. He stopped talking nonsense and raised his hand for the most violent and violent attack, quickly killing the cast star Baluo bone in the sea prison with the force of thunder.

Muxue activation, physique +2000...

The familiar excruciating pain surged again. This time, Xiang Yuan, who had been prepared for a long time, seemed much calmer. Although the severe pain still caused his veins to bulge all over his body and his breath to swell, it was better than the state of being almost bewitched just now. a lot.

Taking out a profound root again, swallowing it in one gulp, the strong sense of impact and the connection in the dark resurfaced...

Overshadowing the sky!


Xiang Yuan, who was prepared, tried to open his eyes wide this time, staring at the pair of big hands that suddenly appeared, his eyes overflowed with blood, and the corners of his eyes were torn...


The void shook, Zhu Xing failed to be interrupted again, covering his eyes with blood flowing between his fingers, Xiang Yuan panted slowly.

"No... see clearly, come again!"

With the stubbornness of a martial arts fanatic, Xiang Yuan wiped away the blood gushing from his eye sockets, and then changed the prison to kill Ba Luogu, and started another star casting.

After swallowing Xuangen three times in a row, the continuous impact of the huge force caused a faint crack to appear in Xiang Yuan's bones.

But at this moment, Xiang Yuan couldn't take care of that much anymore, and now he desperately wanted to know which party's existence actually guarded him so strictly and interrupted his star casting one after another.

Casting stars again and again...

Failed again and again...

When the young man Wang arrived at the last sea prison of bones, his body was already in tatters, and even his eyes became dim like ashes.

"There is still... hope..." A skinny figure with decayed vitality and blood, but the skeleton is still tall and proud, came in front of the last Xingbaluo bone.

His eyes were dim, but there was an incomparable pure light emitting from an obsession, which made Zhu Xingba Luogu stand in a daze.

The shriveled, shriveled hands climbed up to Barlow's throat, and the remaining radiant power overflowed from the pores and bone crevices.


With a crisp sound, Zhu Xingbaluo's neck was twisted, and then the remaining ray of brilliance surged out, directly suppressing his body, and obstinately wiped it clean.

"Come again..."

The thin lips murmured in a low voice, and the scrawny young man Wang Moran stood tall. After failing nine times in a row, this was the last effort...


In the dark, the ancient voice trembled.

A ray of great force in the primordial world propped it apart.

The chaos is opened up, and the prehistoric world can be seen.

In the first nine times of star casting, every inch of failure, the young king lost part of his flesh, organs, bones and even consciousness.

After nine times, he has nothing to lose in this body.

"Come on...see if you can stop me again..."

The eyes slowly closed, and the last piece of mysterious root was swallowed by the young king, and this time the dose of mysterious root was ten times that of before.

The power enough to explode a star exploded into Yuan's body, like galaxies surging and roaring in his body, flowing through every inch of his body, combined with the last attachment of his body.

No sorrow, no joy, lost everything, abandoned everything, the young man Wang Baoxiang was solemn, and his whole body exuded the pure nature of seeking Tao.

In the void, blossoming flowers bloom, flowing with an intoxicating fragrance that makes all things surrender.


There was a deep shock, and the black hand that covered the sky reappeared as before, exuding a cold and ruthless aura, reaching out to the young king once again, trying to erase his last hope.

The heavy pressure on the top of the head dropped, and the young man Wang suddenly felt it. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and two jets of light pierced the sky, opening up the blue sky.

"Emperor Engine·Death!"

The heart made a terrifying loud noise that shook the universe, every inch of skin and every bone in his body exuded a radiant light!

Sacrificial to the young king who burned everything, endless blood and golden light shot up into the sky, covering the entire sea of ​​dry bones, smudged and pierced the sky, illuminating the entire star field around the Yinxu star. Bright.

It even spread towards the entire Yinquan starfield!
On the sky, the dragon-headed giant and the old man Baluogu turned their heads to look at the sea of ​​bones turned into a sea of ​​gold by the golden light, and the golden light that was still expanding. Their eyes were shocked and surprised, and they took a breath.

"Casting star brilliance? How could it be so huge..."

A big sun rises slowly, illuminating the three thousand people all over the world.

In the center of the Yinquan star field, the curled up Tianxin giant raised his head in response, and in the eyes of the universe, there was a golden light that was constantly dazzling.

A bit of thought appeared on the expression, and after a moment, the Tianxin giant opened his mouth and spit out an exquisite spar with 99 faces, which turned into a colorful streamer, like a horse, and flew towards the Yinxu star...

(End of this chapter)

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