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Chapter 135 Qin leaves Luohexi, the world competes together

Chapter 135 Qin leaves Luohexi, the world competes together
"Draft an imperial edict ordering the Ninth Prince Wu Mingkong to set off for the fief on a certain day." The Great Zhou Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but the Ninth Prince has not yet recruited soldiers, not even weapons." Said the old eunuch beside him.

In fact, anyone who is interested will find that every prince will recruit mansion soldiers and equip them with weapons independently, but Wu Mingkong is different, he does not have mansion soldiers at all.

No one told Wu Mingkong this incident was one reason, and the other reason was that the Emperor Dazhou had said an angry sentence after hearing the verdict: "You shall not be assigned troops for life."

This soldier not only refers to the government soldiers, but also the staff.

So even if Wu Mingkong knew about this, it would be impossible for him to recruit government soldiers on his own, and the clan government would definitely stop it.

These made Wu Mingkong so shabby, everyone was a staff of the government soldiers and servants butlers, Wu Mingkong only had some servants with whistle sticks and Wu Ping.

That's why Wu Mingkong had to carry a kitchen knife and a pot cover to play the first dungeon. There was really no way. The entire Qin Palace had only a few kitchen knives and a rusty hatchet.

Although Wu Mingkong doesn't fight for the dragon, other princes' clan mansions will also be equipped with an aide who advises them, and like Wu Ping, he is just a housekeeper, a high-level servant.

"Notify the clan mansion and ask their rangers to escort the Ninth Prince. After all, it's not good to go on the road alone." Emperor Da Zhou didn't answer Wu Mingkong's mansion soldiers directly.

The old eunuch couldn't help but give the Ninth Prince a ride?Or go alone?
Even the servants in Prince Qin's mansion are not allowed to take him, or are they escorted by rangers who are not even regular soldiers?Is this sending him to the fiefdom?
This is to send Wu Mingkong on his way.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The old eunuch didn't dare to say anything, but retreated slowly.

Where is Wu Mingkong's fiefdom?

It was originally in the west of Luodu, the fertile and prosperous Hexi, but since the verdict came out, Wu Mingkong's fief was changed to Saibei.

A small county with a size of tens of miles was originally named Sishui County, but now it was changed to Qin County because of Wu Mingkong.

It was surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the only exit was Junyang Pass, which was on the border of Dazhou. There were heavy guards there, and as long as there was a slight disturbance, troops could be assembled to suppress it immediately.

The fiefs of other princes are at least one county, but Wu Mingkong only has a small and shabby small county town, which is extremely poor, and now there are not many people there, and even because no one communicates, if the people inside die, they will not be repopulated. found.

"Ming Kong, Ming Kong, I hope you understand that everything is in vain." Emperor Da Zhou looked as usual.

The fief and everything are just floating clouds, because he knows that Wu Mingkong will never reach Qin County, and will only die of illness on the way.

Even if the ranger is not strong enough, there will still be someone behind to help send Wu Mingkong on the road.

If it weren't for the simultaneous appearance of the two verdict mottos of Ziwei, Haoyue stained with red blood tonight, the so-called verdict of the machine that day was just a joke, and Wu Mingkong might just be a happy prince who never leaves Luodu.

Emperor Da Zhou was also a man of strength, and he didn't do anything to Wu Mingkong. Although he didn't value Wu Mingkong, he was still his son.

But now everything has come true, even if these two signs were accidents, Wu Mingkong would have to die, not to mention that the Emperor Da Zhou didn't believe that these two signs that appeared at the same time could be accidents.

These two omens are really too coincidental, so coincidental that everyone firmly believes in the verdict motto, otherwise, why would that Tianjizi only judge Wu Mingkong and not the other princes.

Naturally, Wu Mingkong didn't know about these things. He was finishing the work when he suddenly felt restless.

"Someone is plotting against me." Wu Mingkong immediately understood where the restlessness came from. If it was some simple calculations, Wu Mingkong would not have such a feeling at all. His godson, being able to be restless must have affected him.

Within the Sun Moon Cave, all the facilities are operating together.

All kinds of formations used for divination, fortune-telling, and fortune-telling were combined at the same time, and in just a moment, the entire Sun, Moon, and Heaven turned into a large-scale divination scene.

Wu Mingkong forcibly changed the venue into Fengshui with various formations of the sun, the moon, and the cave, and used the destiny as the texture to deduce himself with the technique of twelve fortune divination.

"No, how did Da Zhou's Guo Zuo change?"

The entire Guozuo is now only a mess. According to Wu Mingkong's calculations, there are at least 300 years of Guozuo, but now it is at most three years, and the original purple energy has now turned into a catastrophe.

"What is the principle? Because there is no magic, so the theory of Guozuo can't affect the country?"

Every decision made by the Emperor of the Great Zhou was affecting the fate of the country, and a trivial decision might lead to terrifying changes like a butterfly effect.

Just like the Great Zhou Guozuo that Wu Mingkong saw, the country was still long before, but now the building is about to collapse.

"Everything is variable when God's will is not manifested? It's not that the national destiny I see affects the country, but the country presents the national destiny."

"If this is the case, then what is the luck of the people? The luck of the people is also changed because of everyone's decision?" Wu Mingkong looked at himself.

He has nothing, not to mention his own luck, not even a hair.

Probably luck is all used in the dungeon system.

But although he has no luck, it doesn't affect him to calculate himself.

From the context of destiny, Wu Mingkong carefully searched for the cause and effect related to him. However, Wu Mingkong still didn't have any problems. The war started.

Everything else was trivial, and Wu Mingkong could only let it go.

"It's blurry and I can't see clearly, but it's not dangerous." Wu Mingkong didn't care anymore. You can't believe all the spells. Who knows if it's true or not? Blurred, let alone other people.

"The restlessness is probably due to Guozuo's problem. After all, I am also the prince of Dazhou. It seems that it is time to jump out of this quagmire. After a few more dungeons, I can try to see if I can be transferred to the fiefdom." Wu Ming Kong attributed his uneasiness to the collapse of Guozuo. He didn't think about continuing to hang out here in Dazhou, he just wanted to find a place to hide and practice.

After Wu Mingkong left the Riyue Cave, he took a breath. After all, Wu Mingkong had been refining the magic weapon for more than half a year, and he didn't move much. Although it didn't hinder him, he still wanted to go out for a walk.

Before Wu Mingkong came out, the blood moon in the sky faded to blood red, and Yinghuoxing, who committed Ziwei's crime, also left immediately, everything seemed as if nothing had happened, so peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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