Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 203 The Controversy Between Good and Evil

Chapter 203 The Controversy between Good and Evil ([-])

[Keywords used: sustainable development, inheritance of spells, inheritance of refining tools]

[Building a copy...]

【Copy construction completed】

Copy: The Battle Between Good and Evil

Difficulty: Not selected
Target: unknown

Reward: 3 dungeon points
[Please select the difficulty of the dungeon: easy, normal, difficult, nightmare, robbery]

"The difficulty of human robbery."

[Difficulty has been determined, please choose your identity]

Righteous knight
Overseas individual
"This identity is very ordinary, and it doesn't have a gold letter. It seems that it hasn't revealed an identity similar to the protagonist's. Then choose the righteous disciple. With my Zhenshi Shenjun and Tianfu, you will be a proper righteous young hero. "

[The player gets a blank save file - the battle between good and evil]

[Dungeon target: Gorefiend's first calamity]

"This kind of vague dungeon goal again? It seems that the further the time passes, the meaning of the dungeon will not be as clear as before."

There was only one transition, and the whole person appeared in a dark cave.

This made Wu Mingkong feel awkward, this is not right, obviously he is a young hero of the righteous way, how could he appear in this cave.

After accepting the memory for a while, I felt even more stupid. This is a world of fairy tales. Not only did he avoid the regret that he didn’t use the keyword of high energy concentration, but he even made up for the doubt that he didn’t use the keyword of balanced development. up.

It is true that he is a young hero of the righteous way now, and it is in line with his own vision. The only worse thing is that he, a young hero of the righteous way, has just been wiped out.

The sect is called the Plum Blossom Sect, and it is somewhat famous for its congenital fortune-telling, and it is also proficient in refining weapons, but the inheritance is awkward, and it has always been one master and one apprentice.

After the master died, the disciples used innate divine calculations to figure out where the master was reincarnated, and then accepted them as apprentices. If the apprentice died prematurely, the master also adopted this method to accept him as an apprentice again.

This inheritance has always been that the teacher leads the apprentice, and the apprentice leads the teacher.

So for a while, this generation was a little chaotic.

But the point is not here, but why you, the Plum Blossom Sect, still need to stay here with only two people, and you run far away to make your home, and you are proficient in innate calculations, so that idiot will find you, but this generation is not strong. He still dared to practice in the Plum Blossom Sect, but a group of evil spirits and heretics came directly to the door and killed his master.

Fortunately, that unlucky master threw the inheritance of the Plum Blossom Sect to Wu Mingkong before he died.

After Wu Mingkong accepted it, he discovered an embarrassing thing.

That is, cultivating immortals requires spiritual roots, but he does not have spiritual roots, and he is not a local NPC, so where did he get the spiritual roots.

The world of immortals here is obviously different from the method of cultivating immortals in the Five Elements Secret Realm. Cultivating immortals depends entirely on spiritual roots, and this spiritual root seems to be innate.

And in this dungeon of the struggle between good and evil, everyone has a spiritual root, but the spiritual root is different.

"In this case, if I want to use the magic technique in this dungeon, do I have to have a spiritual root? Otherwise, let alone use it, I can't even get started."

For a while, Wu Mingkong couldn't help sighing, he didn't know if the whole spiritual root was troublesome or not.

But Wu Mingkong didn't have time to think about these things now, because he found a strange thing that contacted him. Although he didn't understand what he said, Wu Mingkong understood, and after a simple translation, he felt a little shit.

Roughly means three.

The first is "son???", which is an interrogative sentence.

The second is still "Son!!!", but this time it is an affirmative sentence.

The last one is longer, roughly saying "Son, come this way, I have something good for you."

At that time, Wu Mingkong felt like shit, who are you with, who are you calling son.

Then Wu Mingkong came to his senses, oh, it's Daddy World, that's all right.

The course of the matter was somewhat bumpy, and Wu Mingkong briefly summarized it.

That is, the sun candlelight of the yin and yang body was passively connected with the providence of this world, and the providence of this world found out that there was a sudden addition of a son, and the first time it was suspicious.

Then Tianjue took effect, and Dagan Fengyun World next door came to testify: "Brother, this is your real son."

In the end, it is the destiny: the god of the world (remnant) made it up, which is equivalent to throwing a DNA test in person. Although this child looks a bit ugly, it is really your son, the kind of biological one.

That's roughly how things went.

Following the guidance of God's will, Wu Mingkong walked all the way to the depths of the cave. It looked like a cave with a dry bone sitting in the center.

And in front of this dry bone, there is a volume of exercises, a magic weapon like a jade pendant.

"I want this thing to be useful. I don't even have a spiritual root." What Wu Mingkong needs now is not some magic weapon, but an experiment, to see what this so-called spiritual root is.

These things are actually found in the Plum Blossom Sect inheritance. Although there are some differences, they are superior in that they have everything from the low-level air-introduction into the body to the final ascension stage. Know whether it is true or not.

It's just that Tianyi has been urging Wu Mingkong to take it, and it feels like losing millions if he doesn't take it.

But Wu Mingkong doesn't want it. Although Wu Mingkong, the congenital god in the Plum Blossom Sect, can't be used, he went through it simply, and repeatedly emphasized that not everything can be taken. After taking it, he has to return it. If you don’t pay it back in this life, you have to continue to pay it back in the next life. It’s really the kind that not only squeezes out your current surplus value, but also squeezes out the surplus value in your next life.

But it's not a matter of God's will to be so urgent, Wu Mingkong decisively saved a file, and then picked it up.

If it doesn't work, just read the file and start over.

When Wu Mingkong picked up the volume of exercises and the jade pendant, God's will stopped urging him.

Then a remnant soul appeared.

"Later, someone with predestined relationship will obtain my skills, and you can bring this pendant to join the Taixu sect, and worship the long-bearded real person as your teacher."

As soon as the words fell, the remnant soul left and scattered away.

"Is this regarded as being cheated?"

Wu Mingkong felt a bit of shit, according to his memory, the Taixu Sect, the sect known as the leader of the righteous way, over the past few hundred years has suppressed overseas Sanren and evil heretics from daring to show their heads, and it is more than three times higher than the so-called Plum Blossom Sect. Floors.

This world does have luck, but the form is not the same as Dagan Fengyun, but it is composed of various causes and effects. Wu Mingkong has two, one is to accept his unlucky master who is dead, and the other is this disabled man. The cause and effect of the soul.

The cause and effect of accepting his master as an apprentice was the greatest, and Wu Mingkong felt that this was even worse than the remnant soul just now.

He tried to grasp the cause and effect with his hands, but Wu Mingkong was a little bit dumbfounded when things turned out, and he felt all kinds of shit in his heart. This time, there were more shit in the dungeon than in Dagan Fengyun before. There are just too many points.

(End of this chapter)

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