Chapter 137

"Going to the southern border to suppress the remnants of Bailian, what is this?"

Wu Mingkong rode his donkey and took Heizi on the road alone. When he left the capital, the weather was smooth and he did not meet any thieves who robbed houses. Maybe Wu Mingkong looked too poor. It should have nothing to do with Heizi's buffalo-sized figure. .

"Speaking of which, Nanjiang is thousands of miles away from the imperial capital. With my speed, the remnants of Bailian might die by themselves when we get there."

According to normal circumstances, it would only take three to five days for a Celestial Realm martial artist to travel from Kyoto to southern Xinjiang. After all, he could fly.

But Wu Mingkong is different, he rides a donkey, at this speed, it will take at least a month or two to get there.

"I planted this tree, this road."

Heizi spewed out flames, and the short-sighted Taoist immediately turned into ashes.

Wu Mingkong didn't even take a look at it. This kind of sight is blind. How could a normal person jump out when seeing a strange beast as big as Heizi?

"Brother, is that a dog?" Two fast horses passed by Wu Mingkong, and a voice asked.

"It's a dog, maybe it's a different species, that's why it looks so majestic." Another steady voice came back.

"I can't think of anyone who can raise such a mighty dog. He must be a well-known person in the Jianghu. Brother, otherwise, go and pay a visit."


The two reined in their horses and turned their heads, and saw Wu Mingkong still riding the donkey leisurely.

"Brother is polite, a certain family's surname is Duan and the name is Jianyuan."

Wu Mingkong also heard the conversation between the two from a distance. Since they were polite, the pupils of Guixu did not swallow any unruly emotions between the two, so they also raised their hands: "You are polite, you two go and go." Turn back, I don’t know but what’s the matter?”

"It's nothing serious, but seeing that my brother can tame such a miraculous big dog, I can't help but come to make friends with him. This is my junior brother Zhou Shu." Duan Jianyuan was honest and didn't talk nonsense.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. My surname is Zhen, and each character is distinct." Wu Mingkong also said with a smile.

"Zhen Ming, Xiongtai actually has the same name as the doctor No. 9 on the Billboard. Could it be that Xiongtai is that doctor?" Zhou Shu was a little surprised.

Wu Mingkong didn't spread his hands, but said cheerfully: "You two are flattering me, do you think I look like me?"

"Seven-pointed." Duan Jianyuan didn't seem to believe it, so he said this, which euphemistically explained his disbelief and praised Wu Mingkong.

"Thank you for the compliment, thank you for the compliment, where are you two going, don't you know the same way?" Wu Mingkong didn't refute, thinking that these two people are not only sincere, but can also talk, if he is not really a doctor, it must be very special to hear Comfortable, of course, and now.

"There are some things about the sect in Annan City, I don't know where Brother Zhen is going." Zhou Shu asked.

Wu Mingkong thinks that he can't say that he went to the southern border to suppress the remnants of Bailian, after all, who would believe it.

"To visit relatives in southern Xinjiang, this section is on the same road as the two of you." Wu Mingkong did pass through Annan City on his way to southern Xinjiang, so he just mentioned it, but judging from their appearance, they probably won't go with him. After all, while others ride fast horses, Wu Mingkong just rides a donkey and walks slowly.

It's just that Wu Mingkong miscalculated, and the two seemed to rely on Wu Mingkong.

"Such a coincidence, it seems that we can have a good communication on the road." Duan Jianyuan seemed a little straightforward.

Wu Mingkong did not agree, and took out three copper coins to make a calculation, and it was auspicious.

This made Wu Mingkong a little speechless. These days, he used magic numbers to make fortunes, and he had no other hexagrams at all.

Although he also knows that unless the whole world is against him like the real world, otherwise he will be lucky if he jumps into the sea and into the crater. Not only will these not kill him, but they will be transformed into energy by the black hole physique to replenish himself.

"Daji, let's go."

Zhou Shu and Duan Jianyuan watched Wu Mingkong finish his calculations curiously: "Brother Zhen still believes in these things."

"Believe it, every hexagram has been auspicious since it was typed out. If you don't believe this kind of hexagram, what else can you believe in?" Wu Mingkong said casually.

"It is, it is."

The three of them just chatted one after another. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the three found a ruined temple and lit a bonfire and prepared to spend the night here.

Zhou Shu and Duan Jianyuan took out the dry food and prepared to eat. Seeing that Wu Mingkong hadn't done anything for a long time, they thought that Wu Mingkong didn't bring it, so they took out a dry food and handed it to Wu Mingkong.

"Brother Zhen doesn't go out often, he doesn't even bring dry food." Zhou Shu joked.

Wu Mingkong nodded, without refuting: "Indeed."

After receiving the dry food, Wu Mingkong squeezed it. This thing is really hard, probably no less hard than a stone, but it can withstand hunger, and Wu Mingkong also saw from it that this dry food must be very valuable. Not only is it mixed with It is mixed with a little big medicine, and it is made by pressing refined flour and meat powder. This dry food is afraid that it will cost an ordinary person a month's expenses.

Wu Mingkong also sensed that the two of them might not have much dry food.

Zhou Shu and Duan Jianyuan looked at Wu Mingkong and refused to eat the dry food, and they were a little puzzled: "Brother Zhen, it's not to your liking, there are no good dishes in this wilderness."

"It's really not to my liking, wait for me."

As Wu Mingkong said, he untied a bundle from the donkey's back, and took out a folding pot and some bottles and cans from it.

He took out the water he had brought a few days ago and poured it into the pot, and threw the dry food in. Seeing that the two of them were chewing the dry food, Wu Ming took it and threw it into the pot together while the two were not paying attention.

Then pick and choose from the bottles and jars and put them into the pot.

"Throw me a papaya and repay it with Qiongju. Since you have invited me to eat dry food, I will invite you to eat delicious food."

The two didn't say anything, they just quietly watched Wu Mingkong operate.

Wu Mingkong is like this, if you have good things to share with me without malice, then I will share good things with you.

The soup in the pot was gurgling and boiling, Wu Mingkong opened the lid, and a golden light shot into the sky.

When the golden light dissipated, an irresistible fragrance emanated from it.

Duan Jianyuan and Zhou Shu wanted to ask what happened to Jin Guang, but the soup was really delicious.Just smell it.

Wu Mingkong took two bowls and filled a bowl of soup for each of them.

The soup was like clear soup, and I don't know what Wu Mingkong did, and all the dry food in it was completely melted, without a trace.

"You two, try my handicraft. I am a teacher from a famous teacher." Wu Mingkong wanted to see if the soup he cooked could break the clothes of ordinary people after drinking it.

It's a pity that the golden light in front is still a little short, there is no background music, and there is no explosion of clothes, which is a lot worse.

(End of this chapter)

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