Six Gods

Chapter 394 Zhao Wang?

Chapter 394 Zhao Wang?

Holy Spirit Starfield
tidal flat
Countless withered and cracked stars are scattered throughout this cold and dark star field. Wave after wave of star tides, rushing, annihilating and scouring, spread in this area, forming a dead and forbidden place.

The taboo was silent, a slippery figure in a withered yellow coir raincoat and a coir rain hat, quickly shuttled through this dangerous forbidden area, stopping on the broken stars from time to time, rustling, as if collecting wearing something.

"The spiritual soil in this star field is almost exhausted, and no matter how far away, we will encounter those big fish..."

From the center of a broken star, a handful of light blue soil was found. The figure in coir raincoat stood up and looked at the surrounding stars that had been searched out, and made a low voice.

Just as the coir raincoat figure was about to leave this star beach and go to other areas, the shattered stars in all directions suddenly exploded, and the void was expanded into passages, and four star-casting powerhouses filled with the breath of heaven and man stepped through it. Walking out, the breath was indifferent and solemn, filled with killing intent.

"Luo Sixi, where else can you escape today!"

A star-casting celestial being with blue skin, jaws with gills, and skin covered with fine scales stepped forward, and scolded Luo Sixi who was wearing a coir raincoat below him in a deep voice.

The four star-casting celestial beings have a strong aura, firmly occupying the four directions, and the stars above their heads are looming, exuding a terrifying smell of crushing the heavens and shattering the sky, and they may roar down at any time!

"Hehe, there are quite a lot of people here today, but if you want to catch me, you little salted fish are still young." Lifting up the coir hat, Luo Sixi's male and female faces were full of disdain.

"It's just a matter of talking and talking, let's do it!"

With a cold snort, the four star-casting celestial beings of the sea-monster clan didn't talk nonsense, and directly activated the majestic and vast power of the sea-monster in their bodies, turning this cold star field into a boundless sea, with waves surging and majestic In an instant, the distance of millions of miles of star debris was flattened.

The power of the boundless tide turned Luo Sixi's face blue, and the force of terror and tyranny poured down, confusing the broken void, like countless monsters, and rushed towards Luo Sixi with grinning teeth.

Facing the bombardment of the Siren and Heavenly Man, Luo Sixi stretched out his hand and pulled off a handful of dry grass from the coir raincoat. With his fingers flying, a delicate straw man suddenly took shape.

"Straw stand-in!"

Using the tried-and-tested substitute secret technique, Luo Sixi's figure suddenly began to fade, and the scarecrow in his hand gradually changed into his appearance.

Witnessing the effectiveness of Luo Sixi's secret technique, a sea demon celestial being smiled coldly, and vaguely took out a piece of black bamboo with dark red ancient characters written on the surface.

His nails lightly scratched a red ancient inscription on the black bamboo.

Pop trembling!

In the depths of the void with a radius of a million miles, a dense dark red silk thread like a spider web suddenly stretched out, exuding the stench of no regrets.

The secret technique has already progressed halfway, and the scarecrow in front of him is almost similar to Luo Sixi, but just when his figure is about to disappear completely, endless red light surges, like a volcano erupting viscous lava, the power of cold and evil poison Forcibly forced him out and cut off the secret technique.

His complexion changed suddenly, Luo Sixi's body was firmly trapped by a large net dripping blood red with an extremely stench, and the silk thread was strangled into the skin and flesh of the coir raincoat, making a screeching sound of corrosion.

"Luo Sixi, accept your fate obediently."

With a sneering sneer, a siren celestial being stepped over to the side of the trapped Luo Sixi, spit out a handful of mucus-stained scales, and stuffed them into his mouth.

The scales melted in his mouth, Luo Sixi's face turned blue, and the penetrating blue-black meridians gushed out from under his skin, turning into a hideous image.

Luo Sixi was caught as he wished, and the sea monsters and the gods were in a good mood: "One hundred years of planning, one day's success.

Without this celestial being in the human race, their way of life has come to an end. "

The ear-piercing laughter of the sea monsters echoed in his ears, Luo Sixi's heart was ashamed, and the unforgettable pain on his body could not overwhelm the unwillingness and grief in his heart.

After capturing Luo Sixi, the Siren Heavenly Man took him with him and prepared to return to the clan to cook him properly.

"A few salted fish dare to speak out loudly and cut off my human race's way of life! Court death!"

The heavens are mighty, the sun is shining!
In the cold and dark starry sky, a ray of golden light rose domineeringly, and the endless light and heat turned into intense brilliance, illuminating the world, causing blood bubbles all over the bodies of the four siren gods to burst and howl.

The terrifying fist that fell like a star was surging with domineering energy and blood, crushing and smashing down!
As if a sun was falling directly, the incomparable human energy and blood turned into thousands of murderous intentions. It ran over the walls of no regrets of the four sea monsters and celestial beings and smashed them to pieces, instantly severely wounding these strong alien races.

dong dong!

With boundless light under his feet, the majestic man in white robes was glowing with golden light, his eyes were filled with a domineering look, and his clothes were fluttering, sweeping away everything.

One punch!
Severe damage to the four sea monsters and heavenly beings!

Such a tyrannical and terrifying power is simply frightening!

Fear surged in their eyes, and the four siren gods didn't dare to stay any longer, they hastily mobilized all their strength, and fled in embarrassment, as if disregarding their own status.

"Want to go now? It's too late!"

Turning his eyes, a terrifying sun that dominates the entire star field gradually appeared on the top of the white-robed man's head. The shining golden light instantly blocked the entire world, and firmly blocked the life of the four sea monsters and heavenly beings.

As soon as he took a step, the world shook with every step. The man in white robe stretched out his five fingers, and the palm lines flowed with all kinds of magical brilliance, as if he wanted to encompass the whole world in his hands.

Bang bang bang!
Facing this terrifying man who was like a descendant of a god, the Sea Demon Heaven and Human Sect roared angrily, sacrificed the stars of his body, and fought against trapped beasts!

"The arm of the mantis is like a car." Looking coldly at the sea demon celestial being who was driving the body and the stars in a desperate posture, the white-robed man suddenly clenched his five fingers, and in an instant, the sky and the earth closed again, turning into a chaotic primitive land.


Four screams were heard, and the four main body stars were shattered one after another, turning into debris all over the sky, and the infinite star field was turned into a land of destruction.

A palm crushed the sea monster to death, the man in white robe stretched out his hand a little, the golden glow shone, and the blood net and scales on Luo Sixi's body, who stood sluggishly, immediately melted like white snow.

Unexpectedly, she was unexpectedly rescued from the inevitable situation, Luo Sixi swallowed her saliva, and cautiously came to the man in white robe: "Thank you for saving your life, may I ask you..."

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, revealing a gentle smile, the man in white robe reached out and touched Luo Sixi's head: "My surname is Zhao, you can call me... King Zhao."

"King Zhao? Could it be that you are..." Feeling the warm hand of the white-robed man, recalling the mighty, powerful, supremely masculine human blood, Luo Sixi's eyes lit up, and exclaimed:

"Human King!"


The corner side of the Holy Spirit Starfield

Another white-robed man, Wang, who was driving an ox cart, felt suddenly, and looked sideways in a certain direction, with doubts in his eyes:

"Who called me?"


(End of this chapter)

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