Six Gods

Chapter 392 Migration, Holy Spirit Starfield

Chapter 392 Migration, Holy Spirit Starfield

Yinxu star, the king's palace
A face carved out like a knife with a rigid edge, mighty, powerful, eyes like torches, and full of explosive power.

Half of his face was covered by his hair, which was like a waterfall of ink, and the light in his eyes was crystal clear.

Dressed in a red dress with dark patterned cloud sleeves, the man lowered his eyes, holding an ink pen and writing on the white paper of the desk, writing a masterpiece of calligraphy.

"Introduction to Martial Arts"

Carefully selecting out the easy-to-understand parts of his own martial arts experience, compiling and summarizing, and condensing this piece of martial arts preliminary explanation, the young man Wang raised his pen slightly, and dropped the last word of "[-]-year-old state".

The chapter was completed, and the martial arts divine light soaring into the sky suddenly turned into a bright beam of light, directly penetrated the roof of the palace, and sank into the sky.

The halo lasted for a long time, and rippled lines spread out on the sky.

"Wang Bo, take this volume back and copy it again, and then ask your disciples to copy it out piece by piece.

This was originally kept by you, don't show it to others. "Put the ink pen in his hand on the pen rest, and lightly wave his long sleeves to Yuan, the sharp and authentic martial art on the white paper suddenly absorbs all the light, and turns into an ordinary article, only between the turning point of the writing, You can still see countless martial arts charm looming in it.

"Understood." Walking forward, there was a crackling sound as the gaps in the armor on his body collided. Wang Bai reached out to get the true solution of martial arts on the desk. As soon as he took it, he felt a hundred thousand mountains falling into his palm, which was extremely heavy.

Although this introduction to martial arts is only at the level of Hundred Life Realm, it contains Xiang Yuan's most quintessential martial arts essence.

It's no exaggeration to say that this single piece of paper is enough to suppress a mountain and sea monster, and the mighty and majestic spirit contained in it can even protect the land of millions of miles from any evil spirits.

It is precisely because the original power written by Xiang Yuan himself was too strong, so Wang Bai copied a copy, and then copied it layer by layer to weaken the power in it, so that people with weaker realms can also learn without being affected by the power in it. hurt.

"How many clansmen have recently unsealed the blood seal in the body?" Xiang Yuan asked casually while wiping his palms with a silk handkerchief embroidered with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"A total of four people have been awakened in City 68, two children and two adults, and they have all been sent to Jibing City.

and also……"

Putting away the martial arts truth, Wang Bai pursed his lips, with a hesitant expression, as if he had something to say but didn't know how to say it.

"What else? It's not like you to hesitate."

"That's it... this... Master Hong asked me to ask about the selection of concubines..." After taking several deep breaths, Wang Bai spat out the words he was holding in his mouth.

"Choosing a concubine..." Unexpectedly, it was this matter that Wang Bai was entangled in not knowing how to speak, Xiang Yuan put down the silk handkerchief and said: "Didn't I say it, I have no plans in this regard yet.

You can't force me to marry a wife. "

"But Master Hong said, we will move soon, if you can get married, it must be a great fortune..."

"Fart, you can make excuses like this." After giving Wang Bai a blank look, Xiang Yuan walked outside the main entrance of the palace with his hands behind his back, showing a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

At some point, Hong Zhengrong and the other elders of the family suddenly began to worry about his marriage.

More than once, he proposed to choose a concubine for him.

But Xiang Yuan's own love relationship has been cut off, and he feels that he has long been unable to perceive love. Even if a beautiful woman stands in front of him, he will not be tempted, and will only regard it as an ordinary person.

So he didn't feel cold about choosing a concubine, but felt that it was a waste of time.

"Go back and tell Mr. Hong and the others not to mention this matter again. Forced marriage is not a good habit."

As an ordinary person in his previous life, he was forced to go on blind dates several times, but he never thought that now he has become a king, a strong man who can crush stars at will, would receive the same treatment. Xiang Yuan shook his head and told Wang Bai.

After getting rid of the forced marriage and selection of concubines, Xiang Yuan took out the bone that marked the position of another human race obtained from the old man Barlow.

"Holy Spirit Starfield..."

Xiang Yuan has deciphered the coordinates on the bone through the astrolabe plate he bought from Yun Youtian, and it is a place called the Holy Spirit Starfield.

According to the information that Yun Youtian can buy, the Holy Spirit star field is a mixed star field, and two races live in it.

In addition to the human race, the other two races are the aborigines of the Holy Spirit star field, the Holy Spirit family.

The other one is the Kraken.

Also as the aborigines of the star field, the strength of the Holy Spirit family is much stronger than that of the Yin God family. The whole group not only occupies three life stars, but also has two star-forging powerhouses sitting in each star.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit family occupies half of the entire Holy Spirit star field, and two-thirds of the remaining half area is occupied by the Kraken family.

The last third of the area is the most barren and dangerous place in the entire Holy Spirit Starfield. Neither the Holy Spirit nor the Kraken looked down on it, so it was picked up by the human race and settled there.

Although the old Ba Luogu had made a great vow to the stars that he would never attack the Yinxu star human race again, but to be on the safe side, Xiang Yuan decided to take the entire Yinxu star's human race to migrate, in order to prevent the Baluogu clan's black hands from making cold arrows. Find another place to live.

Migration of all races requires a lot of preparatory work. Although Xiang Yuan is now in the half-step star-casting realm, the main body star has not been fully cast, and he cannot transfer the human race of the Yinxu star to his own main body star.

So he can only choose another time-consuming and labor-intensive method.

That is... to take away the entire Yinxu Star together.

In order to realize this idea, Xiang Yuan found a solution from Yunyoutian after paying nearly 300 million Yuan coins.

Deng Yun Bao Niu God Driving!

This is a huge magic weapon specially used to drag the stars to move and migrate. From the outside, it looks like a dead wood ox cart pulled by three white bulls. The style is simple, even a little crude.

After starting this Dengyunbao Bull God Driving, the special magic pattern inscribed on the bullock cart can replace and shrink the entire star, put it on the bullock cart, and then drag it to move and migrate.

Now, as long as Xiang Yuan waits until his No Regrets Wall is condensed, he can fly into the starry sky, sacrifice this magic weapon, shrink the Yinxu Star, and then drive Dengyun Baoniu God to the Holy Spirit Starfield.

"Based on the current situation, the Wall of No Regrets should be solidified soon..."

With a thought, a faint black phantom suddenly appeared on Xiang Yuan's body surface, which seemed to be as thin as a cloud of smoke, but actually had an unshakable and tyrannical defense.

This is the prototype of Wuguibi.

Ordinary half-step star casting seldom condenses Wuhuibi in advance, after all, it needs to consume a very precious celestial pill.

And as long as the main body and stars are fully mature, Wuhuibi will be born naturally, and there is no need to deliberately condense them.

But Xiang Yuan didn't have time to wait until his own star body was fully mature. With his current body, he could walk in the starry sky in a short period of time, but he couldn't do it if it took too long.

Dengyun Baoniu Shenjia needs people to control it, so he must gather Wuguibi in advance and obtain the conditions to survive in the starry sky in order to successfully complete this migration.


(End of this chapter)

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